Created at 02/23/2023 04:44
#5f4561 HEX Color Pansy Petal information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#5f4561 | RGB(95, 69, 97) |
RGB values are RGB(95, 69, 97)
#5f4561 color contain Red 37.25%, Green 27.06% and Blue 38.04%.
Color Names of #5f4561 HEX code
Pansy Petal Color
Alternative colors of Pansy Petal #5f4561
Opposite Color for Pansy Petal is #486246
#5f4561 Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #5f4561 Pansy Petal
hsl(296, 17%, 33%)
hsla(296, 17%, 33%, 1)
RGB(95, 69, 97)
RGBA(95, 69, 97, 1)
Palettes for #5f4561 color Pansy Petal:
Below examples of color palettes for #5f4561 HEX color
darkest color is #09070a from shades and lightest color is #efecef from tints
Shades palette of #5f4561:
Tints palette of #5f4561:
Complementary palette of #5f4561:
Triadic palette of #5f4561:
Square palette of #5f4561:
Analogous palette of #5f4561:
Split-Complementary palette of #5f4561:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #5f4561:
Color Pansy Petal #5f4561 used in palettes (50)
Sparkling Red, Clay Creek, Exotic Life, Orioles Orange, Mary's Garden, Snake River, Brescian Blue, Jet, Mood Indigo, Arcane Red, P Wine Cork, Dizzy Days, Wine Barrel, Biohazard Suit, Fir Spruce Green, Drab, Cameroon Green, Nightly Activities, Satin Black, Pansy Muddy Brown, Maizena, Emerald Dream, Real Raspberry, Pansy Petal palette Art and Craft, Cute Pixie, Kanzō Orange, Green Dynasty, Trellis Vine, Frozen Lake, Sky of Magritte, Leviathan Purple, Pansy Petal, Bugle Boy, Parma Mauve, Pansy Petal, Stratosphere palette Lizard Green, Licorice, Pansy Petal palette Pansy Petal, Grey Heather, In the Blue palette Hopsack, Lion's Lair, Ceylon Yellow, Santiago Orange, Fuego Nuevo, Sickly Yellow, Signal Green, Green Garter, Grotesque Green, Tea Red Rampage, Mourning Blue, Bock, Pansy Petal, Texas Sweet Tea, Yippie Ya Yellow, Placebo Purple palette Silt, Coral, Kihada Yellow, Pansy Petal, Network Grey, Sheer Green, Applesauce palette Bloodletter, Pansy Petal palette Windows #51 Red Carpet, Trim, Chic Brick, Raw Copper, Padua, Tetsu Black, Pansy Petal, Catskill Brown, Hillary, Cress Vinaigrette, Santas Grey Spiced Berry, Antique Moss, Berry Syrup, Pansy Petal, Desolace Dew, Wave, Lavender Water, Cupcake Pink palette Browned Off, Manticore Wing, Bumblebee, Lead Cast, Blue Shadow, Plum Shadow, Classic Berry, Pansy Petal palette Harley Davidson Orange, T-Bird Turquoise, Your Shadow, Lakelike, Peacock Blue, Cockscomb Red, Limed Spruce, Pansy Petal, Robo Mast Hunt Club Brown, Desert Red, Antique Copper, Bilious Green, Lexaloffle Green, Free Speech Blue, Pansy Petal, Dapper, More Than A W Arabian Red, Magic Whale, Pansy Petal, Mesa Pink, Tickle Me Pink, Merry Music palette Edgy Red, Mimolette Orange, Brown Butter, Moonlight Blue, Baby Berries, Pansy Petal, Lemur, Burgundy Grey, San Francisco Fog, Swee Salon Rose, Decreasing Brown, Red Revival, Geebung, Plastic Veggie, Blue Bay, Berry Burst, Strawberry Rhubarb, Deep Cove, Pansy Pe Fresh Croissant, Trade Secret, Aqua Deep, Pansy Petal, Santana Soul, Stony Field, Seagull Wail palette Chameleon, Golden Field, Flamingo