Created at 02/23/2023 04:30
#bddde1 HEX Color Infinitesimal Blue information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#bddde1 | RGB(189, 221, 225) |
RGB values are RGB(189, 221, 225)
#bddde1 color contain Red 74.12%, Green 86.67% and Blue 88.24%.
Color Names of #bddde1 HEX code
Infinitesimal Blue, Columbia Blue Color
Alternative colors of Infinitesimal Blue #bddde1
Opposite Color for Infinitesimal Blue is #e0c1bd
#bddde1 Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #bddde1 Infinitesimal Blue
hsl(187, 37%, 81%)
hsla(187, 37%, 81%, 1)
RGB(189, 221, 225)
RGBA(189, 221, 225, 1)
Palettes for #bddde1 color Infinitesimal Blue:
Below examples of color palettes for #bddde1 HEX color
darkest color is #131616 from shades and lightest color is #f8fcfc from tints
Shades palette of #bddde1:
Tints palette of #bddde1:
Complementary palette of #bddde1:
Triadic palette of #bddde1:
Square palette of #bddde1:
Analogous palette of #bddde1:
Split-Complementary palette of #bddde1:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #bddde1:
Color Infinitesimal Blue #bddde1 used in palettes (40)
Popular uiux ui trend colors Mirrored Willow, Jama Masjid Taupe, Spiced Berry, Chili Soda, Sun's Rage, Dull Green, Caribbean Turquoise, Poster Blue, Ink Blotch Purple Anxiety, Infinitesimal Blue palette Polished Garnet, Infinitesimal Blue palette Oak Brown, Brown Mustard, Hawaiian Sunset, Aromango, Philips Green, Grey Cloud, Oasis Spring, Purple Starburst, Baby Berries, Ship Cool Camo, Sycamore Tan, Shiracha Brown, Fuzzy Wuzzy Brown, Mayan Gold, Fresh Clay, Orange Wood, Marine Wonder, Directoire Blue, S Mango, Promiscuous Pink, Desert Suede, Infinitesimal Blue, Marshmallow Cream palette Pool Floatie Cork Bark, Infinitesimal Blue, Petula, Field Frost, Icy Glacier, Snowy Evergreen palette Stop, Slippery Stone, Awning Red, Spiced Up, Cozumel, Smoky Studio, Riverside, Blue Ribbon Beauty, High Profile, Mangosteen, Frill Rockin Red, Elmwood, Celosia Orange, Bland Celery, Verdigris Green, Baby Whale, Camellia Pink, Bunglehouse Blue, Night Folly, Lake Bone Brown, Greedy Gecko, Fluorescent Red, Verminal, Bianchi Green, Mountain Lake, Toy Blue, Magnificence, Vibrant Velvet, Zia Oli Mojave Gold, Snow Pea, Surati Pink, Alien Purple, Plum Purple, Sepia Tone, Piccolo, Silverplate, Reviving Green palette Weathered Saddle, Jaffa, Dinosaur, Leisure Time, Evening Symphony, Fiesta Rojo, Sunken Harbor, Infinitesimal Blue, Planet Earth pa Onion Seedling, Nostalgic Evening, Cranbrook, Binrouji Black, Ore Mountains Green, Brown Magenta, Carmen, Oxygen Blue, La-De-Dah, Silence is Golden, Harlequin Green, Moss, Milky Aquamarine, Flirtatious Indigo Tea, North Sea Blue, Tripleberry, Crown Blue, Chels Hickory Cliff, Luxor Gold, Southern Evening, Scaly Green, Ancient Murasaki Purple, Love Dust, Infinitesimal Blue, Fancy Flamingo, Party Time, Gramps Shoehorn, Peacoat, Fine Greige, Whisper Ridge, Infinitesimal Blue palette Medieval Cobblestone, Baklava, Fluorescent Orange, Remote Control, Mary Blue, Rum Riche, Latin Charm, Cafe Royale, The Fang, Chanc Camel Spider, University of California Gold, Rodan Gold, Sabiseiji Grey, Celery, New Car, Aladdin's Feather, Plum Mouse, Gravel Du Redwing, Earth Yellow, Kin Gold, Sulfur Yellow, Superstition, Theatre Blue, Maison De Campagne, Crystal Lake, Elegant Ice, Movie M Acid Drop, Aruba Green, Quiet Bay, Prism Violet, Velvet Wine, Deadly Depths, Deep Bronze, Cool Operator's Overalls, Monastir, Fine Spill the Beans, Laura Potato, Highland Ridge, Brass, Cognac, Apple Orchard, Asparagus Fern, Nuclear Meltdown, Hello Spring, Emera Praline, Ant Red, Texas Heatwave, Cadaverous, Reboot, Orchid Grey, Winter Sea, Lavendaire, Urban Vibes, Naturel, Hearth, Quill Gre Heart Throb, Fleur de Sel Caramel, Bloody Pico-8, Magnet, Infinitesimal Blue, Apricot Freeze palette Jade Green, Showstopper, Gloxinia, Seal Grey, Pleated Mauve, Infinitesimal Blue palette Colusa Wetlands, Fruit Yellow, Pitch Mary Brown, Flannel Pajamas, Vintage Charm palette Mule Fawn, Nature Retreat, Channel Marker Green, Intermezzo, Raftsman, Nuit Blanche, Wild Currant, Coral Cloud palette Silk Jewel, Mystical, Pheromone Purple, Brownish Black, Blue Tulip, Curly Willow, Playful Plum palette Glowing Brake Disc, Moroccan Dusk, Thundercat, Infinitesimal Blue, Serene Setting, Canterbury Bells palette Pettingill Sage, Alexandria, Golden Poppy, Green Glimmer, Sapphire, Crisp Capsicum, Rose Brown, Infinitesimal Blue palette Head Over Heels, Cardinal Red, Cashmere, Yān Hūi Smoke, Ecuadorian Banana, Frozen Salmon palette Hot Tamale, Light Aluminium, Infinitesimal Blue, Sugared Peach palette Infinitesimal Blue Peat Swamp Forest, Wood Garlic, Loden Yellow, Blackberry Cordial, Cool Dusk, Sea Sprite palette Stop, Pinkish Brown, Tenné, Fluorite Green, Warm Spring, Arctic Dusk, Warm Stone, After the Rain palette After Shock, Cocoa Nib palette Versailles Rose, Frisky, Infinitesimal Blue palette Electric Crimson, Rokou Brown, Flax Flower Blue, Deep Sea Exploration, Ginger Root Peel palette Copper Coin, Turbo, Fresh Soft Blue, Dapper Dingo, Grey Cloth, Infinitesimal Blue, Sonia Rose palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #bddde1 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#bddde1 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
Large text: | ||
Small text: |
#bddde1 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |