Created at 03/01/2023 00:10
#c62d2c HEX Color Peri Peri information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#c62d2c | RGB(198, 45, 44) |
RGB values are RGB(198, 45, 44)
#c62d2c color contain Red 77.65%, Green 17.65% and Blue 17.25%.
Color Names of #c62d2c HEX code
Peri Peri Color
Alternative colors of Peri Peri #c62d2c
Opposite Color for Peri Peri is #2bc5c5
#c62d2c Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #c62d2c Peri Peri
hsl(0, 64%, 47%)
hsla(0, 64%, 47%, 1)
RGB(198, 45, 44)
RGBA(198, 45, 44, 1)
Palettes for #c62d2c color Peri Peri:
Below examples of color palettes for #c62d2c HEX color
darkest color is #140404 from shades and lightest color is #f9eaea from tints
Shades palette of #c62d2c:
Tints palette of #c62d2c:
Complementary palette of #c62d2c:
Triadic palette of #c62d2c:
Square palette of #c62d2c:
Analogous palette of #c62d2c:
Split-Complementary palette of #c62d2c:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #c62d2c:
Color Peri Peri #c62d2c used in palettes (45)
Red Bay, Peri Peri, Summer Citrus, Croquet Blue, Pacific Blues, Bavarian, Periwinkle Sky palette Peri Peri, Mint Sprig, Philippine Blue, Monarchy palette Peri Peri, Chamois palette Peri Peri, Bold Brandy, Roasted Coconut, Autumn Umber, Helena Rose, Kabocha Green, Gochujang Red, Embellished Blue, Winter Morning Peri Peri, Hungry Red, Poised Taupe, Emoji Yellow, Leaf Tea, Klimt Green, Storm Cloud, Improbable, Fading Night, Gutsy Grape, Aspe Peri Peri, Wet Cement, Tan Wagon, Reddish, Florida Mango, Glowing Brake Disc, Mistletoe, Aquarius Mood Indigo, Baker Rose, Treasur Peri Peri, Cognac Tint, Beni Shoga, Palomino Gold, Dusty Green, Mystic Maroon, Intense Passion, Quartzite, Brevity Brown, Casper p Peri Peri, Wooden Swing, Vampire Red, Energy Orange, Lawn Green, Disc Jockey, Rainforest Nights palette Peri Peri, Rhode Island Red, Knockout Orange, Toucan, Pico Orange, Totally Broccoli, Mild Green, Violent Violet, Fragrant Cherry, Peri Peri, Crystal Green, Hidden Meadow, Venice Blue, Toadstool Soup, Rose Branch, Balsamic Reduction, Raven Night, Butter, Cotton Peri Peri, Antique Honey, Mana Tree, Maniac Green, Asagi Blue, Blue Chaos, Zuni, Afterlife, Sovereign, Montecito, Casual Day, Prin Peri Peri, Oranzhewyi Orange, Artisans Gold, Straightforward Green, Picture Book Green, Dartmouth Green, Catachan Green, Campfire Peri Peri, Velvety Chestnut, Khardic Flesh, Goku Orange, Slimer Green, Autumn Pine Green, Mourning Blue, Nightly Expedition, Cupid Hibiscus Red, Peri Peri, Cactus Sand, Dirt, Tarpon Green, Chanterelle, Mistletoe, Sick Green, Garden Aroma, Kobicha, Emily Ann Tan Peri Peri, Red Tuna Fruit, Persian Mosaic, Tatarian Aster, Scarab, Honey Bunny, Blooming Perfect, Blonde Wool, Jaguar Rose palette Peri Peri, Austere, Old Benchmark, Made of Steel, Cherry Cocoa, Silken Raspberry, Lemon Grass, Fennel Stem palette Peri Peri, Apricot Brandy, Fire Orange, Monsoon, Red Cedar, Chocolate Bar, Buff, Silverton, Autumn Blush, Workout Green, Caribbean Peri Peri, Wheat Penny, Wonton Dumpling, Petrel, Tile Blue, Lacrosse, Country