Created at 10/18/2024 08:20

Bloody Red, Sacrifice Altar, Nutshell, Rojo 0xide, Persimmon Juice, Up in Smoke, Dill Powder, Borg Drone, Duffel Bag, Non Skid Gre

Bloody Red
Sacrifice Altar
Rojo 0xide
Persimmon Juice
Up in Smoke
Dill Powder
Borg Drone
Duffel Bag
Non Skid Grey
Strong Winds
Heart to Heart
Golden Talisman
Pink Bliss
Early Forget-Me-Not
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The palette consists of Light, Dark, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Sacrifice Altar #850101 and Borg Drone #06470c. Palette has Warm, Neutral, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Bloody Red, Sacrifice Altar, Nutshell, Rojo 0xide, Persimmon Juice, Up in Smoke, Dill Powder, Borg Drone, Duffel Bag, Non Skid Gre has combination of 16 codes colors:
HEX: #ca1f1b, RGB: (202, 31, 27); HEX: #850101, RGB: (133, 1, 1); HEX: #a9856b, RGB: (169, 133, 107)
HEX: #8d4942, RGB: (141, 73, 66); HEX: #934337, RGB: (147, 67, 55); HEX: #6e706d, RGB: (110, 112, 109)
HEX: #9da073, RGB: (157, 160, 115); HEX: #06470c, RGB: (6, 71, 12); HEX: #394034, RGB: (57, 64, 52)
HEX: #8a8daa, RGB: (138, 141, 170); HEX: #a3a59b, RGB: (163, 165, 155); HEX: #d4a9c3, RGB: (212, 169, 195)
HEX: #e9c89b, RGB: (233, 200, 155); HEX: #e3abce, RGB: (227, 171, 206); HEX: #eec7a2, RGB: (238, 199, 162)
HEX: #bae5ee, RGB: (186, 229, 238)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of firebrick, Shade of Maroon, Tint of peru, Shade of brown, Shade of brown, Shade of dimgrey, Tint of darkkhaki, Tint of darkgreen, Tint of darkslategrey, Shade of lightslategrey, Tint of darkgrey, Tint of thistle, Shade of burlywood, Shade of plum, Tint of peachpuff, Shade of powderblue
Color scheme was created by colorscheme

Colors codes in palette

Bloody Red, Sacrifice Altar, Nutshell, Rojo 0xide, Persimmon Juice, Up in Smoke, Dill Powder, Borg Drone, Duffel Bag, Non Skid Gre color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#ca1f1b RGB(202, 31, 27)Bloody Red
#850101 RGB(133, 1, 1)Sacrifice Altar
#a9856b RGB(169, 133, 107)Nutshell
#8d4942 RGB(141, 73, 66)Rojo 0xide
#934337 RGB(147, 67, 55)Persimmon Juice
#6e706d RGB(110, 112, 109)Up in Smoke
#9da073 RGB(157, 160, 115)Dill Powder
#06470c RGB(6, 71, 12)Borg DroneForest green
#394034 RGB(57, 64, 52)Duffel Bag
#8a8daa RGB(138, 141, 170)Non Skid Grey
#a3a59b RGB(163, 165, 155)Strong Winds
#d4a9c3 RGB(212, 169, 195)Heart to Heart
#e9c89b RGB(233, 200, 155)Golden Talisman
#e3abce RGB(227, 171, 206)Pink Bliss
#eec7a2 RGB(238, 199, 162)Negroni
#bae5ee RGB(186, 229, 238)Early Forget-Me-Not

Color Palette Contrast

53 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Bloody Red, Sacrifice Altar, Nutshell, Rojo 0xide, Persimmon Juice, Up in Smoke, Dill Powder, Borg Drone, Duffel Bag, Non Skid Gre png

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