Created at 02/23/2023 23:38

#445780 HEX Color Sailor information

#445780 RGB(68, 87, 128)

RGB values are RGB(68, 87, 128)
#445780 color contain Red 26.67%, Green 34.12% and Blue 50.2%.

Color Names of #445780 HEX code

Sailor Color

Classification of #445780 color

#445780 is Semi dark and Cool Color
Opposite Color for Sailor is #7f6c43

#445780 Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #445780 Sailor

hsl(221, 31%, 38%)
hsla(221, 31%, 38%, 1)
RGB(68, 87, 128)
RGBA(68, 87, 128, 1)

Palettes for #445780 color Sailor:

Below examples of color palettes for #445780 HEX color

darkest color is #07090d from shades and lightest color is #eceef2 from tints

Shades palette of #445780:
Tints palette of #445780:
Complementary palette of #445780:
Triadic palette of #445780:
Square palette of #445780:
Analogous palette of #445780:
Split-Complementary palette of #445780:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #445780:

Color Sailor #445780 used in palettes (44)

Sailor, Wine Red, Cloudy Grey palette Sailor, Formal Maroon, Casual Elegance palette Birdseye, Garden Lettuce Green, Porchetta Crust, Hay Wain, Red Terra, Scotch Bonnet, Sundance, Golden Boy, Imperial Dynasty, Sailo Sugared Almond, Nude Flamingo, Fig Mustard Yellow, Dark Slimelime, Lime Soap, Sailor, Sea Drifter, Chesty Bond, Eye Blue, Hyper Bl Sailor Sailor, Art Nouveau Glass, Porcini, Goody Two Shoes, Silkie Chicken palette Red Ink, Azshara Vein, Sailor, Endeavour, Southern Belle, Gallery Taupe, Periwinkle Grey palette London Road, Sailor, Hyacinth Dream, Swiss Rose palette Carmine Red, Secret Safari, Canopy, Medium Sea Green, Sailor, Dusky Rose, Shady Willow, Whisper of Rose palette Faded Denim, Sailor, Baby Bear, Swiss Brown, Metamorphosis, Autumn Grey, Blue Carpenter Bee palette On the Avenue, Boreal, Sailor, Aquatic Cool, Warm Balaclavas Are Forever, Emperor's Robe, Positively Pink, Comforting Green palett Rust Red, Lion's Mane Blonde, Fire Yellow, Sunny Morning, Leek Soup, Greenish Turquoise, Sailor, Chinese Violet, Purple Wineberry, Kanafeh, Laddu Orange, Sailor, Sapphire Lace, First Date palette Ancho Pepper, Obscure Orange, Sailor palette Particle Ioniser Red, Uluru Red, Powdered Green Tea palette Chéng Hóng Sè Orange, Flaming Torch, Sailor, Stormy Ridge, Lake Retba Pink, Artful Magenta, Lost Lavender Somewhere, Locust, Balsa Rookwood Antique Gold, Sailor, Berry Patch, Rohwurst, Olivine Basalt, East Side, Blue Cue palette Heirloom, Drops of Honey, Sunset Gold, Sailor, Adamantine Blue, Oath, Purple Pool, Slate Brown, Spotted Snake Eel, Jacobean Lace, Rouge Sarde, Fuel Yellow, Moss Point Green, Pirate Silver, Deep Diving, Sailor, Ocean Depths, Catalina Blue, Gedney Green, Elderbe Lottery Winnings, Irish Beauty, Ocean Ridge, Sailor, Havasu, Purple Vanity, Greener Pastures, Provincial, Vanilla Seed, Polvo de O Letter Jacket, Tropical Tone, Charming Nature, Sailor, Meadow Violet, Magentleman, Pink OCD, Forgiven Sin, Congressional Navy, Nag Centaur, Sand Yellow, Healing Plant, Green Serum, Sequoia Lake, Sailor, Pumice Grey, Tandoori Red, Mythical Wine, Atlantic Tide, P Roasted Pecan, Solar Storm, Sailor, Purple Taupe, Beach Umbrella, Hollywood Starlet, Aqua Spray, Flourish, Poached Egg, Yù Shí Bái Cocoloco, Amazon Parrot, Green Granite, Aloha, Sailor, Gemstone Blue, 20000 Leagues Under the Sea, Conch palette Egg Toast, Pedestrian Lemon, Finch, Peabody, Sailor, Cosmos Blue, Imperial Purple, Park Green Flat palette Heart of Gold, Ryza Dust, Pale Pear, Sailor, Inside, Russian Red, Shaker Grey, Suzu Grey, Universal Khaki, Future Vision, Fossil S Ivy Garden, Nutria, Mocha Dandelion, Garish Green, Sailor, Magnetic Blue, All Dressed Up palette Abandoned Playground, Beaumont Brown, Eternal Summer, Gunsmoke, Mint Leaf, Sailor palette Appaloosa Spots, Piccadilly Purple, Sailor, Pink Katydid palette Prancer, Lemon Chrome, Sailor palette Antique Rose, 18th Century Green, Fashion Yellow, Dubuffet Green, Sailor, Zeus Temple, Well Blue palette Aubergine Green, Witch Hazel, Sailor, Longfellow, Bright Sea Green palette Midnight Show, Sailor, Spring Onion, Cone Green Blue, Tranquil Teal, Lilac Bloom, Simply Violet, Grecian Ivory palette Double Dragon Skin, Sailor, Opalescent, Cucumber, God of Nights, Scorched Metal, Light Turquoise, Whispering Pine palette Decorous Amber, Hisui Kingfisher palette Friar Grey, In for a Penny, Bee Cluster, Olive Leaf Tea, Sailor, Vibrant Red, Murasaki, Cress Vinaigrette palette Ginger Root, Kelp Forest, Grandview, Onion Seedling, Sailor palette Coffee Addiction, Tomato Slices, Cobra Leather, Emerald Light Green, Sailor, Passion Fruit, Jordy Blue, Misty Jade palette Youthful Coral, Harlequin, Sailor, Felicia, Bonne Nuit palette It's My Party, Bossa Nova Blue, Sailor, Light Shōtoku Purple, En Plein Air, Esoteric Touch Green, Journey to the Sky palette Sailor, Deco Rose palette Olive Haze, Emperor's Silk, Sailor, Angry Ocean, Ceramic Glaze palette Nugget Gold, Sailor palette Drippy Honey, Sailor, Boiling Mud palette

Color Contrast

Color pairings #445780 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image Sailor #445780 color png