Created at 02/23/2023 23:35

#55455a HEX Color Parma Violet information

#55455a RGB(85, 69, 90)

RGB values are RGB(85, 69, 90)
#55455a color contain Red 33.33%, Green 27.06% and Blue 35.29%.

Color Names of #55455a HEX code

Parma Violet Color

Classification of #55455a color

#55455a is Light and Cool Color
Opposite Color for Parma Violet is #4a5945

#55455a Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #55455a Parma Violet

hsl(286, 13%, 31%)
hsla(286, 13%, 31%, 1)
RGB(85, 69, 90)
RGBA(85, 69, 90, 1)

Palettes for #55455a color Parma Violet:

Below examples of color palettes for #55455a HEX color

darkest color is #080709 from shades and lightest color is #eeecef from tints

Shades palette of #55455a:
Tints palette of #55455a:
Complementary palette of #55455a:
Triadic palette of #55455a:
Square palette of #55455a:
Analogous palette of #55455a:
Split-Complementary palette of #55455a:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #55455a:

Color Parma Violet #55455a used in palettes (45)

Parma Violet, Mud Room, Blank Canvas palette New Brick, Suzume Brown, Shocking Pink, Parma Violet, Devonshire palette Grilled Tomato, Gunmetal Green, Orange Poppy, Acorn Squash, Philippine Orange, Fish Finger, Lost Atlantis, Whale Shark, Pacifica, Parma Violet, VIC 20 Sky palette Forest Edge, Parma Violet, Gallery palette Capocollo, Parma Violet, Persian Delight palette Juicy Passionfruit, Poisonous Ice Cream, Grey Blue, Italian Roast, Peacock Pride, Parma Violet, Pine Strain, Tender Greens palette Aged Gouda, Last Light Blue, Wakame Green, Parma Violet, Pine Crush, Lilac Hush palette Muscovado Sugar, Hippie Blue, Parma Violet, Siskin Green, Wafting Grey palette Paradise Bird, Parma Violet palette Flowering Raspberry, Hanada Blue, Nightlife, Parma Violet, Sunset Cruise, Peach Cream palette Lucky Lobster, Coralistic, Turtle Green, Sea Ridge, Brunswick, Nocturne, Imperial, Parma Violet, Grain Brown, Charlock, Palatial, Pie Safe, Butternut Pizazz, Harvest Eve Gold, Rave Regatta, Parma Violet, Seiheki Green, Chocolate Magma, Garden View, Posies, Dec Shipwreck, Bottled Ship, Distance, Strawberry Smash, Limousine Leather, Winter Coat, Parma Violet, Marron, Sea Cliff palette Lizard Belly, Beacon Blue, Broom Butterfly Blue, Fluorescent Pink, Parma Violet, Kiss A Frog, Urban Putty, Jade Light Green, Light Party Time, Limbert Leather, Parma Violet, Deep South, Chameleon Skin, Chalkware palette Open Range, Rustic Adobe, Middle Red, Totally Broccoli, Skylar, Somber Green, Patio Green, Parma Violet, Whispering Winds palette Koji Orange, Blue Arc, Grape Expectations, Oxford Sausage, Parma Violet, Great Falls, Ultramint, Sage Bundle, Sugared Pears palett Parma Violet, Downtown Grey, Field of Wheat, Perk Up, Bunny Pink, Light Pink Linen palette Chernobog, Weird Green, Baltic Turquoise, Ayahuasca Vine, Parma Violet, Sumptuous Peach, Creamy Mint, Scrolled Parchment, Divine I Olive Drab, Intermezzo, Aurora Splendor, Manually Pressed Grapes, Parma Violet, Focus Point, Lián Hóng Lotus Pink, Burnished Clay iwinrent Not My Fault, Ruddy Oak, Golden Sand, Green Banana, Sea Kale, China Blue, Diver's Eden, Imagine That, Red Licorice, Parma Violet, Green Sleeves, Nomadic, Tangy Dill, Roof Terracotta, Pizza, Sun God, Huáng Jīn Zhōu Gold, Allegiance, January Blue, C64 Purple, Ni Noble Cause, Priory, Pitmaston Pear Yellow, Fishy House, Lingonberry Punch, Parma Violet, Fine Tuned Blue, Sugar Rush Peach Pepper High Altar, Dazzle, Macquarie, Luxurious Red, Vivacious, Tribecca Corner, Lights Out, Parma Violet, Deep Mystery, Windgate Hill, B Ferris Wheel, Deep Sea Coral, In the Woods, Vizcaya, Trellis Vine, Double Jeopardy, English River, Splish Splash, Paris Pink, Parm Bearsuit, Apple Seed, Red Damask, Silent Sage, Carbon Footprint, Damson, Charleston Cherry, Forbidden Forest, Deep Dairei Red, Par Angel Food Cake, Pesto Paste, Breaker Bay, Chocolate Hazelnut palette Sun Salutation, Accursed Black, Balsamic Reduction, Parma Violet, Cappuccino Froth, Porcelain Earth, Star Jasmine palette Brandy Punch, Boston Fern, Majorelle Gardens, Sea Hunter, Parma Violet, Outer Boundary, Fire Mist, Rose Tonic palette Spectacular Scarlet, Straw Hut, Atmosphere, Parma Violet, Riverbank, Dustblu, Interface Tan, Meatbun palette Packing Paper, Red Light Neon, Parma Violet, Golden Staff, Noodle Arms, Honesty palette Tibetan Orange, Sulphur Spring, Blue Darknut, Jacuzzi, Parma Violet, Grey River Rock, Roseville, Grape Illusion palette Scarecrow Frown, Pizazz, Super Pink, Parma Violet, Court-Bouillon, Limelight, Flaxen Fair palette Volcanic Rock, Cook's Bay, Cosmic Cobalt, Rennie's Rose, Parma Violet palette Aspen Hush, Yuè Guāng Lán Moonlight, Outer Rim, San Felix, Parma Violet palette Sable Brown, Tangerine Flake, Sandstorm, Marsh Creek, Shamrock Green, Screen Glow, Evening Symphony, Rabbit Paws, Gooseberry, Paci Nephrite, Parma Violet palette Venetian Gold, Salt Caramel, Parma Violet, Volcanic Glass palette Lāl Red, Dry Moss palette Yáng Chéng Orange, Black Diamond Apple, Parma Violet, King's Cloak, Garlic Toast, Sapless Green, Baywater Blue, Saffron Bread pale Drum Solo, Bosc Pear, Janitor, Mosque, Parma Violet, Future Vision, Nevada Sky, Ventilated palette Medium Candy Apple Red, Indica, Lost in Heaven, Parma Violet, Filigree Green, Teal Tree, Camel Hide, Windsor Greige palette Pureed Pumpkin, Coronet Blue, Dusky Grape, Pitch, Parma Violet, Cordova Burgundy, Lava Rock, Tavern palette

Color Contrast

Color pairings #55455a with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image Parma Violet #55455a color png