Created at 02/21/2023 19:52
#7295c9 HEX Color Cool Touch information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#7295c9 | RGB(114, 149, 201) |
RGB values are RGB(114, 149, 201)
#7295c9 color contain Red 44.71%, Green 58.43% and Blue 78.82%.
Color Names of #7295c9 HEX code
Cool Touch Color
Alternative colors of Cool Touch #7295c9
Opposite Color for Cool Touch is #caa772
#7295c9 Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #7295c9 Cool Touch
hsl(216, 45%, 62%)
hsla(216, 45%, 62%, 1)
RGB(114, 149, 201)
RGBA(114, 149, 201, 1)
Palettes for #7295c9 color Cool Touch:
Below examples of color palettes for #7295c9 HEX color
darkest color is #0b0f14 from shades and lightest color is #f1f4fa from tints
Shades palette of #7295c9:
Tints palette of #7295c9:
Complementary palette of #7295c9:
Triadic palette of #7295c9:
Square palette of #7295c9:
Analogous palette of #7295c9:
Split-Complementary palette of #7295c9:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #7295c9:
Color Cool Touch #7295c9 used in palettes (50)
10 colors palette Cool Touch palette Flame Orange, Legal Eagle, Cool Touch, Velvet Slipper, Velvet Blush palette Burning Idea, Sari, Bamboo Leaf, Gumbo, Cool Touch, Clematis, Green not Found, Darkroom, Camarone, Susu-Take Bamboo, Jitterbug, Pu Kelley Green, Cool Touch, Deco, Yuma Sand palette Aumbry, Marmot, Centaur Brown, Herbal Green, New Yellow, Pirate Silver, Tree Fern, Fir, NYPD, Cool Touch, Well Blue, Clematis, Mat Cool Touch, Castleton Green, Morning at Sea, Lavender Aura, Athena Pink palette Growing Nature, Cool Touch, Cerulean Blue, Artistic License, Deco-Rate, Morningside palette Chocolate, Cool Touch, Olive Martini, Tantalizing Tan palette Daisy, Cool Touch, Sparrow Grey Red, Peach Smoothie, Scented Valentine palette Rodeo Tan, Warm Wassail, Lager, Golden Foliage palette Orange Pink, Enchanted Eve, Cool Touch, Cembra Blossom, Black Out, Ice Mist, Garden Rose White palette Tiki Hut, Zucchini Flower, Finch, Cool Touch, Capercaillie Mauve, Flint Purple, Voyager, Tent Green palette Hot Bolognese, Yellow Jacket, Cool Touch, Blue Sou'wester, Venetian Wall, Strawberry Ice, Golden Syrup palette Wheatberry, Cool Touch, Serpentine Shadow, Moonquake, Terra Sol, The Golden State palette Banana Peel, Rushing Stream, Cool Touch, Blue Hosta, Tusche Blue, Akari Red, Prettiest Pink, Orca White palette American Roast, Purple Daze, Cool Touch, Nettle Green, Nocturne, Requiem, Deep Walnut, Verdigreen, Robo Master, Ballet Blue, Sprin Indian Princess, Cool Touch, Granita, Kid Gloves, Silver Pink, Blissfully Mine, Green Parlor, Buttercream palette Water Wheel, Polished Pine, Cool Touch, Prom Corsage palette Greedy Gold, Banana Boat, Habanero Gold, Sunflower Island, Étude Naturelle, Hello Spring, Cool Touch, Ninja, Jungle Cloak, Heavy G Madder Red, Mario, Grey Suit, Caramel Crumb, Burnt Coral, Kōwhai Yellow, Cool Touch, Brume palette Free Speech Red, Yellow Orange, Water Park, Rush Hour, Breathtaking, Rainy Lake, Cool Touch, Delicate Girl Blue, Melanzane, Rosin, Spicy Orange, Harbor Blue, Shasta Lake, Cool