Created at 02/24/2023 20:13

#968775 HEX Color Bedbox information

#968775 RGB(150, 135, 117)

RGB values are RGB(150, 135, 117)
#968775 color contain Red 58.82%, Green 52.94% and Blue 45.88%.

Color Names of #968775 HEX code

Bedbox Color

Classification of #968775 color

#968775 is Light and Warm Color
Shade of Grey
Opposite Color for Bedbox is #738396

#968775 Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #968775 Bedbox

hsl(33, 14%, 52%)
hsla(33, 14%, 52%, 1)
RGB(150, 135, 117)
RGBA(150, 135, 117, 1)

Palettes for #968775 color Bedbox:

Below examples of color palettes for #968775 HEX color

darkest color is #0f0d0c from shades and lightest color is #f5f3f1 from tints

Shades palette of #968775:
Tints palette of #968775:
Complementary palette of #968775:
Triadic palette of #968775:
Square palette of #968775:
Analogous palette of #968775:
Split-Complementary palette of #968775:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #968775:

Color Bedbox #968775 used in palettes (45)

Bedbox Muscatel, Bedbox, Tobermory, Light Orchid, Light Sea Breeze, Jefferson Cream, Alabaster palette Bedbox, Domain, Ethiopian Wolf, Aspen Gold, Approaching Dusk, Mud Pink, Light Mystified, Wrack White palette Bedbox, Red Jalapeno, Blue Whale, Tree Bark Green, Legacy palette Bedbox, Golden Lock, Salmon Nigiri, Seascape, Midnight Dreams, Daniel Boone, Hibiscus Punch, Cheyenne Rock, May Apple, Silver Doll Bedbox, Lavish Gold, Sweet Cherry, Japanese Iris, Blue Bonnet, Pompeii Blue, Harpoon, Bright Nori, December Eve, Petrified Purple, Demonic, Bedbox, Ground Nutmeg, Exuberance, Cathode Green, Warpfiend Grey, Bright Purple, Christalle, Chaps, Studio Taupe, Sacred Leroy, Miami Spice, Bedbox, Suzumecha Brown, Cactus Valley, Italian Basil, Cuban Sand, Wax Green palette Hot Cuba, Bedbox, Home Brew, Deer Leather, USC Gold, Noxious, Waystone Green, Wintergreen Dream, Denim, Allium, Longan's Kernel, M Bedbox, Sweet Georgia Brown, Fresh Gingerbread, Pure Sunshine, Phosphor Green, Crushed Raspberry, Kali Blue, Spring Lobster, Usu P Bedbox, Summer in the City, Blue Antarctic, Butterfly Green palette Valentine Red, Sinoper Red, Bedbox, Crusta, Iceland Poppy, Country Lake, Dark Earth, Bighorn Sheep, Wahoo, Muscat Grape palette Bedbox, Clay Brown, Persian Orange, Dusty Orange, Stormy Grey, Carriage Ride, Blue Beyond, Grey Ghost, Siamese Kitten, Princess Fa Bicyclette, Bedbox, New York Pink, Tahiti Gold, Beautiful Blue, Chun-Li Blue, Ultra Violet, Yankees Blue, Chalet Green, Castlegate Bedbox, Potter Green, Chili Con Carne, Soleil, Elwynn Forest Olive, Golf Blazer, Robin's Egg, Sora Sky, Fabulous Fantasy, Attica, Bedbox, Ablaze, Muted Berry, Orion, Climbing Ivy, Satin Green, Ceramic Beige palette Bedbox, Wild Stallion, Golden Cadillac, Golden, Sulphur Spring palette Evil Centipede, Kombu, Bedbox, Fox, Taisha Brown, Bladerunner, Sailor, Dahlia Mauve, Sephiroth Grey, Swift, Echo Blue palette Sandstone Grey, Bedbox, Redwood Forest, Rusty Gate, Majorca Blue, Blue Marble, Plum Dandy, Storm Warning, Yin Hūi Silver, Muted Li Bedbox, Stucco, Wave of Grain, Cakepop Sorbet, Traffic Light Green, Bunny Soft, Droplet palette Red Orange, Bedbox, Cider Spice, Apple Orchard, Echo Park, Green Turquoise, Jade Dragon, Thai Teal, Canadian Tuxedo, Purple Toolbo Bedbox, Café Renversé, English Daisy, Sombrero, Goody Gumdrop palette Bedbox, Artisan, Kalahari Sunset, Belfast, Sonata in Green Minor, Medium Electric Blue, Sticky Black Tarmac, Honey Butter, Toasted Bedbox, Golden Glove, Rapeseed, Claret Red, Heavy Black Green, Saguaro, Coffee Shop, Laid Back Grey, Enchanted Meadow, White Gauze Bedbox, Cajun Spice, Drifting Downstream, Semi Sweet Chocolate palette Bedbox, Water Carrier, Crete Shore, Golden Hop, Savannah, Japan Blush palette Bedbox, Christmas Orange, Postwar Boom palette Bedbox, Jinzamomi Pink, Egyptian Green, After Midnight, Mutabilis palette Bedbox, Enchanted Wood, Middle Yellow Red, Aegean Blue, Luminary Green, Pink Beach, Malmö FF, Beige Linen palette Bedbox, Natural Bridge, Sugared Almond, In for a Penny, Nuclear Blast, Malevolent Mauve, Apricotta, Fog Green palette California Dreamin', Bedbox, Energy Green, Camouflage, Solid Snake, Dancing in the Rain palette Bedbox, Brownish, Drifting Downstream, Auburn Lights, Notorious palette Bedbox, Spicy Mustard, French Wine, Asian Jute, Ice Shard Soft Blue palette Jester Red, Bedbox, Sinatra, Evocative Blue, 400XT Film palette Vermilion Scarlet, Bedbox, Mandarin Peel, True Lavender, God of Rain, Lime Splash palette Bedbox, Gold Metal, Pea, Screen Glow, Out of the Blue, Royal Fuchsia, Silver Taupe, Asian Jute, Castle Wall, Bright Citrus palette Bedbox, Antler Moth, Sassy Green, Summer Air, Petunia Patty, Blue Dusk, Spring Storm palette Bedbox, Jasper Orange, Climate Control, Chyornyi Black, Black Marlin palette Bedbox, Bright Bubble, Pocket Watch, Pinque palette Bedbox, Dixie, Peppercorn Red palette Bedbox, Carmel Woods, Gingerbread, Electric Lime, Grey Blueberry, Plum Dust, Red Safflower, Holly Leaf palette Bedbox, Seed Pod, Verde Tropa, Secrecy palette Bedbox, Spicy Red, Rainier Blue, Minuet Lilac, Bowerbird Blue, Violet Webcap, Chestnut Butter, Rundlet Peach, Roasted Almond, Purp Tango Red, Bedbox, Mellow Coral, Glacier Green, Eastern Amber palette Bedbox, Traditional, Red Hook, Pêra Rocha, Bijou Blue, Green Blue Slate, Aqualogic, Insignia, Aloeswood, Elephant Skin, Mystic Riv

Color Contrast

Color pairings #968775 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image Bedbox #968775 color png