Created at 02/25/2023 10:24
#bcc8be HEX Color Resting Place information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#bcc8be | RGB(188, 200, 190) |
RGB values are RGB(188, 200, 190)
#bcc8be color contain Red 73.73%, Green 78.43% and Blue 74.51%.
Color Names of #bcc8be HEX code
Resting Place Color
Alternative colors of Resting Place #bcc8be
Opposite Color for Resting Place is #c8bcc6
#bcc8be Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #bcc8be Resting Place
hsl(130, 10%, 76%)
hsla(130, 10%, 76%, 1)
RGB(188, 200, 190)
RGBA(188, 200, 190, 1)
Palettes for #bcc8be color Resting Place:
Below examples of color palettes for #bcc8be HEX color
darkest color is #131413 from shades and lightest color is #f8faf9 from tints
Shades palette of #bcc8be:
Tints palette of #bcc8be:
Complementary palette of #bcc8be:
Triadic palette of #bcc8be:
Square palette of #bcc8be:
Analogous palette of #bcc8be:
Split-Complementary palette of #bcc8be:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #bcc8be:
Color Resting Place #bcc8be used in palettes (50)
Ghost Pepper, Rawhide, Beagle Brown, Schnipo, Ecological, Exploration Green, Flora, Brandywine Raspberry, Cat's Purr, Fly Agaric, Windswept Leaves, Brusque Pink, Resting Place, Goodbye Kiss palette Soft Impala, Cargo Pants, Resting Place palette Nessie, Clove Dye, Resting Place, Morning Zen, Natural Almond palette New Brick, Lurid Red, Fresh Scent, Innisfree Garden, Beaming Blue, Violet Quartz, Indian Mesa, Resting Place palette Clementine, Blush Bomb, Pink Sherbet, Colorado Dawn, Resting Place, Steel Me palette Clove Dye, Fuego Nuevo, Crypto Gold, Purple Comet, Existential Angst, Resting Place, Appleblossom, Shrimp Boat, Chinaberry Bloom, Torch Red, Soil Of Avagddu, King's Robe, Wish Upon a Star, Tempo Teal, Fruit Dove, Immersed, Kaitoke Green, Wine Cellar, Bonsai Ga Barro Verde, Woven Basket, Congo Pink, Aqualogic, Zeus Palace, Secret Society, Groundcover, Lake Water, New Foliage, Celery Powder Green Revolution, Dusty Turquoise, Ephren Blue, Loden Purple, Cacao, Spooky Graveyard, Beach Cabana, Middle Purple, Fossilized, Re Pinkadelic, UCLA Blue, Tatzelwurm Green, Uniform Brown, Morning Tea, Apricotta, Pink Nectar, Resting Place palette Warrant, Hyper Green, Skarsnik Green, Icy Life, Melancholic Sea, Bleu Ciel, Tomato Puree, Old Heart, Dark Denim Blue, Plankton Gre Lava Pit, Marsupilami, Purple Vanity, Powdered Cocoa, Creek Bay, Flaxen Field, Creamed Caramel, Resting Place palette Mana, Spectral Green, Weldon Blue, Blue Lust, Black Russian, Full City Roast, Evening Shadow, Lily of the Nile, Golden Raspberry, Green Jeans, Epicurean Orange, Soul Side, Green Tea Mochi, Green Dynasty, Imperial Dynasty, Strong Iris, Explore Blue, Vampire Fan Red Pigment, Cinereous, Green Flavor, Dried Mustard, Money, Manitou Blue, Punch Out Glove, Flaming Flamingo, After the Storm, Ging Florentine Brown, Grapefruit Yellow, Candelabra, Cornsilk Yellow, Lily Pond Blue, Grand Rapids, Cyanite, Is It Cold, Applause Plea Guava Green, Lucid Dream, Flamingo Dream, Plum Truffle, Forester, Duchess Lilac, Resting Place, Water Droplet, Almond Icing palett Hemp, Suede Leather, Glorious Gold, Common Chestnut, Nostalgic Evening, Great Basin, Clear Viridian, Secret Story, Tàn Hēi