Diva, Daintree, Vermilion Green, High Forest Green, Pansy Petal, Brass Trumpet, Heavenly Cocoa, Tapa, Mango Creamsicles, Campanula Purple, Horizon, Sooty, Pitch Green, Kombu Green, Turtle, Antarctic Blue, Pansy Petal, Signal G Cookie Dough, Enamelled Dragon, Portuguese Blue, American Bronze, Pansy Petal, Grey of Darkness, Tart Apple, Cliff's View palette Dry Mud, Artisan Tile, Cardboard, Goldfish, Sabiseiji Grey, Flax Flower Blue, Deep Daijin Blue, Purple Curse, Sailor Blue, Pansy P Gigas, Fig Balsamic, Rousseau Green, Elmer's Echo, Pansy Petal palette Wild Thyme, Padua, Dyer's Woad, Decoration Blue, Reservoir, Legendary Lavender, Feverish Pink, Cured Eggplant, Marshal Blue, Pansy Shingle Fawn, Gold Spell, Hot Sauce, Wild Axolotl, Herbivore, Skipper, Reservoir, Starfleet Blue, Regal Red, Bottom of my Heart, D Cadillac Coupe, Flame Hawkfish, Drakenhof Nightshade, Brickwork Red, Romp, Shadow Azalea Pink, Pansy Petal, Volcanic Glass, Revena Green Ochre, King Salmon, Obstinate Orange, Turbulent Sea, Café Noir, Pansy Petal, Paloma, Coral Bay palette Crimson Silk, Enterprise, Spectacular Purple, Thimble Red, Tree Shade, Pansy Petal, Farro, Buttery Leather, Arid Plains, Bright Sa Orangeville, Astroturf, Winter in Paris, Wild Boar, Black Power, Pansy Petal, Bunglehouse Blue, Eiffel Tower, Periglacial Blue pal Molten Lava, Copper Rust, Green Hills, Pansy Petal, Charming Green, Pink Tease palette Zangief's Chest, Tangerine Bliss, Daintree, Kuri Black, Pansy Petal, Honed Soapstone, Casper, Manila Tint palette French Pink, Fluorescent Pink, Kala Namak, Pansy Petal, Twinkle Toes, Lime Juice Green, Egg Cream, Fringy Flower palette Air Force Blue, Pansy Petal, Caramel Powder, Creamy Avocado, Portofino palette Afghan Carpet, Waikiki, Pansy Petal, Silk Sox palette Green Bean Casserole, Lizard Legs, Saffron Valley, Vindaloo, Pansy Petal, French Pear, Water Leaf palette Bright Camouflage, Xavier Blue, Sunshone Plum, Pansy Petal, Howdy Partner palette Lucky Orange, Alhambra, Pansy Petal, Texas Sage, Key Largo, Cushion Bush palette Saucy Gold, Pansy Petal, Dried Plantain, Island Light palette Della Robbia Blue, Bateau, Pansy Petal, Meringue Tips palette Soft Pumpkin, Akakō Red, Heritage Park, UA Blue, Pimm's, Carafe, Pansy Petal palette Pansy Petal, Spring Sprig, Golden Churro, Shilo palette Yearling, Zima Blue, Indian Silk, Red Crayon, Glossy Black, Pansy Petal, Woohringa, Saxon palette Succulent Leaves, India Green, Intense Mauve, Acacia Green, Pansy Petal, Winter Park, Lavender Rose palette Beach Bag, Blue Wing Teal, Tuatara, Sandalwood, Pansy Petal, Vizcaya Palm, True To You palette Spalding Grey, Suede Vest, Blue Sail, Lonestar, Pansy Petal, Farmers Green, Bright Manatee palette Pansy Petal, Rest Assured palette Green Sleeves, Walnut Shell Brown, Orange Soda, Indigo Mouse, Pansy Petal, Grey Flannel, Basket Beige, Lickety Split, Monorail Sil
Color Contrast
Color pairings #5f4561 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#5f4561 Contrast Ratio
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#5f4561 Contrast Ratio
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