Created at 02/21/2023 12:08

#256d73 HEX Color Antigua information

#256d73 RGB(37, 109, 115)

RGB values are RGB(37, 109, 115)
#256d73 color contain Red 14.51%, Green 42.75% and Blue 45.1%.

Color Names of #256d73 HEX code

Antigua Color

Classification of #256d73 color

#256d73 is Semi dark and Cool Color
Tint of Teal

Alternative colors of Antigua #256d73

Opposite Color for Antigua is #742c25

#256d73 Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #256d73 Antigua

hsl(185, 51%, 30%)
hsla(185, 51%, 30%, 1)
RGB(37, 109, 115)
RGBA(37, 109, 115, 1)

Palettes for #256d73 color:

Below examples of color palettes for #256d73 HEX color

darkest color is #040b0b from shades and lightest color is #e9f0f1 from tints

Shades palette of #256d73:
Tints palette of #256d73:
Complementary palette of #256d73:
Triadic palette of #256d73:
Square palette of #256d73:
Analogous palette of #256d73:
Split-Complementary palette of #256d73:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #256d73:

Color Antigua #256d73 used in palettes (33)

Type scifi palette Branding typography Graphic design logo palette Antigua Fluorescent Fire, Pizazz, Broccoli Paradise, Blue Dahlia, Antigua, Bruise, Club Navy, Showcase Blue, Shetland Lace, Breakwater, So Star Fruit Yellow Green, Sun Yellow, Larchmere, Kabalite Green, Antigua, Exotic Escape palette Brick Paver, Bindi Red, Tegreen, Red Lightning, Orange Pepper, Feralas Lime, Waywatcher Green, Antigua, Noble Cause Purple, Jellyb Well Read, Rustica, Chocolate Fondue, Trough Shell, Nutria, Ritzy, Raw Sienna, Vineyard Green, Mint Leaves, Poisonous Pistachio, V Café Renversé, Kōwhai Yellow, Magic Mountain, Luscious Lemongrass, Kelp Forest, Green Bay, Classic Green, Sweet Garden, Antigua, R Chestnut Rose, Antigua, Heather Rose, Adobe South, Sunny Pavement, Wishful White palette Antigua, Autumn Mist palette Feralas Lime, Antigua, Grand Sunset, Kidnapper, Tea Towel, Piezo Blue, Cocoa Cream, Salt Steppe palette Paradise Grape, Antigua, Charcoal Dust, Gray Agate, Blissful Meditation palette Iron Mountain, Green Woodpecker Olive, Cattail Red, Hey Blue!, Rackley, Antigua, Strawberry Smash, Perfect Greige palette Royal Red Flush, Akira Red, Mendocino Hills, Durban Sky, Antigua, Commodore, Aquitaine palette Dark Red, It Works, Hive, Middle Green Yellow, Birch Leaf Green, True Green, Arctic, Antigua, Ultimate Pink, Figue Pulp, Moonlit O Red Pigment, Dune Shadow, Antigua, Pelican Bay palette Alfalfa Bug, Antigua, Elegant Midnight, Smokestack, Kahili palette Antigua, Blackberry Harvest, Wild Dove palette Mountain Elk, Swedish Clover, Game Over, Eiger Nordwand, Antigua, June Berry, El Capitan, Sandshell palette Encarnado, Red Gravel, Champion Blue, Casual Blue, Antigua, Pulsating Blue, Joker's Smile palette Poppy Red, Settlement, Twining Vine, Antigua, Prunelle, Cardoon, Warm Sand palette Socialist, Warm Spice, Nuclear Meltdown, Antigua, Pacific Bridge, Grape Hyacinth palette Antigua, Dark Maroon, Cabbage Pont, Wolf's Fur, Sanctuary, Pressed Rose, Water Chestnut, Pale Pink palette Exquisite Emerald, Antigua, Clay Play, Thistle Down palette Antigua, Pickled Bean, Pacific Pine, Laundry Blue, Cabbage Leaf palette Mustard Sauce, Soft Fern, Necrotic Flesh, Antigua palette Manchester Nights, Pesto, Evil-Lyn, Dana, Tangent Periwinkle, Antigua, Raspberry Kahlua, Old Red Crest palette Blueberry Patch, Antigua palette Jasper Orange, Antigua, Oasis, Blue Lobster palette Rufous, Positively Palm, Jinzamomi Pink, Sand Shark, Antigua, Medium Electric Blue, Jumbo, Lavender Lily palette Amarantha Red, Ginger Dough, Advertising Green, Antigua palette Iron Oxide, Beauty Patch, Bonus Level, Luxe Blue, Antigua palette

Image Antigua #256d73 color png