Created at 02/21/2023 15:37
#cb4154 HEX Color New Brick Red information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#cb4154 | RGB(203, 65, 84) |
RGB values are RGB(203, 65, 84)
#cb4154 color contain Red 79.61%, Green 25.49% and Blue 32.94%.
Color Names of #cb4154 HEX code
New Brick Red, Brick Red, Rojo ladrillo Color
Alternative colors of New Brick Red #cb4154
Opposite Color for New Brick Red is #43cbb9
#cb4154 Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #cb4154 New Brick Red
hsl(352, 57%, 53%)
hsla(352, 57%, 53%, 1)
RGB(203, 65, 84)
RGBA(203, 65, 84, 1)
Palettes for #cb4154 color New Brick Red:
Below examples of color palettes for #cb4154 HEX color
darkest color is #140608 from shades and lightest color is #faecee from tints
Shades palette of #cb4154:
Tints palette of #cb4154:
Complementary palette of #cb4154:
Triadic palette of #cb4154:
Square palette of #cb4154:
Analogous palette of #cb4154:
Split-Complementary palette of #cb4154:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #cb4154:
Suggested colors palettes for #cb4154 HEX:
Color New Brick Red #cb4154 used in palettes (50)
commerce sketch colors Technologies Very light tangelo colors palette New Brick Red, Deep Rift, Grand Plum, New Colonial Yellow, Blissful Meditation palette New Brick Red Brick Red Bullfighters Red, Birch Leaf Green, New Brick Red, Floppy Disk, Sicily Sea palette Bright Blue Violet, New Brick Red, Blue Wing Teal palette Spanish Peanut, Amber Yellow, New Brick Red, Tiara Jewel, Second Wind palette Tankard Grey, New Brick Red palette Hickory Tint, Burnt Ash, New Brick Red, Palm Breeze, Creamed Butter palette Ricochet, Quiche Lorraine, Caspian Sea, New Brick Red, Blue Sarong, Penna, Smashed Potatoes palette Dusk Orange, New Brick Red, Effervescent Blue palette Samba, Roman Brick, Oregon Hazel, Golgfag Brown, Devil's Grass, New Brick Red, Red Flag, Nepal, Dripping Wisteria, French Lilac, L Thunderbird, Blood Donor, Brilliant Blue, Dull Dusky Pink, Rouge Charm, New Brick Red, Polished Mahogany, Asphalt Blue, Slate Mauv Magic Melon, Iwai Brown, Metallic Green, Rainy Lake, Leviathan Purple, Exotic Bloom, New Brick Red, Chestnut Red, Windsor Moss, Co Bacon Strips, Morocco Red, Sun Dial, Green Caterpillar, Dapper Greyhound palette Cartoon Violence, Hunt Club Brown, Bright Chartreuse, Leek Soup, Deep Azure, New Brick Red, Pearl Blue, Xiao Long Bao Dumpling, Wa Chili Pepper, Adventure Orange, New Brick Red, Zepheniah's Greed, Roasted Kona, Foggy Blue, Atlantic Tulip, Bluebeard, Ecru Wealth Walnut Shell, Monkey King, Hot Coral, Jade Green, Plunge Pool, Bossa Nova Blue, Duke Blue, New Brick Red, Cold Sea Currents, Pewte Movie Star, Gran Torino Red, Baked Salmon, Angry Flamingo, Mustard Brown, Solitary Tree, Promised Amethyst, Sicilia Bougainvillea, Japanese Wax Tree, Soft Leather, Artichoke, Parauri Brown, New Brick Red, Burley Wood, Blue Dusk, Yerba Mate, Mote of Dust, Desert Plum Haze, Indian Brass, Antilles Garden, Red Shrivel, New Brick Red, Earl Grey, Rand Moon, Belize Green palette Lizard, Gold Varnish Brown, Pecan Veneer, Evening Sunset, Cruising, New Brick Red, Gunmetal, Fresh Brew, Cloud Over London palette Soft Fawn, Vegetable Garden, Blue Android Base, Newport Blue, New Brick Red, Vintner, Curds and Whey palette Hep Green, Old Four Leaf Clover, Aspen Valley, Blueberry Soft Blue, Vivid Mulberry, New Brick Red, Ripe Malinka, Plantation, Chate American Brown, Kowloon, Giant Onion, Majestic Plum, New Brick Red palette Verdigris Green, Tofino Belue, Blue Pencil, Saffron Desires palette Link Tải SunWin Chính Thức Life Is Good, Lignum Vitœ Foliage, Delightful Green, Purple Punch, Nightly Violet, New Brick Red, Tidal Green, Lavender Magenta, G Hickory Stick, Velvety Chestnut, Rich and Rare, Orange Salmonberry, Guava, Draw Your Sword, Punch Out Glove, Wiped Out, Refined Ro Rock Spray, Williams Pear Yellow, Hawkesbury, Maritime Outpost, New Brick Red palette Flannel, Muddy River, Lush Plains, Wild Caribbean Green, Grape Candy, Pretty in Plum, New Brick Red, Subdue Red, Tender Violet pal Cardueline Finch, Bermudagrass, New Brick Red, Espresso Beans palette Red Knit Cardigan, Macchiato, Blackthorn Green, New Brick Red, Stately Frills, Autumn Bloom palette Conker, Sardinia Beaches, Magic Magenta, New Brick Red, Brown Magenta, Evening Pink, Feather Stone palette Mesmerize, Great Grape, Aqua Fresco, Old Rose, New Brick Red, Bunchberry, Beau Monde, Dogwood Bloom palette Oxley, Ionian, New Brick Red, Heavy Green, Thermal Aqua, Moonbeam, Rose Melody, Sparkling Pink palette Canyon Stone, Pond Sedge, Ship's Harbour, New Brick Red, Uniform Green, Dried Dates, Spoiled Rotten palette April Love, Ferrari Red, Hacienda Tile, Drops of Honey, Lime Jelly, Lipstick Pink, New Brick Red, Panda Black palette Birdie, Lahn Yellow, Stormy Strait Green, Havelock Blue, Timeless Ruby, New Brick Red, Vulcan Burgundy palette Solarium, Grass Blade, Lavender Mosaic, New Brick Red, Evening Dress, Lima Bean palette Galia Melon, Elf Green, New Brick Red, Night Rider, Manor House, Threshold Taupe palette Santa Fe Sunset, Truepenny, Practice Green, New Brick Red, Light Ash Brown, Sky Babe palette Beniukon Bronze, Violet Persuasion, New Brick Red palette Vetiver, Comet, Legal Eagle, Havelock Blue, New Brick Red, Moss Brown palette New Brick Red, Linen Grey, Satellite, Light Mauve palette Sorrel Brown, Olden Amber, Bright Sun, Regal Gown, Strawberry Wine, New Brick Red, Afternoon, Kislev Flesh palette Chocolate Fondue, Dry Highlighter Green, New Brick Red palette Fire Chalk, Submarine Base, Royal Banner, New Brick Red, Desire, Cameo Role, Pink Persimmon palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #cb4154 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#cb4154 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |
#cb4154 Contrast Ratio
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