Created at 02/21/2023 11:32
#1d6575 HEX Color Bold Bolection information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#1d6575 | RGB(29, 101, 117) |
RGB values are RGB(29, 101, 117)
#1d6575 color contain Red 11.37%, Green 39.61% and Blue 45.88%.
Color Names of #1d6575 HEX code
Bold Bolection Color
Alternative colors of Bold Bolection #1d6575
Opposite Color for Bold Bolection is #762e1e
#1d6575 Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #1d6575 Bold Bolection
hsl(191, 60%, 29%)
hsla(191, 60%, 29%, 1)
RGB(29, 101, 117)
RGBA(29, 101, 117, 1)
Palettes for #1d6575 color Bold Bolection:
Below examples of color palettes for #1d6575 HEX color
darkest color is #030a0c from shades and lightest color is #e8f0f1 from tints
Shades palette of #1d6575:
Tints palette of #1d6575:
Complementary palette of #1d6575:
Triadic palette of #1d6575:
Square palette of #1d6575:
Analogous palette of #1d6575:
Split-Complementary palette of #1d6575:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #1d6575:
Color Bold Bolection #1d6575 used in palettes (50)
Carmen Miranda, Salsa, Renwick Heather, Autumn Gold, Tau Sept Ochre, Desert Soil, Brownie, Yellow Green, Contrasting Yellow, Gecko Rayo de Sol, Bold Bolection, Galactic Cruise, Frost Grey, Peach Blossom palette Poinciana, Citron Goby, Bold Bolection, Smoky Pink, Prairie Winds, Minted palette Krasnyi Red, Bold Bolection, Growing Season, Zinnia Gold, Glitchy Shader Blue, Sterling Shadow, Mango Cheesecake palette Golden, Corrosive Green, Dangerously Elegant, Bold Bolection, Pale Light Green palette Edgy Red, Manticore Wing, Bold Bolection, Pion Purple, Nighthawks, Chestnut Brown, Shark Fin, Soft Impact, Plaza Taupe, Clay Bake Porsche, Ukon Saffron, Dragon Ball, Usuao Blue, Marina, Bold Bolection, Blueberry Glaze, Alfonso Olive, Red Cedar, Silver Service, Woodward Park, Amber Leaf, Bright Sky Blue, Bold Bolection, Mélange Green palette Spice Cake, Pickled Limes, Booger, Bold Bolection, Opulent Blue, Dark Grey, Chaotic Red, Scarabaeus Sacer, Blue Mosque, Zen Blue, Spiced Carrot, Bold Bolection, Madder Magenta, Erebus Blue, Otter Brown, Tarragon Tease, Booty Bay, Wild Clary, Savory Salmon, Dou Protein High, March Green, Turquoise Sea, Bold Bolection, Veronica, Purple Excellency, Bold Sangria, Poudretteite Pink, Perrigloss Times Square Screens, Grape Haze, Pedigree, Magic Blue, Bold Bolection palette Westcar Papyrus, Prison Jumpsuit, Wiener Schnitzel, Mystic Red, Greener Grass, Da Blues, Team Spirit, Bold Bolection, Sensuous, Vi Sand Yellow, Putrid Green, Blue Green Scene, Mountain Lake Azure, Bold Bolection, Sparkling Purple, Tanglewood, Minstrel Rose, Ang Prairie Fire, Banana Puree, Bold Bolection, Brilliant Rose, Charcoal Smoke, Teal Forest, Raw Amethyst, Duck Willow, Green Milieu, Blood Moon, Burnished Copper, Fading Torch, Antigua, Bold Bolection, Royalty Loyalty, Bruised Bear, Black Ice, Quiet Moment, Pond Bloodthirsty, Blue Shadow, Bold Bolection, Witch's Cottage, Deep Maroon, Wasabi Zing, Vanilla Ice Cream palette Stockleaf, Jade Gravel, Blustery Sky, Bold Bolection, Gengiana, Royal Orchard, Tranquil Teal, Aero, French Grey Linen, Summer Bloo Crazy, Freesia, Bold Bolection, Blue Royale, Receding Night, Bonza Green, Butcher Paper, Stacked Limestone palette Master Round Yellow, Emerald Light Green, Blue Moon Bay, Bold Bolection, Raspberry Rose, Gunmetal Grey palette Clay Red, Copper Mine, Persian