Created at 02/21/2023 12:06

#42314b HEX Color Acai Berry information

#42314b RGB(66, 49, 75)

RGB values are RGB(66, 49, 75)
#42314b color contain Red 25.88%, Green 19.22% and Blue 29.41%.

Color Names of #42314b HEX code

Acai Berry Color

Classification of #42314b color

#42314b is Light and Cool Color
Opposite Color for Acai Berry is #394a30

#42314b Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #42314b Acai Berry

hsl(279, 21%, 24%)
hsla(279, 21%, 24%, 1)
RGB(66, 49, 75)
RGBA(66, 49, 75, 1)

Palettes for #42314b color Acai Berry:

Below examples of color palettes for #42314b HEX color

darkest color is #070507 from shades and lightest color is #eceaed from tints

Shades palette of #42314b:
Tints palette of #42314b:
Complementary palette of #42314b:
Triadic palette of #42314b:
Square palette of #42314b:
Analogous palette of #42314b:
Split-Complementary palette of #42314b:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #42314b:

Suggested colors palettes for #42314b HEX:

Colors palette with color #42314b #1:
Colors palette with color #42314b #2:
Colors palette with color #42314b #3:
Colors palette with color #42314b #4:
Colors palette with color #42314b #5:

Color Acai Berry #42314b used in palettes (49)

