Created at 02/23/2023 03:33

#918c7e HEX Color Laurel Oak information

#918c7e RGB(145, 140, 126)

RGB values are RGB(145, 140, 126)
#918c7e color contain Red 56.86%, Green 54.9% and Blue 49.41%.

Color Names of #918c7e HEX code

Laurel Oak Color

Classification of #918c7e color

#918c7e is Light and Neutral Color
Shade of Grey
Opposite Color for Laurel Oak is #7e8391

#918c7e Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #918c7e Laurel Oak

hsl(44, 8%, 53%)
hsla(44, 8%, 53%, 1)
RGB(145, 140, 126)
RGBA(145, 140, 126, 1)

Palettes for #918c7e color Laurel Oak:

Below examples of color palettes for #918c7e HEX color

darkest color is #0e0e0d from shades and lightest color is #f4f4f2 from tints

Shades palette of #918c7e:
Tints palette of #918c7e:
Complementary palette of #918c7e:
Triadic palette of #918c7e:
Square palette of #918c7e:
Analogous palette of #918c7e:
Split-Complementary palette of #918c7e:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #918c7e:

Color Laurel Oak #918c7e used in palettes (50)

Laurel Oak, Tree Frog Green, Raiden Blue, Corsican, Kissed by Mist palette Laurel Oak, Sesame Street Green, African Queen, Desert Echo palette Laurel Oak, Sweet Potato palette Red Knuckles, Laurel Oak, Wheat Tortilla, Dry Hemlock, Moss, Skylar, USAFA Blue, Snowstorm Space Shuttle, Muted Purple, Aster Viol Laurel Oak, Fossil, Cornucopia, Mid Green, Aquamarine Blue, Thousand Sons Blue, Space Station, Quiet Night, Kings of Sea, Lake Thu Laurel Oak, Red Licorice, Devlan Mud Wash, Shaved Ice palette Laurel Oak, Whisky, Advertisement Green, Ashton Skies, Fuchsia Rose, Sensitive Scorpion, Minified Blush palette Laurel Oak, Trumpet Gold, Jagger, Man Friday, All Dressed Up palette Laurel Oak, Ballet Cream, Bright Blue, Caboose, Gray Agate, Pale Blossom palette Laurel Oak, Dinosaur Bone, Mule Fawn, Mesmerize, Blue Brocade, Baby Pink palette Laurel Oak, Rose Hip Tonic palette Laurel Oak, Sun Baked, Chat Orange, Orange Tiger palette Red Dead Redemption, Laurel Oak, Blue Moon, Barbados Blue, Water Raceway, Atlantic Deep, Semi Sweet Chocolate, Evergreen Field, Na Laurel Oak, Leafy Lichen, Bold Avocado, Spike, Peruvian Soil, Gentle Sea palette Laurel Oak, Village Square, Renwick Olive, Sausalito Port, Bluish, Blue Beetle, Pink Garnet, Bright Nautilus, Cayman Green, Tuscan Laurel Oak, Cheek Red, Khardic Flesh, Golden Apricot, Film Noir, Tillandsia Purple, Arona, Green Snow, Warm Waters, Skydiver palet Laurel Oak, Cinnamon Twist, Hamster Fur, Freesia, Acid Pool, Tuscany, That's My Lime, Yuma Gold, Comfort Grey palette Laurel Oak, Tan-Gent, Field Poppy, Muddy Green, Matt Green, Bumangués Blue, Super Black, Cocoa Brown, Aristocratic Blue, Basalt Bl Laurel Oak, Trailhead, Antique Rose, Pollen Storm, Super Gold, Tiramisu palette Laurel Oak, Rice Curry, Peach Butter, Lighthouse Glow, Forget-Me-Not, Magenta Violet, Limo-Scene, Japanese Bonsai, Athenian Green, Dynamite Red, Laurel Oak, Tallarn Sand, Limone, Golf Blazer, Funk, Purpletone, Mullen Pink, Americano, Bordeaux, Surf the Web, Uld Dropped Brick, Laurel Oak, Auric, Ground Bean, Springtime