Created at 12/06/2024 23:18

Peri Peri, Velvety Chestnut, Khardic Flesh, Goku Orange, Slimer Green, Autumn Pine Green, Mourning Blue, Nightly Expedition, Cupid

Peri Peri
Velvety Chestnut
Khardic Flesh
Goku Orange
Slimer Green
Autumn Pine Green
Mourning Blue
Nightly Expedition
Cupid's Eye
Avocado Dark Green
Luna Moona
Atlantic Ocean
Hint of Blue
Bellflower Blue
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The palette consists of Light, Dark, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Mourning Blue #1651bd and Snow #fffafa. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Peri Peri, Velvety Chestnut, Khardic Flesh, Goku Orange, Slimer Green, Autumn Pine Green, Mourning Blue, Nightly Expedition, Cupid has combination of 15 codes colors:
HEX: #c62d2c, RGB: (198, 45, 44); HEX: #a2877d, RGB: (162, 135, 125); HEX: #b16840, RGB: (177, 104, 64)
HEX: #f0833a, RGB: (240, 131, 58); HEX: #aadd00, RGB: (170, 221, 0); HEX: #158078, RGB: (21, 128, 120)
HEX: #1651bd, RGB: (22, 81, 189); HEX: #221188, RGB: (34, 17, 136); HEX: #ff22dd, RGB: (255, 34, 221)
HEX: #3e4826, RGB: (62, 72, 38); HEX: #70c1c9, RGB: (112, 193, 201); HEX: #a7d8e4, RGB: (167, 216, 228)
HEX: #cee1f2, RGB: (206, 225, 242); HEX: #e1e9ef, RGB: (225, 233, 239); HEX: #fffafa, RGB: (255, 250, 250)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of firebrick, Tint of rosybrown, Shade of sienna, Tint of darkorange, Shade of Yellowgreen, Shade of Teal, Tint of royalblue, Shade of darkblue, Shade of magenta, Tint of darkolivegreen, Shade of darkturquoise, Tint of lightblue, Tint of aliceblue, Tint of aliceblue, snow
Color scheme was created by colorscheme

Colors codes in palette

Peri Peri, Velvety Chestnut, Khardic Flesh, Goku Orange, Slimer Green, Autumn Pine Green, Mourning Blue, Nightly Expedition, Cupid color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#c62d2c RGB(198, 45, 44)Peri Peri
#a2877d RGB(162, 135, 125)Velvety Chestnut
#b16840 RGB(177, 104, 64)Khardic Flesh
#f0833a RGB(240, 131, 58)Goku OrangeDusty orange
#aadd00 RGB(170, 221, 0)Slimer Green
#158078 RGB(21, 128, 120)Autumn Pine GreenPine Green
#1651bd RGB(22, 81, 189)Mourning Blue
#221188 RGB(34, 17, 136)Nightly Expedition
#ff22dd RGB(255, 34, 221)Cupid's Eye
#3e4826 RGB(62, 72, 38)Avocado Dark Green
#70c1c9 RGB(112, 193, 201)Luna Moona
#a7d8e4 RGB(167, 216, 228)Atlantic Ocean
#cee1f2 RGB(206, 225, 242)Hint of Blue
#e1e9ef RGB(225, 233, 239)Bellflower Blue
#fffafa RGB(255, 250, 250)SnowSnow1

Color Palette Contrast

42 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Peri Peri, Velvety Chestnut, Khardic Flesh, Goku Orange, Slimer Green, Autumn Pine Green, Mourning Blue, Nightly Expedition, Cupid png

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