Gold, Fallow, Coral Pink, Lighthouse Glow, Justice, Nirvana Jewel, Bold Bolection, Flowerhorn Cichl Golden Grain, Kikuchiba Gold, Sunken Gold, Chelsea Cucumber, Bold Bolection, Pretentious Peacock, Amalfitan Azure, Bighorn Sheep, Tiffany Amber, Treacle Fudge, Soul Side, Causeway, Bristol Blue, Bold Bolection, Relic, Cardinal Pink, Mountain View, Concealment, Wakatake Green, Melbourne, Paradise Sky, Bold Bolection, Vibrant Purple, Dark Royalty, Trekking Green, Black Walnut, Clear Concret Toffee Fingers, Shutterbug, Dill Green, Apricot Brown, Scuba, Bold Bolection, Deep Well, Plum Truffle, Island Oasis, Baize Green, Volcanic, Horror Snob, Young Tangerine, Heisenberg Blue, Purebred, Outer Reef, Bold Bolection, Cleo's Bath, Grapeade, Bright Khaki Ambit, Isotonic Water, Bold Bolection, Violet, Fiery Fuchsia, Midnight Mosaic, Moroccan Henna, Symphony Gold, Ultimate Grey, Forev Permanent Geranium Lake, Center Ridge, Cowboy Trails, Black Hills Gold, Charcoal Plum, Bold Bolection, Velveteen Crush, Groovy, Ba Dwarven Flesh, Dangerously Green, Maximum Blue Green, Hush-A-Bye, Bold Bolection, Taxite palette Kite Brown, Cinnamon Stick, Tint of Turquoise, Della Robbia Blue, International, Bold Bolection, Wild Violet, Fig Cluster, Young P Cardamom Green, Pool Green, Bold Bolection, Private Tone palette Plane Brown, California Girl, Bold Bolection, Cyberpink, Dark Denim Blue, Bakos Blue, Lite Cocoa, Pumice, Sea Cliff, Hamster Habit Kimirucha Brown, Young Green Onion, Jade Stone Green, Bold Bolection, Poker Green, Fennel Stem, Silver Dollar, Frosted Iris, Pickf Megido Red, Bare, Tangled Twine, Tatami Tan, Bold Bolection, Kir Royale Rose, Cold Purple, Buckwheat Mauve, Hazy Daze, Kittiwake G Bold Bolection, Spice, Sun Splashed palette Upstream Salmon, Bold Bolection, Cedar Mill, Hog's Pudding palette Wake Me Up, Bold Bolection, Capri Breeze, Effervescent Blue, Annis, Minotaur Red, Hurricane Haze, Skywalker palette Bold Bolection, Pink Plastic Fantastic palette Wildness Mint, Bold Bolection, Phthalo Green, Inner Space, Fondue Fudge palette Spiced Up, Bold Bolection, Go Alpha, Dark & Stormy, Monterey Chestnut, More Than A Week, Mohalla, Provincial palette Algen Gerne, Riverside Blue, Bold Bolection, Accursed Black, Windsor Wine, Soulful palette Bold Bolection, Sunkist Coral, Green Moonstone, Mangosteen, Shade-Grown, Herbalist palette Scarlet Red, Vivaldi Red, Mountain Road, Molasses Cookie, Bold Bolection, Bell Heather, Batu Cave palette Spores, Bold Bolection, Dusty Olive, Double Duty, Storms Mountain, Shān Hú Hóng Coral, Silver Strand Beach palette Brown Red, Clay, Lava Grey, Bold Bolection, Deep Denim, Mamba palette Saddle Up, Fantan, Redtail, Alhambra, Bold Bolection, Boatswain, Night Mission, Baked Biscotti palette Treasure Casket, Old Cheddar, Minty Green, Echo One, Bold Bolection, Blissful Berry, Barnfloor, Winter Wheat palette Dechant Pear Yellow, Salmon Carpaccio, Salmon Orange, Java, Bold Bolection, Navy Damask, Property palette Yellowish Green, Cathode Green, Velvet Morning, Raftsman, Bold Bolection, Is It Cold, Wishing Star palette Twilight, Bold Bolection, Crushed Raspberry, Grecian Ivory, Apple Crunch palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #1d6575 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#1d6575 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |
#1d6575 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |