Created at 02/22/2023 19:27
#ca1f1b HEX Color Bloody Red information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#ca1f1b | RGB(202, 31, 27) |
RGB values are RGB(202, 31, 27)
#ca1f1b color contain Red 79.22%, Green 12.16% and Blue 10.59%.
Color Names of #ca1f1b HEX code
Bloody Red Color
Alternative colors of Bloody Red #ca1f1b
Opposite Color for Bloody Red is #1cc7ca
#ca1f1b Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #ca1f1b Bloody Red
hsl(1, 76%, 45%)
hsla(1, 76%, 45%, 1)
RGB(202, 31, 27)
RGBA(202, 31, 27, 1)
Palettes for #ca1f1b color Bloody Red:
Below examples of color palettes for #ca1f1b HEX color
darkest color is #140303 from shades and lightest color is #fae9e8 from tints
Shades palette of #ca1f1b:
Tints palette of #ca1f1b:
Complementary palette of #ca1f1b:
Triadic palette of #ca1f1b:
Square palette of #ca1f1b:
Analogous palette of #ca1f1b:
Split-Complementary palette of #ca1f1b:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #ca1f1b:
Suggested colors palettes for #ca1f1b HEX:
Color Bloody Red #ca1f1b used in palettes (50)
Bloody Red, Choo Choo, Birth of a Star palette Bloody Red, Strong Mustard, Blue Estate, Phlox Flower Violet, Hickory Grove, Bay Water, Brushstroke, Seafoam Pearl palette Bloody Red, Ole Yeller, St. Patrick, Wildflower Prairie palette Bloody Red, Rouge, Hornet Sting, Superior Bronze, Cream Gold, Golden Yarrow, Fish Finger, Van Gogh Olives, Billiards Cloth, Deep D Bloody Red, Wildflower, Sherpa Blue, Caliban Green, Japanese Wineberry, Light Mystified palette Bloody Red, Transparent Orange, Noxious, Calico Dress palette Bloody Red, Sago Garden, Plum Frost, Fresh Air, It's A Girl! palette Bloody Red, Obsession, Royal Rum, Tartrazine, Green, Fright Night, Crown Blue, Stardew, Star Mist, Pink Taffy, Blond, Lost Love pa Kobe, Bloody Red, Salsa Mexicana, Cremini, Mindaro, Krypton Green, Worn Denim, Ancient Olive, Heirloom Orchid, Paper Brown, Dusty Bloody Red, Crisps, Buzzards Bay, Deep Orchid, Federal Blue, Bright Cerulean, Country Squire, Italian Grape, Hibiscus Punch, Artfu Bloody Red, Brandy Rose, Dirt Track, Hamtaro Brown, Banana Mash, Gold's Great Touch, Blue Sage, Matsuba Green, Maculata Bark, Mead Bloody Red, Saddle Soap, Persian Orange, Construction Zone, Rowdy Orange, Backyard, Autumn Fern, Muted Blue, Che Guevara Red, Well Bloody Red, Paradise Grape, Hierba Santa, Wageningen Green, Dense Shrub, Montrose Rose, Red Elegance, Peat Brown, Smooth Coffee, S Bloody Red, Windy Meadow, Terra Cotta Clay, English Custard, Mint Morning, Port Malmesbury, Holly Leaf, Spectra, Plaza Taupe, Dust Bloody Red, Tibetan Silk, Copper Mountain, June Bugs, Sugar Poppy, Nanohanacha Gold, Zhohltyi Yellow, Lucerne, Pewter Green, Deco, Bloody Red, Copper Cove, Poisonous Ice Cream, Pure Light Blue, Dark Side, Spelunking, Soft Steel, Milkweed Pod, Heather Red Grey, Bloody Red, Krasnyi Red, Scab Red, Caulerpa Lentillifera, Backwoods, Pasture Green, Lavish Lime, Ultimate Grey, Amethyst Show, Slu Bloody Red, Crazy Horse, Inca Yellow, Down on the Sunflower Valley, Satin Lime, Myth, Sensational Sand, Calm Interlude, Soft Suede Bloody Red, Ceylonese, Mangy Moose, Auric Armour Gold, Kiwi, Sandstone Red Grey, Magic Magenta, Paramount, Big Fish, Powder Blush Bloody Red, Danger, Compass, Schindler