Bloom, Noble Grey, Dusty Ivory palette Laurel Oak, Secret Path, Cocoa Delight, Autumn Leaf, Pumpkin Spice, Drably Olive, Sunburnt Cyclops, Expressive Plum, Smokey Lilac Vermillion Seabass, Laurel Oak, Coal Miner, Field Maple, Homburg Grey, Green Goth Eyeshadow, French Court, Royal Neptune, Bean Gre Laurel Oak, Soft Cocoa, Antique Gold, Royalty Loyalty, Cactus Flower, Still Grey, Future Vision, Mauve Finery, Stucco White, Sensi Laurel Oak, Green Lentils, Jama Masjid Taupe, Herbivore, Garden Greenery, Greenish, Enchanted Blue, Tofino Belue, Artesian Water, Laurel Oak, Green Sleeves, Firenze, Turmeric Red, Half-Smoke, Not Yo Cheese, Vegetation, Nightly Blade, UCLA Blue, Qing Dynasty Fi Cherry Tart, Darth Umber, Laurel Oak, Sorrel Brown, Yellow Mandarin, Daffodil, Bay Fog palette Laurel Oak, Roman Violet, Moscow Midnight, Cielo, Pinkalicious, Chinaberry Bloom palette Laurel Oak, Cheek Red, Taiwan Gold, Blue Jewel, Gentian, Fuchsia, Bracken Fern, Grey Morning, Flagstone palette Laurel Oak, Gypsy, Orange Red, Neptune Blue, Kingfisher Blue, Myoga Purple, Royal Orchard, March Tulip Green, Langdon Dove, Cedarv Laurel Oak, Dusky Yellow, Treasure Isle, Copper Turquoise, Eminence, Black Licorice, Plush, Sailor's Coat palette Laurel Oak, Teal Moiré, Deep Atlantic Blue, Silver Whiskers, Pumice Stone, Shiny Luster, Shangri La palette Laurel Oak, Mustard Flower, Garuda Gold, Verminal, Toxic Sludge, Korean Mint, Par Four Green, Pinehurst, Country Lake, Liquorice G Red Tape, Kosher Khaki, Laurel Oak, Decorous Amber, Sudan Brown, Magic Melon, Stand Out, Raspberry Romantic, Purple Shade, Praying Laurel Oak, Sneezy, Christmas Ivy, Mountain Lake Green, Wizard Blue, Berry Jam, Toxic Frog palette Laurel Oak, Red Terra, Sell Gold, Reliquial Rose, Bunglehouse Blue, Regale Blue, Coral Dusk, Monet Moonrise palette Laurel Oak, Bridle Leather, Dark Galaxy, Antique Windmill, Journey's End palette Laurel Oak, Living Large, Gladiola, Serpentine Shadow, Edge of Space palette Laurel Oak, Canyon Rose, Oriental Spice, Red Panda, Possessed Plum, Majesty, Cavernous palette Laurel Oak, Hematitic Sand, Post Yellow, Blue Damselfly, Leo Royal Fuchsia, Swiss Chard, Rebel palette Laurel Oak, Lime Time, Teal Green, After Midnight palette Laurel Oak, Fir Blue, Teal Blue palette Laurel Oak, Rye Brown, Green Lizard, Verdigris, Budapest Brown, Night Tide, Tarnished Treasure, Bathing palette Laurel Oak, Ungor Flesh, Siamese Green, Composite Artefact Green, Clematis Blue, Peach Tile, Wood Nymph palette Laurel Oak, Lazy Lichen, Sepia Wash palette Laurel Oak, Tiki Hut, Fading Love, Raspberry Jam palette Laurel Oak, Caramel Sundae, Autumn's Hill, Kelley Green, Stockleaf, Toy Blue, Strawberry Mousse, Black Turmeric, Isolation, Mulber Electric Red, Laurel Oak, Musk Deer, Prime Pink palette Laurel Oak, Dapper Tan, Nostalgic, Sacramento State Green, Beer Glazed Bacon, Lap Dog palette

Color Contrast

Color pairings #918c7e with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
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Small text:

Image Laurel Oak #918c7e color png