Touch, Malibu, Manhattan Blue, Garden Plum, Hemp Rope, Alaskan Ice, Orchid Bloom, Was Amour, Happy Camper, Smokey Blue, Stormy Strait Grey, French Diamond, Cool Touch, Peacock Plume, Bonanza, Bavarian, Brilliant Lico Flame Scarlet, Bengal Grass, Greenish Blue, English Meadow, Cool Touch, Opaline Green, Pharaoh's Jade, Stylish, Detroit, Balcony R Yellow Pepper, Cool Touch, Purple Pink, Clown Nose, Pion Purple, Jade Mussel Green, Lepidolite Purple, Reserved Blue, Pink Satin p Albanian Red, High Strung, Embarrassed Frog, Pinkish Orange, Cool Touch, Congress Blue, Spanish Carmine, Charade, Poblano, Complim Particle Ioniser Red, Anzac, Cadmium Yellow, Cool Touch, Verified Black, Army Green, Rain Boots, Green Fatigue, Statuary, Pita Bre Castlevania Heart, Limone, Enchanted Eve, Pluviophile, La Pineta, Cool Touch, Wine Brown, Deep Emerald, Orient Blue palette Light Mahogany, Squeeze Toy Alien, Cool Touch, Sugarloaf Brown, Oxford Brown, Beet Red, Moon Shadow, Workout Routine, Green Tint p Cornucopia, Luxe Blue, Dayflower Blue, Cool Touch, Sea Serpent's Tears, Rain Drum, Rocky Ridge, Chelsea Mauve, Willow Green, Bisqu Mover and Shaker, Volcanic, Hyper Green, Cool Touch, El Niño palette Allegro, Flame Yellow, Cool Touch, Lyons Blue, Wonder Lust, Siberian Fur, White Sail palette Timeless Taupe, Uguisu Green, Brown Rust, DodgeRoll Gold, Liquid Neon, Cool Touch, Suva Grey palette Whole Wheat, Abra Goldenrod, Cool Touch, Abyssopelagic Water, Nile Blue, Heirloom Quilt, Cryo Freeze, Sugar Swizzle palette Athonian Camoshade, Cool Touch, Love Bird, Reliquial Rose, Frost Gum, Pink Macaroon, Designer Cream Yellow, Minty Frosting palette Caps, Autumn Gold, Yuzu Marmalade, Cavern Moss, Aqua Revival, Cool Touch, Guitar palette Cherry Bark, Expanse, Tabbouleh, Cool Touch, Spanish Plum, Fruit Yard palette Molten Lava, Persian Gold, Mango Brown, Cool Touch, Hot, Colorado Peak, Napery palette Rich Walnut, Fall Harvest, Sea Drifter, Cool Touch, Hopbush, Swallow Blue, Honey Baked Ham, Fresco Cream palette Succubus, Appetizing Asparagus, Cool Touch, Blue Velvet, Burning Ultrablue, Royal Fuchsia, Tropez Blue, Citrus Hill palette Sierra Pink, Cool Touch, Holly Leaf, Tree Lined, Butterscotch Amber palette Cool Touch, Spice palette Evil Sunz Scarlet, Panela, Hacienda palette Slippery Shale, Sahara Sun, Cool Touch, Deep Sea Nightmare, Natural Pumice, Dried Plantain, Cirrus Blue palette Brandy Punch, Terra Orange, Red Damask, Scattered Showers, Cool Touch, Velvet Wine, Aqua Zing palette Chlorite, Aurora Green, Borage, Cool Touch palette I'm a Local, Zingiber, Black Coral, Cool Touch, After-Party Pink, Cracked Pepper, Celeb City, Indian Ocean palette Dijonnaise, Cool Touch palette Park Picnic, Cool Touch, Lilac Suede, Delicate Lemon, Lime Lightning palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #7295c9 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#7295c9 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
Large text: | ||
Small text: |
#7295c9 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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