Soot, S Multi colors Bauhaus Gold, Chasm, Cognac, Duckling, Karma Chameleon, Sagat Purple, Deco Grey, Cloudy Desert, Morning Dew, Blue Garter, Resting Allura Red, Aztec Turquoise, Rhinestone, Shadow Dance, Rose Branch, Popstar, Bridgewood, Arcadian Green, May Mist, Exclusive Viole Bloodline, Ghost Ship, Canyon Rose, Sedona at Sunset, Tarnished Brass, Adventure of the Seas, Tabriz Teal, Haunted Candelabra, Win Fire Axe Red, Kid's Stuff, Basketball, Fall River, Melon Green, Shimmering Brook, Special Grey, Sepia Black, Keshizumi Cinder, Pas Rich Walnut, O'Brien Orange, Banana Bandanna, Lighter Green, Rocket Metallic, Blackberry Pie, Church Blue, Aluminum, Manatee, Slee Melon Red, Vivid Sky Blue, Laguna Blue, Palace Blue, Kimberly, Persian Luxury Purple, Moisty Mire, Quartzite, Warplock Bronze, Can Caramel Cupcake, Peapod Green, Radar Blip Green, Olive Green, Light Green, Coolbox Ice Turquoise, Dead Blue Eyes, Highlighter Red, Sweet Cherry Red, Japanese Yew, Yellow Powder, Pure Apple, Breaking Wave, Bottle Green, Wine Red, Fig, Woody Brown, Alexandra Peac Strawberry Cough, Au Gratin, Steiglitz Fog, Tarnished Treasure, Bachelor Blue, Minted Lemon, Resting Place, Dreams of Peach palett OU Crimson Red, French Beige, Ginger Whisper, Falling Leaves, Gallstone Yellow, Hot Sand, Medium Turquoise, Smokey Denim, Cotton I Hula Girl, Monarch Wing, Lush Un'goro Crater, Obscure Orchid, Kenyan Copper, Fashionably Plum, Lavender Cloud, Portage palette Gingersnap, Mad For Mango, Cosmic Cobalt, Texas Sweet Tea, Resting Place, Thulite Rose palette Sea of Atlantis, Ancient Planks, Rainee, Resting Place, Wishful Green palette Sorcerer, Black Space, Batch Blue, Resting Place, Baby Blossom palette Deep Shale, Willow Hedge, Tiamo, Cabana Bay, Resting Place, Journal White palette Mood Mode, Resting Place, Focus, Dream Catcher palette Unpredictable Hue, Ganymede, Garden Aroma, Haunting Melody, Regatta Bay, Wood's Creek, Resting Place, Cirrus Blue palette Bedford Brown, Sunbaked Adobe, Delicate Green, A Pair of Brown Eyes, Resting Place palette Rich Maroon, Foggy Sunrise, Sandbar, Resting Place palette Randall, Tanned Leather, Avocado, Cocoa Brown palette Peach Caramel, Roland-Garros, Broom palette Cogswell Cedar, Country Sleigh, Walnut, Pit Stop, Cochineal Red, Cosmic Blue, Cavern Echo, Resting Place palette Wildflower Honey, Verdant Views, Seastone, Tufts Blue, Milkwort Red, Forest Green, Sky Bus palette Pesto di Noce, Pilsener, Silver Maple Green, Cockatoo, Camelback, Resting Place, Modestly Peach, Light Wavecrest palette Goku Orange, Spitsbergen Blue, Resting Place, Pale Moss Green, September Sun, Blonde Beauty palette Gold Coast, Resting Place, Harp, Silver Sweetpea palette Dynamic Green, Queen of Sheba palette Pale Taupe, Pumpkin Toast, Sheet Blue, Official Violet palette Big Cypress, Blue Ballad, Accursed Black, Light Corn Yellow, Resting Place, Stretched Canvas, Milk White palette Cortez Chocolate, Fiji Palm, Captive, Strong Mocha, Silver Skate, Resting Place palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #bcc8be with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#bcc8be Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |
#bcc8be Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |