Created at 02/22/2023 06:57

#b1bbc5 HEX Color Oxford information

#b1bbc5 RGB(177, 187, 197)

RGB values are RGB(177, 187, 197)
#b1bbc5 color contain Red 69.41%, Green 73.33% and Blue 77.25%.

Color Names of #b1bbc5 HEX code

Oxford Color

Classification of #b1bbc5 color

#b1bbc5 is Light and Cool Color
Tint of Silver
Opposite Color for Oxford is #c4bab0

#b1bbc5 Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #b1bbc5 Oxford

hsl(210, 15%, 73%)
hsla(210, 15%, 73%, 1)
RGB(177, 187, 197)
RGBA(177, 187, 197, 1)

Palettes for #b1bbc5 color Oxford:

Below examples of color palettes for #b1bbc5 HEX color

darkest color is #121314 from shades and lightest color is #f7f8f9 from tints

Shades palette of #b1bbc5:
Tints palette of #b1bbc5:
Complementary palette of #b1bbc5:
Triadic palette of #b1bbc5:
Square palette of #b1bbc5:
Analogous palette of #b1bbc5:
Split-Complementary palette of #b1bbc5:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #b1bbc5:

Color Oxford #b1bbc5 used in palettes (46)

Modal sign up ui uz colors palette Oxford Fudge Bar, Bloodletter, Cola, Shaker Grey, Oxford palette Lannister Red, Iron Mountain, Caps, Spiced Nut, Sugar Glazed Cashew, Green Revolution, Blue Iris, Tillandsia Purple, Bland, Frappe Windows #4 Multi colors Shin Godzilla, Gold Gleam, Geranium Leaf, Mossy Shining Gold, Naval Passage, Black Spruce, Oxford, Convivial Yellow, Prosecco, Vis Summer Sun, Puyo Blob Green, Stellar Explorer, Winter Moss, Foggy Blue, Oxford, Creamy Avocado, Agapanthus palette Aventurine, Is It Cold, Fuchsia Berries, Prairie Dust, Oxford palette Lost Canyon, Rustic Hacienda, Autumn Gourd, Electric Flamingo, Enraged, Blackberry Wine, Kinetic Blue, Royal Hyacinth, Jewel Cater Chili Pepper, Electra, Passion Flower, Night Tide, Oxford, Brazilian Sand palette Boho Copper, Sunflower Mango, Southern Platyfish, Purposeful, Tulipan Violet, Sailor Blue, A Pair of Brown Eyes, Tea palette Treasured, Pollination, Tidal Wave, Lake Tahoe Turquoise, Epink, Manganese Red, Ashlite, Tempting Pink, Oxford, Silent Ripple, Cul Chéng Hóng Sè Orange, Platinum Granite, Sphagnum Moss, Poodle Skirt Peach, Folk Song, Montego Bay, Bavarian Blue, Innocent Blue pa Chernobog, Old Boot, Partridge Knoll, Sorrel Brown, Golden Glove, Conker, Old Lavender, Chinese New Year, Black Forest, Swiss Brow Caramel Coating, Drab Green, Moot Green, Grape Harvest, Concealed Green, Fling Green, Oxford, Dune Grass, Sandstone Cliff, Bridgew Coelia Greenshade, Norwegian Blue, Smoking Night Blue, Pelican Tan, Oxford, Skyway, Lemon Cream, Baby Blue Eyes palette Coffee Kiss, Potash, Blue Intrigue, Delicate Girl Blue, Alaskan Cruise, Stepping Stone, Oxford, Cream Custard, Gentle Glow palette Fisher King, Cotton Wool Blue, Delicate Lemon, Oxford palette Kournikova, Island Aqua, Regula Barbara Blue, Eastern Blue, Classy Plum, Bleached Cedar, Nettle Green, Crabby Apple, Overgrown Tre Dusted Olive, Lucky Orange, Trendy Pink, Obsidian Red, Aged Teak, Cold Turquoise, Oxford palette Sebright Chicken, Kiwi Fruit, Cameroon Green, Smoky Studio, Sensational Sand, Bliss Blue palette Sawshark, Antique Penny, Autumn Glaze, Chocolate, Dirty Orange, Garden Stroll, Gilneas Grey, Grape Nectar, Circus Red, Tsunami, Fo Tuskgor Fur, Red Bell Pepper, Barn Door, Fertile Green, Wild Mushroom, Deep Bamboo Yellow, Scorpy Green, Charming Nature, Clooney, Skylla, Vivid Purple, Raspberry Yogurt, Kettle Black, Root Brew, Bavarian Gentian, Nandor, Nut Shell, Blush Essence, Oxford, Cool Tidepool, Arctic Water, Montana Sky, Asagi Blue, Oxford, Pretty Pink, Peach Blossom Red palette Graham Crust, Tacha, Greenivorous, Water Raceway, Medium Gunship Grey, Oxford palette Angry Flamingo, Prairie Denim, True Crimson palette Lightsaber Blue, Spanish Sky Blue, Blue Screen of Death, Powder Room palette Pretty Maiden, Blue Leviathan, Fire Roasted palette Green Fiasco, Heather Red Grey, Trance palette Life Is Good, Aquamarine, Boudoir Blue palette Maine-Anjou Cattle, Jargon Jade, Lipstick Pink, Lunar Eclipse palette Moldy Ochre, Port Malmesbury, Cortex, Oxford, Tudor Ice palette Lucky Penny, Soft Pumpkin, Ratskin Flesh, Feralas Lime, Wild Strawberry, Eight Ball, Castlegate, Row House Tan palette Solitary Slate, Tanned Wood, Florida Sunrise, Emerald City, Boiling Mud palette Brown Eyes, Snow Pea, Deep Water, Reboot, Cotton Candy Explosions, Pumice Grey, Jurassic Park, Izmir Purple, Dramatist, Sinking Sa Dream Green, UP Forest Green, Pale Leaf palette Honey Garlic Beef, Deep Coral, Wish Upon a Star, Amalfi Coast, Pageantry Purple, Triple Berry, Velvet Black palette Soft Cocoa, Leather Loafers, Contessa, Inferno, Dirty Brown, Yellow Orange, Phaser Beam, Semi-Precious, Shipyard, Lost River, Plum Balsa Wood, Moping Green, Onion Seedling, Second Pour, Talavera, Capri Fashion Pink, Warm Neutral, Watery Sea, Oxford, Déjà Vu, Si Bijou Red, Orange Ochre, Rainbow's Inner Rim, Ice Dark Turquoise, Oxford palette Prince Paris, Orangish, Glimpse of Void, Blue Bolt, Rita's Rouge, Rich Bordeaux, Canary Wharf, Puddle palette Yellow Umbrella, Highlight Gold, Gold Deposit, Finch, Acid Lime, Techno Turquoise, Enchanting Sky, Aqua Deep palette Chanterelle Sauce, Tapenade, Corn Poppy Cherry, Citron, Wolf Lichen, Vegan, Secrecy, Mediterranean Swirl, Reddish Pink, Hidden Sap Brazilian Citrine, Cookie Dough, Farrago, Mountain Meadow, Amethyst Orchid, Hibernation, Maire, Conker Brown, Tibetan Cloak, Oxfor

Color Contrast

Color pairings #b1bbc5 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:
Contrast Ratio
Large text:
Small text:

Image Oxford #b1bbc5 color png