Acai Berry Brownish Red, San Antonio Sage, Acai Berry, Mauve Orchid, Light Frosty Dawn palette Warm Cognac, Pumpkin Hue, Bitter Lime, Looney Blue, Aqua Sea, Beacon Blue, Purple Heart, Flaming Flamingo, Shaku-Do Copper, Baltic Acai Berry, Coveted Blue palette Bahaman Bliss, Acai Berry, Atomic, Wilderness Grey, Dakota Wheat, Silverberry, Grand Piano palette Cappuccino Bombe, Warm Welcome, Acai Berry, Mithril, Bird Blue Grey, Lit'L Buoy Blew, Cherry Flower palette Salsa, Bredon Green, Bleached Olive, Acai Berry, Bok Choy palette Uproar Red, Butter Nut, Seraphim Sepia, Kelly's Flower, Acai Berry, White Cabbage, Sugar Rush Peach Pepper palette Press Agent, Acai Berry, Overgrown Trees, Rose Marquis, Lady Flower, Meadow Grass, La Paz Siesta palette Wild Cattail, Pennywise, Carolina Green, Ultra Violet, Catnip Wood, Acai Berry, Abyssal, Royal Orchard, Quiet Refuge, Heavy Hammoc Compass, Obscure Ochre, Magic Blue, Blue Titmouse, Pink Dahlia, Acai Berry, Evening Shadow, Surf Crest, Mission Courtyard palette Elephant, Crimson Warrior, Brasso, Lemon Curd, Deep Magenta, Simmered Seaweed, Acai Berry, Jazlyn, Rumba Red, Silverbeet, Royal Hy Toile Red, Crocodile Eye, Fēi Hóng Scarlet, Oil Green, Dioptase Green, Classic Waltz, Pleasure, Acai Berry, Victorian Mauve, Poetr Homebush, Machine Green, Yellow Tang, Severely Burnt Toast, Edge of the Galaxy, Acai Berry, Fern Grotto, Roman Bath, Piedra De Sol Averland Sunset, Flatty Yellow, Electric Green, Costume Blue, Acai Berry, Attitude, White Grape, Delta Waters, Winter Dusk, Geyser Mauve-a-Lish, Rhubarb Smoothie, Acai Berry, Grey Russian, Xiao Long Bao Dumpling, Dancing Wand, Chai Latte palette Dried Saffron, Topiary Green, Celebration Blue, Royal Coronation, Acai Berry, New Amber, Black Walnut, Olive Grey, Olive Sand, Pet Smokey Tan, Smoky Blue, Kingfisher Bright, British Grey Mauve, Rose Laffy Taffy, Sensaicha brown, Acai Berry, Monterey Chestnut, A Smashed Pumpkin, Maizena, Seasoned Apple Green, Aqua Cyan, Blue Enchantment, Brilliant Azure, Typhus Corrosion, Acai Berry, Wizard Jack and Coke, Peach Bloom, Limonana, Kimono, Tall Ships, Seaplane Grey, Acai Berry, July Ruby, Tourmaline, Sashay Sand, Bling Bli Ecstatic Red, Aged Whisky, Dreamless Sleep, Acai Berry, Button Eyes, Midnight Navy, Thermocline, Soft Celery, Thermos palette Prancer, Cut of Mustard, Play School, Pale Marigold, Purslane, Lattice Green, Yellowy Green, Mystery Oceans, Mineral Red, Acai Ber Greenday, Dragonlord Purple, Kenny's Kiss, Incremental Blue, Acai Berry, Thresher Shark, Ancient Doeskin, A State of Mint, Weather Rich and Rare, Saffron, Forsythia, Dark Void, Onion, Acai Berry, Button Eyes, Limo-Scene, Livingstone palette Flight of Fancy, Gordal Olive, Guacamole, Ceramic Blue Turquoise, Green Gas, Nightly, Icelandic Water, Fiesta Pink, Acai Berry, Wh Meadowlark, Fiesta Blue, Scholarship, Broom Butterfly Blue, Purple Opulence, Acai Berry, Seashell Cove, Smalt Blue, Arrow Quiver, Tasty Toffee, Raven, Sophisticated Teal, Felix, Kokushoku Black, Fence Green, Dark Ebony, Acai Berry, Cannon Barrel, Intergalactic Clay Pot, Geranium, Acai Berry, Velvet Dawn palette Vigilant, Brownish Grey, Coriander Seed, Gold Gleam, Shawarma, Manitou Blue, Allyson, Acai Berry, Cannon Ball, Artistic Stone, Neu Unpredictable Hue, Peppergrass, Outrageous Green, Acai Berry palette Acai Berry, Purple Noir, Enchanting Ivy, Dustwallow Marsh, Dark Seagreen, Acacia Haze, City Loft, Tombstone Grey palette Hawthorn Rose, Creamed Raspberry, Acai Berry, Indifferent palette Bern Red, Almond Frost, Angel Green palette Winter Shadow, Acai Berry palette Japanese Cypress, Golden Rule, Vitamin C, Sand Yellow, Silk Khimar, Pink Jazz, Acai Berry palette Cave Painting, Golden Brown, Acai Berry, Pleated Mauve, Shrubbery palette Cricket's Cross, Pirate Silver, Frenzied Red, Velvet Black, Pawn Broker, Acai Berry, Veranda Iris, Tower Tan palette Acai Berry Color Lover's Kiss, Chill of Teamwork, Acai Berry, Forever Blue palette Pyramid, Sundial, Buffed Copper, Old Whiskey, Grape Vine, Bahaman Bliss, Plum Power, Illustrious Indigo, Acai Berry, Cyberspace, C Oak Brown, Cyber Yellow, Acai Berry, Evening Cityscape, Grand Grape, Flint Rock, Bohemianism palette Baguette, Crushed Velvet, Sorx Red, Acai Berry, Marble Garden, Young At Heart palette Bite My Tongue, Dutch Orange, All About Olive, Acai Berry palette Rookwood Terra Cotta, Enduring, Acai Berry, Flexible Grey, Empire Porcelain palette In the Vines, Blue Copper Ore, Pink Insanity, Purposeful, Sci-Fi Takeout, Acai Berry, Hiking Boots, Heavy Violet palette Dugong, Lion King, Diroset, Acai Berry, Patriot Blue, Beach Umbrella, Cold Turkey palette Fireball, Peppermint Fresh, Copacabana, Acai Berry, Lilac Grey, Norman Shaw Goldspar, Windrush palette Methadone, Gladiator Grey, Fallow Deer, Extra Life, Opulent Lime, Traffic Green, Mermaid Dreams, Delhi Spice, Highlighter Red, Aca Demonic Yellow, Tan Green, Corporate Green, Tlāloc Blue, Fine Burgundy, Ultra Red, Acai Berry, Dark Elf, Melville, Wet Asphalt, Oc

Color Contrast

Color pairings #42314b with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

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Image Acai Berry #42314b color png

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