Created at 02/26/2023 04:46
#1034a6 HEX Color Egyptian Blue information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#1034a6 | RGB(16, 52, 166) |
RGB values are RGB(16, 52, 166)
#1034a6 color contain Red 6.27%, Green 20.39% and Blue 65.1%.
Color Names of #1034a6 HEX code
Egyptian Blue Color
Alternative colors of Egyptian Blue #1034a6
Opposite Color for Egyptian Blue is #a78411
#1034a6 Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #1034a6 Egyptian Blue
hsl(226, 82%, 36%)
hsla(226, 82%, 36%, 1)
RGB(16, 52, 166)
RGBA(16, 52, 166, 1)
Palettes for #1034a6 color Egyptian Blue:
Below examples of color palettes for #1034a6 HEX color
darkest color is #020511 from shades and lightest color is #e7ebf6 from tints
Shades palette of #1034a6:
Tints palette of #1034a6:
Complementary palette of #1034a6:
Triadic palette of #1034a6:
Square palette of #1034a6:
Analogous palette of #1034a6:
Split-Complementary palette of #1034a6:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #1034a6:
Color Egyptian Blue #1034a6 used in palettes (50)
Tints of Egyptian Blue color #1034A6 hex Shades of Egyptian Blue color #1034A6 hex logo css colors Embedded Software Burro colors palette Egyptian Blue В Peony Pink, Fright Night, Egyptian Blue, Morning Glory, Ambrosia palette Egyptian Blue, Crushed Raspberry, Cotton Seed, Southern Breeze palette Egyptian Blue, Yellow and Green Golden History, Marigold Yellow, Egyptian Blue, Linnea Blossom palette Liver Chestnut, Dying Moss, Egyptian Blue, Young Redwood palette Apricot Red, Egyptian Blue, Silverado, Grenadine, Woodsmoke, Pebblebrook palette Persian Red, Roasted Hazelnut, Dull Gold, Tiger King, Chinese Gold, English Daisy, Caustic Green, Aqua Waters, Egyptian Blue, Rust Dyer's Woad, Light Shōjin Blue, Egyptian Blue, Redstone, Quixotic palette Italian Olive, Grenadier, Carrot Cake, Key Lime, Spring Forth, Marine Wonder, Egyptian Blue, Coarse Wool, Buenos Aires, Diluted Li Golden Cream, Flavoparmelia Caperata, Iron Blue, Egyptian Blue, Cadmium Blue, Opulent Ostrich, Vintage Violet, Golden Lake, Dream Redsurrection, Ronchi, Blue Raspberry Seed, Egyptian Blue, Dark Knight, Imperial Purple, Mink Haze, Geyser Basin, Fish Bone, Prair Fire Chalk, Club Moss, Egyptian Blue, Waiporoporo Purple, Brownish Black, Surf Wash, Helen of Troy palette Glazed Pot, Paarl, Navel, Blaze Orange, Soleil, Gingerline, Egyptian Blue palette Saveloy, Pirate's Hook, Hexos Palesun, Egyptian Blue, Purple Emperor, Violet Ink, Dried Magenta, Turkish Rose, Dusky Pink, Fedora, Wine Crush, Kabacha Brown, Zamesi Desert, Advertising Green, Egyptian Blue, Pinkish, Medium Black, Uncertain Grey, Sea Breeze Gree Antique Chest, Long Lake, Egyptian Blue, Rhapsody Rap, Sunset Red, Concrete Jungle, Lead Ore, Awaken, Filtered Light, Heath Grey p Steel Legion Drab, Weaver's Tool, Yellow Brick Road, Egyptian Blue, Lake Red, Violet Vixen, Brown Velvet palette Lizard Legs, Bran, Madeira Brown, Icterine, Egyptian Blue, Transporter Green, Charcoal Briquette, Dapple Grey, Tinge Of Mauve, Sun American Beauty, Buffalo Trail, Poppy Glow, Blue Highlight, Egyptian Blue, Bulgarian Rose, Aimiru Brown, Clinker, Column Of Oak Gr Old Vine, Lucky Day, Tranquil Seashore, Egyptian Blue, Kiwikiwi Grey, Butterscotch Sundae, Primula, Sahara Wind, Paper Tiger, Pret Steampunk Gold, Magic Mountain, Autumn Fern, Egyptian Blue, Imperial Blue, Sunburnt Toes, Gentle Doe, Miniature Posey palette Warrior, Velddrif, Kimirucha Brown, Majorca Green, Indigo Batik, Egyptian Blue, Plum Crush, Bangladesh Green palette Red Hot Chili Pepper, Beech Fern, Cressida, Victorian Pewter, Goblin Blue, Aquarelle, Egyptian Blue, Kirsch Red, Globe Thistle, Ar Tankard Grey, Ludicrous Lemming, Leather Chair, Gorse Yellow Orange, Vintage Orange, Dowager, Coney Island, Egyptian Blue, Neutrin Chestnut Gold, German Mustard, Pale Flower, Berlin Blue, Egyptian Blue, Harajuku Girl, Mauverine, Basketry palette Summerset, Tangerine Yellow, Sheffield, Commandes, Greek Blue, Egyptian Blue, Classic Berry, Aotake Bamboo, Gold Wash, Peach Ash, Redtail, Fame Orange, Gooseberry Fool, Mermaid's Kiss, Egyptian Blue, Vega Violet, Red Dahlia, Monologue palette Construction Zone palette Arcadia, Pinafore Blue, Egyptian Blue, Bonza Green, Neutral Buff, Spun Jute, Pink Prism palette Gingko Tree, Rosedust, Egyptian Blue, Medium Taupe, Vile Green palette Viking Castle, Pochard Duck Head, Ancient Brandy, Finlandia, Egyptian Blue, Blue Angel, Blue Gem, Washed Khaki palette Force of Nature, Azure, Egyptian Blue, Grape Juice palette yellow green and blue Passion for Revenge, Bristol Beige, Nut Cracker, Swedish Clover, Egyptian Blue, Energic Eggplant, Dunes Manor palette Ryza Dust, Flavoparmelia Caperata, Plumosa, Egyptian Blue, Medium Red Violet, Feasty Fuchsia, Rose Tattoo palette Khardic Flesh, Kiwi Fruit, Egyptian Blue, Aircraft Blue, Crown Blue palette Lionheart, Wildflower Honey, Hygiene Green, Egyptian Blue, Panama Rose, Dead Pixel, Highland Green palette Pumpkin, Egyptian Blue, Coffee House palette Chaat Masala, Chinese Green, Pepper Sprout, Chetwode Blue, Pacific Depths, Egyptian Blue, Bay Brown, Copper Pyrite Green, Apple Hi Dried Tomatoes, Peak Point, Egyptian Blue, Neon Rose, Persian Indigo, Silverbeet palette Stagecoach, Brass Mesh, Pochard Duck Head, Sun Shower, Egyptian Blue, Beef Jerky, Rosenkavalier palette Pompelmo, Bermuda Grey, Egyptian Blue, Orange Chalk, Ocean Pearl, Pink Dyed Blond palette Qahvei Brown, Burnt Orange, Egyptian Blue, Radish palette Tangy Green, Egyptian Blue, Delta, Aluminium Snow, Puddle, Microchip palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #1034a6 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#1034a6 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |
#1034a6 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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