Brown, Jalapeño, Corn Poppy Cherry, Intense Purple, Linseed, Salt Water Taffy, Bright Lilac Bloody Red, Striking Orange, Cameroon Green, Emerald Green, Similar to Slate, Scented Clove, Oxford Tan palette Bloody Red, Mudskipper, Gold Ransom, Southern Platyfish, French Fry, Sage Leaves, Spectra Green, Hot Chocolate, Blue Linen, Gulf W Bloody Red, Caught Red-Handed, Devil's Flower Mantis, Copper Turquoise, Vallarta Blue, River Fountain, Envisage, Purple Rose palet Bloody Red, Goji Berry, Matrix, Indonesian Rattan, Christmas Orange, Stanford Green, Winter Could Grey, Morro Bay, Boysenberry, Im Bloody Red, Gladiola, Calypso Blue, Spikey Red, Barbados Bay, Shaker Grey, Rainy Afternoon, Smoky Slate palette Bloody Red, Cherry Tomato, Drake’s Neck, Greyish Purple, Dark Crimson, Atomic, Fresh Brew, Ginger Grey Yellow, Vermicelle, Flip-Fl Bloody Red, Martian Cerulean, Green Garter, Lazurite Blue, Muted Mauve, Grape's Treasure palette Bloody Red, Oregon, Mountain Meadow Green, Key Lime Pie, Teal Waters, Ruby Crystal, Violet Orchid, Dead Sea Mud, The Devil's Grass Bloody Red, Wild Mushroom, Bright Forest, Club Moss, Go Green!, Blue Martina, Astral, Burnt Coffee, Chocolate Castle, Olympic Rang Bloody Red, Eversong Orange, La Pineta, Kala Namak, Rosemary palette Bloody Red, Peppered Moss, Crisps, Xanadu, Blue Oblivion, Summer Waters, Spanish Raisin, Dynamic, Verde Tortuga, Chimes, Tender Ta Bloody Red, Old Leather, Salted Capers, Orange Peel palette Bloody Red, Viva Gold, Gǎn Lǎn Huáng Olive, Spring Fields, Salt Scrub, Lime Cake, Latteo, Edwardian Lace palette Bloody Red, Circus, Ocean Shadow, Blue Hydrangea, Reticence palette Bloody Red, Rikyū Brown, Carrot Cake, Kōwhai Yellow, Hawk’s Eye palette Bloody Red, Kendal Green, Florida Turquoise, Caspian Sea, Indian Silk, Anthracite, Sparrow Grey Red palette Bloody Red, Brick Fence, Indonesian Jungle, Midnight Pearl, Overdue Blue, Cruel Ruby, Big Band, Smokey Pink palette Bloody Red, Rowntree, Orange Shot, Myrtle Green, Totally Black, Treasure Island, Yankee Doodle, Bering Sea palette Bloody Red, Buried Treasure, Precious Stone, I R Dark Green palette Bloody Red, Pollination, Wind Star, Strawberry Surprise, Lemon Balm Green, Spice, Dun Morogh Blue, Idyllic Isle palette Bloody Red, Everglade palette Bloody Red, Saddle Soap palette Bloody Red, Bancroft Village, Jellybean Pink, Caliban Green, Black Violet palette Bloody Red, Weathered Wicker, Overcast Brick, Vegetable Garden, Nature Retreat, Wild Caribbean Green palette Bloody Red, Sacrifice Altar, Nutshell, Rojo 0xide, Persimmon Juice, Up in Smoke, Dill Powder, Borg Drone, Duffel Bag, Non Skid Gre Bloody Red, Purple Excellency, Caboose palette Bloody Red, Red Potato, Blood Thorn, Your Majesty, Mintos, Jamaica Bay, Orenju Ogon Koi palette Bloody Red, Caviar, Marine Blue, Secret Society palette Bloody Red, Zinnia, Rosemary Green, Panda, Sherwood Forest, Floral Arrangement palette Bloody Red, Hardware, Coral Tree, Bright Maroon, Bright Bluebell, Electrum palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #ca1f1b with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#ca1f1b Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
Large text: | ||
Small text: |
#ca1f1b Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |