Created at 12/30/2023 19:17
Cool Camo, Sycamore Tan, Shiracha Brown, Fuzzy Wuzzy Brown, Mayan Gold, Fresh Clay, Orange Wood, Marine Wonder, Directoire Blue, S
Cool Camo
Sycamore Tan
Shiracha Brown
Fuzzy Wuzzy Brown
Mayan Gold
Fresh Clay
Orange Wood
Marine Wonder
Directoire Blue
Sacramento State Green
Chestnut Brown
Christmas Brown
Graceland Grass
Wood Acres
Blue Cascade
Soda Pop
Restrained Gold
Infinitesimal Blue
Ash Tree Bark
Light Horizon Sky
Light Ellen
Daisy White
Vienna Dawn
The palette consists of Light, Semi dark, Dark colors. Accent colors Directoire Blue #0061a3 and Eburnean #ffffee. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Cool Camo, Sycamore Tan, Shiracha Brown, Fuzzy Wuzzy Brown, Mayan Gold, Fresh Clay, Orange Wood, Marine Wonder, Directoire Blue, S has combination of 24 codes colors:
HEX: #827566, RGB: (130, 117, 102); HEX: #9c8a79, RGB: (156, 138, 121); HEX: #c48e69, RGB: (196, 142, 105)
HEX: #c45655, RGB: (196, 86, 85); HEX: #b68c37, RGB: (182, 140, 55); HEX: #be8035, RGB: (190, 128, 53)
HEX: #b74923, RGB: (183, 73, 35); HEX: #1f7073, RGB: (31, 112, 115); HEX: #0061a3, RGB: (0, 97, 163)
HEX: #00563f, RGB: (0, 86, 63); HEX: #6d1008, RGB: (109, 16, 8); HEX: #5d2b2c, RGB: (93, 43, 44)
HEX: #546c46, RGB: (84, 108, 70); HEX: #645a56, RGB: (100, 90, 86); HEX: #7b9eb0, RGB: (123, 158, 176)
HEX: #c3c67e, RGB: (195, 198, 126); HEX: #d2b084, RGB: (210, 176, 132); HEX: #bddde1, RGB: (189, 221, 225)
HEX: #cecfd6, RGB: (206, 207, 214); HEX: #d0d2de, RGB: (208, 210, 222); HEX: #ead5c7, RGB: (234, 213, 199)
HEX: #f8f3e3, RGB: (248, 243, 227); HEX: #f7efef, RGB: (247, 239, 239); HEX: #ffffee, RGB: (255, 255, 238)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of Grey, Shade of Grey, Shade of peru, Tint of indianred, Shade of darkgoldenrod, Tint of peru, Shade of sienna, Tint of Teal, Tint of royalblue, Tint of darkslategrey, Shade of Maroon, Shade of Maroon, Shade of darkolivegreen, Tint of dimgrey, Shade of lightslategrey, Shade of darkkhaki, Tint of tan, Shade of powderblue, Tint of lightgrey, Tint of lightgrey, Tint of antiquewhite, Tint of oldlace, Tint of snow, Tint of ivory
Color scheme was created by raccoon
Colors codes in palette
Cool Camo, Sycamore Tan, Shiracha Brown, Fuzzy Wuzzy Brown, Mayan Gold, Fresh Clay, Orange Wood, Marine Wonder, Directoire Blue, S color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#827566 | RGB(130, 117, 102) | Cool Camo | — | |
#9c8a79 | RGB(156, 138, 121) | Sycamore Tan | — | |
#c48e69 | RGB(196, 142, 105) | Shiracha Brown | — | |
#c45655 | RGB(196, 86, 85) | Fuzzy Wuzzy Brown | — | |
#b68c37 | RGB(182, 140, 55) | Mayan Gold | — | |
#be8035 | RGB(190, 128, 53) | Fresh Clay | — | |
#b74923 | RGB(183, 73, 35) | Orange Wood | — | |
#1f7073 | RGB(31, 112, 115) | Marine Wonder | — | |
#0061a3 | RGB(0, 97, 163) | Directoire Blue | — | |
#00563f | RGB(0, 86, 63) | Sacramento State Green | — | |
#6d1008 | RGB(109, 16, 8) | Chestnut Brown | — | |
#5d2b2c | RGB(93, 43, 44) | Christmas Brown | — | |
#546c46 | RGB(84, 108, 70) | Graceland Grass | — | |
#645a56 | RGB(100, 90, 86) | Wood Acres | — | |
#7b9eb0 | RGB(123, 158, 176) | Blue Cascade | — | |
#c3c67e | RGB(195, 198, 126) | Soda Pop | — | |
#d2b084 | RGB(210, 176, 132) | Restrained Gold | — | |
#bddde1 | RGB(189, 221, 225) | Infinitesimal Blue | — | |
#cecfd6 | RGB(206, 207, 214) | Ash Tree Bark | — | |
#d0d2de | RGB(208, 210, 222) | Light Horizon Sky | — | |
#ead5c7 | RGB(234, 213, 199) | Light Ellen | — | |
#f8f3e3 | RGB(248, 243, 227) | Daisy White | — | |
#f7efef | RGB(247, 239, 239) | Vienna Dawn | — | |
#ffffee | RGB(255, 255, 238) | Eburnean | — |
Color Palette Contrast
121 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#827566 | #9c8a79 | 1.34 |
#827566 | #c48e69 | 1.58 |
#827566 | #c45655 | 1.02 |
#827566 | #b68c37 | 1.45 |
#827566 | #be8035 | 1.35 |
#827566 | #b74923 | 1.17 |