Created at 02/22/2023 12:49

#85b3f3 HEX Color Fly Away information

#85b3f3 RGB(133, 179, 243)

RGB values are RGB(133, 179, 243)
#85b3f3 color contain Red 52.16%, Green 70.2% and Blue 95.29%.

Color Names of #85b3f3 HEX code

Fly Away, Gray Color

Classification of #85b3f3 color

#85b3f3 is Light and Cool Color
Opposite Color for Fly Away is #f3c686

#85b3f3 Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #85b3f3 Fly Away

hsl(215, 82%, 74%)
hsla(215, 82%, 74%, 1)
RGB(133, 179, 243)
RGBA(133, 179, 243, 1)

Palettes for #85b3f3 color Fly Away:

Below examples of color palettes for #85b3f3 HEX color

darkest color is #0d1218 from shades and lightest color is #f3f7fe from tints

Shades palette of #85b3f3:
Tints palette of #85b3f3:
Complementary palette of #85b3f3:
Triadic palette of #85b3f3:
Square palette of #85b3f3:
Analogous palette of #85b3f3:
Split-Complementary palette of #85b3f3:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #85b3f3:

Color Fly Away #85b3f3 used in palettes (48)

Artwork logo graphic design branding hex colors Soft Difference Grilled Tomato, Rocky Mountain Red, Fly Away, Mental Floss, Polar Expedition palette Mongoose, American Roast, Khardic Flesh, Yellow Coneflower, Toxic Orange, Green Turquoise, Green Elliott, Cala Benirrás Blue, Blue Jarrah, Sohi Red, Chinese Goldfish, Flush Orange, Sizzling Sunrise, Dazzle, Strong Blue, Ruthless Empress, Havana, Seaworld, Dolph Underwater Fern, Purple Statement, Deauville Mauve, Great Falls, Misted Eve, Fly Away, Lush Life palette Art District, Earthnut, Pickled Cucumber, Cerulean Blue, Minuet Rose, Squid's Ink, Fly Away, Arabian Veil palette Ritzy, The Sickener, Green Balsam, Fly Away, Chamois, Fancy Pants palette Hot Sauce, Juniper Oil, Glossy Gold, Fly Away, Kitsilano Cookie, Angela Bay palette Moon Yellow, Snowboard, Irish Coffee, Plum Orbit, Patio Stone, Bryophyte, Dead Grass, Fly Away palette Windows #43 Cherry Bark, Grape Harvest, Red Velvet, Fly Away, Maypole palette Danger, Uniform Green Grey, Grenadine, Ship's Officer, Purple Noir, Chestnut Peel, Fly Away, Physalis Aquarelle palette Desert Yellow, Suez Canal, Screen Gem, Spanish Crimson, Deep Depths, All Nighter, Seattle Red, Riverbank, Brave Purple, Fly Away, Rare Red, Lucky Bamboo, Victorian Crown, Golden Ginkgo, Purebred, Royal Marquis, Aqueduct, Regality, Matte Carmine, Colorado Sprin Agrellan Earth, Quite Coral, Kvass, Tangerine Tango, Go Bananas, Spitsbergen Blue, Liquorice Root, Shallot Leaf, Albert Green, Jun Golden Summer, Warrant, Cajun Red, Pinkadelic, Deep Saffron, True Blue, Rhubarb Smoothie, Dignity Blue, Autumn Night, Desert Bud, Cardinal, Succulent Lime, Brass Scorpion, Rustic Tobacco, Blue Sabre, Blackberry Sorbet, Fly Away, Arts & Crafts Gold, Nut Milk, S Braun, Crispy Gold, Gold Drop, Energy Yellow, Sand Pyramid, Argos palette go789ac Mermaid, Unfired Clay, US Air Force Blue, Rum, Purple Rubiate, Black Dahlia, Transcend, Teatime Mauve, Fly Away, Canary Grass, Bir Taffy, Blue Sage, Gunjō Blue, Majolica Blue, Tol Barad Green, Chocolate Chip, False Morel, Undine, Fast Velvet, Fly Away palette Fenugreek, Mosstone, China Seas, Sugar Creek, Royal Silk, Fly Away, Lunar Rock, Cornerstone, Light Slipper Satin palette Tantanmen Brown, Faneuil Brick, Weissbier, Sweet Carrot, Delft Blue, Washed Black, Antique Turquoise, Pinky Beige, Green Bark, Fly Asian Pear, Fresh Herb, Lexington Blue, Dark Lavender, Raspberry Glaze, Oxblood Red, Mauve Mystery, Windsor Haze, Cosmic Quest, Th Red Mana, Electric Glow, Caterpillar, Hokkaido Lavender, Scarlet Ribbons, Tamahagane, Charred Chocolate, Satin Soil, Ocean Bubble, Sweet Maple, Booger Buster, Berry Blue, Off-Road Green, Crewel Tan palette Gathering Field, Ardent Coral, Cocktail Green, Advertising Green, Sweet Violet, Exotic Incense, Silver Bells, Fly Away, Avenue Tan Spruce Woods, Old Porch, Etruscan, Lemon Whisper, Spring Field, Hippie Pink, Cherry Soda, Moncur, Simply Violet palette Incarnadine, Spinach Banana Smoothie, Golden Nugget, Daisy, Citronella, Red Light Neon, Concealed Green, Grape Wine, Sweet Grape, Cursed Black, Squid Ink Powder, Wine Stain, Mountain Lichen, Chrome Aluminum palette Amber Gold, Boardman, River Pebble, Oceanus, Fly Away palette Duckling Fluff, Ice Dark Turquoise, Lightning Bolt Blue, Fly Away, Georgian Pink palette Fly Away, Piggy Bank, Writing Paper, Hotot Bunny Tardis Blue, Lap Pool Blue, Fly Away palette Where Buffalo Roam, Kindred, Tobernite, Blue Chaos, Cliff Brown, Fly Away, Pink Marble palette Deadsy, Grandiose, Remote Control, Mulu Frog, Needlepoint Navy, African Sand, Chelsea Mauve palette Ultra Green, Thunder Grey, Grey Heron, Zodiac, Fly Away, Barely Mauve palette Queen Palm, Byron Place, Fly Away palette Waxy Corn, Bay's Water, Cosmic Cobalt, Cocoa Bean, Lava Stone, Painted Leather, Heart Potion, Fly Away palette Sunrose Yellow, Bella, Fly Away, Polar Drift palette Planet of the Apes, Patina, Plum Power, Hydrogen Blue, Queen's Rose, Cool Beige, Dave's Den palette Number #122 Deep Marsh, Heavy Brown, King Creek Falls, Wild Blue Yonder, Fly Away palette Summerset, Champion Blue, Lake Retba Pink, Red Jade, Kolibri Blue, Antique Viola, Fly Away, Powder Ash palette Salsa Habanero, Enamel Blue palette Mustard Flower, Poison Purple, Black Dahlia, Inheritance, Apparition, Heavenly Blue, Fly Away palette Tail Lights, Wreath, Gulf Blue, Warm Sand, Fly Away palette

Color Contrast

Color pairings #85b3f3 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image Fly Away #85b3f3 color png