Weekend, Salvia, Pastel Mint Green, Blue To You, San Peri Peri, Radiance, Phantom, Water Music, Deep Green, Peas In A Pod, Elusive Violet, Falling Star, Infatuation, Light Touch palet Peri Peri, Letter Jacket, Puerto Rico, Intergalactic Highway, Quixotic Plum, Smoked Pearl, Lead Ore, Flower Stem, Frosted Silver, Peri Peri, Pumpkin Skin, North Grey, Dead Pixel, Bunni Brown, Olive Night, Martini Olive, Manhattan Mist, Evaporation palette Peri Peri, German Camouflage Beige, Aspen Valley, Sea Crystal, Sail Away, Violet Eggplant, Sceptre Blue, Christmas Brown, Roast Co Peri Peri, Red Bell Pepper, Moroccan Brown, Rusty, Dry Highlighter Green, Benifuji, Foliage Green, Kernel, Blonde Lace, Cracker Cr Peri Peri, Berry Pie, Brescian Blue, Possessed Plum, Lake Winnipeg palette Peri Peri, Thurman, Kiss Candy, Beating Around the Bush, Dead Forest, Red Mahogany, Sublime palette Peri Peri, Golden Blond, Decaying Leave, Traffic Light Green, Venomous Green, Tutti Frutti, Thorny Branch palette Peri Peri, Chivalry Copper, Navy Blazer, Silverstone palette Peri Peri, Orange Ballad, Orange Burst, Allure, White Wisp, Daybreak Sun, Great Blue Heron palette Peri Peri, Fuegan Orange, Sheen Green, Teal Trip, Windows Blue, Soooo Bloody, Limonite Brown, Distant Flare palette Peri Peri, Sunbathing Beauty, Phellodendron Amurense, Android Green, Turtle Creek, Summer Turquoise Blue, Jade Dust palette Peri Peri, USC Cardinal, Dried Basil, Monarch Gold, Swedish Clover, Pickled Pink, Brown Beauty, Grey Mauve palette Peri Peri, Vivid Malachite, Gem Turquoise, Boudin, Always Rosey palette Peri Peri, Grass Stain Green palette Peri Peri, Muscovado Sugar, Brass Buttons palette Peri Peri, Brainstorm Bronze, Leather Tan palette Peri Peri, Red Maple Leaf, Himalaya, Bengal, Soylent Green, Deep Sea Dolphin, Dusty Purple, Gluon Grey, Moisty Mire, Aubergine, Ev Peri Peri, Hoeth Blue, Bull Shot, Grape Leaves, Sparkling Champagne palette Peri Peri, Dijon, Mock Orange, Bavarian Blue, Destroyer Grey, Wallis palette Peri Peri, Birchy Woods, Enchanting Ginger, Pumpkin Vapour, Cape Jasmine, Pinch of Pepper, Metal palette Stylish Red, Peri Peri, Indian Red, Delicious Mandarin, Phlox, Pink Overflow palette Peri Peri, The Goods, Copper Mine, Floral Leaf, Imrik Blue, Toadstool Soup, Rosewood, Casual Grey palette Peri Peri, Blue Grass, Bermuda, Ahmar Red, Blazing Dragonfruit, Ilvaite Black, Liquorice Green, Asurmen Blue Wash, Gris Morado, Re Peri Peri, Cork Brown, Cool Lava, Kiwi Green, Marshland, Metropolitan Silhouette, Strawberry Dreams, Prettiest Pink, Saline Water Peri Peri, Southern Moss, Whiskey Sour, West Side, English Ivy, Palm Tree, Synergy, Raiden Blue, Black Is Beautiful, North Sea Blu Peri Peri, Lime Rickey, Irrigo Purple, Red Flag, Steel Grey, Flint Purple, Wet Aloeswood, Bijoux Green, Centre Stage palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #c62d2c with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#c62d2c Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |
#c62d2c Contrast Ratio
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Small text: |