Created at 02/21/2023 10:06

#d3494e HEX Color Faded Red information

#d3494e RGB(211, 73, 78)

RGB values are RGB(211, 73, 78)
#d3494e color contain Red 82.75%, Green 28.63% and Blue 30.59%.

Color Names of #d3494e HEX code

Faded Red Color

Classification of #d3494e color

#d3494e is Light and Warm Color
Tint of indianred
Opposite Color for Faded Red is #4ad3cf

#d3494e Color Conversion

Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #d3494e Faded Red

hsl(358, 61%, 56%)
hsla(358, 61%, 56%, 1)
RGB(211, 73, 78)
RGBA(211, 73, 78, 1)

Palettes for #d3494e color Faded Red:

Below examples of color palettes for #d3494e HEX color

darkest color is #150708 from shades and lightest color is #fbeded from tints

Shades palette of #d3494e:
Tints palette of #d3494e:
Complementary palette of #d3494e:
Triadic palette of #d3494e:
Square palette of #d3494e:
Analogous palette of #d3494e:
Split-Complementary palette of #d3494e:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #d3494e:

Suggested colors palettes for #d3494e HEX:

Colors palette with color #d3494e #1:
Colors palette with color #d3494e #2:
Colors palette with color #d3494e #3:
Colors palette with color #d3494e #4:
Colors palette with color #d3494e #5:

Color Faded Red #d3494e used in palettes (46)

Faded Red Sequoia Dusk, Dodie Yellow, Faded Red, Carnal Pink, Swirling Water palette Bloodthirsty Vampire, Faded Red, Nato Blue palette Infrared Burn, Lifeline, Golden Glove, Fluorescent Yellow, Green Caterpillar, Top Shelf, Snake River, Faded Blue, Antarctic Circle Hot Coral, Faded Red, Plum Perfect, Sonora Rose palette Outrageous Green, Fun and Games, Choo Choo, Faded Red, Basilisk, Salmon Mousse, Vanilla Frost palette Artisan Tan, Faded Red, Peach Puree, White Sand palette Luigi, Red Jade, Faded Red, Coffee Custard, Light Ginger Yellow, Toque White palette Philippine Orange, Huáng Dì Yellow, Cyprus Green, Pacific Coast, Galah, Faded Red, Plum Island, Evening Shadow, Lavish Lime, Tropi Gosling, New Chestnut, Cuddlepot, Funchal Yellow, Culpeo, Borage Blue, Faded Red, Froly, Chilled Wine, Berry Mojito, Turnip Boy, W O'Brien Orange, Gold Red, Chrome Yellow, Dollar, Barf Green, Milestone, Harem Silk, Faded Red, Paris M, Old Botanical Garden, Wrou Patches, California Peach, Glazed Raspberry, Faded Red, Abbey, Amethyst Paint, Stamina, Sweet Mint Pesto, Yellow Canary, Supernova Dugong, Trough Shell Brown, Spiced Pumpkin, Tort, Carbide, Faded Red, Liver palette Old Wine, Isle of Sand, Limed Ash, Dull Mauve, Faded Red, Macragge Blue, Harajuku Girl palette Vibrant Honey, Conceptual, Ocean Green, Aragonite Blue, Raw Edge, Faded Red, Blackout, Whiskey and Wine, Inglenook Olive, Akaroa, Olive Paste, Topaz, Field Maple, London Road, Magic, Gladiola Blue, Prompt, Faded Red, Blue Wing Teal, Rapid Rock, Rhodes, Gold Wa Red, Star, Turtle Warrior, Persian Green, Bowman Blue, Grapy, Faded Red, Bonanza, Tassel Taupe palette Beige Red, Come Sail Away, Faded Red, Pickled Pink palette Gully, Florence Brown, Fennel Flower, Lurid Pink, Faded Red, Ponderosa Pine, Intense Purple, Lively Lilac, Andes Sky, Wind Rose pa Texas Ranger Brown, Balor Brown, Bonfire, Habanero, Old Truck, Muted Mulberry, Impromptu, Faded Red, Montana, Irogon Blue, Jasper Fossil, Crimson Warrior, Sunspark, Poison Ivy, Indigo Night, Faded Red, Limousine Leather, Sweet Grape, Horse Liver, Susu-Take Bam Uplifting Yellow, India Green, Refuge, Honest Blue, Faded Red, Ghostlands Coal, Lady Luck, Plum Rich, Tusk, Rice Crackers, Agapant Flickr Blue, Bavarian Blue, Faded Red, Cyberpink, Arraign, Death Guard, Blue Pointer, Lost Lace, Tulip White palette Boiling Magma, Grey Tote, Portsmouth Olive, Pottery Urn, Faded Red, White Gauze palette Brownish, Sunset, Glitzy Gold, Durian Yellow, Orange Spice, Alexandria, Space Station, Faded Denim, Mirabella, Faded Red, Warm Sto Nut, Kurumizome Brown, Fierce Mantis, Bright Aqua, Faded Red, Funnel Cloud, Desert Palm palette Cognac Tint, Peach Macaron, Aegean Sea, Cancer Seagreen Scarab, Faded Red, Deep Sea Shadow, Purple Reign, Yankee Doodle, Taupe Gre Goldfish, Sultry Sea, Lightish Blue, Faded Red, Eden, Innuendo, Picnic Bay, Parachute Silk palette Hipsterfication, Aztec Glimmer, Blue Moon Bay, Dianthus Mauve, Faded Red, Tawny Tan palette Prairie Fire, Faded Red, Beaten Copper, Wooed palette Magic Mountain, Neon Green palette Western Reserve, Pool Blue, Generic Viridian, Faded Red, Water Green, Plum Frost, Vanilla Quake palette Peaches à La Crème, West Winds, Sheet Blue, Faded Red, Roasted Pistachio, Surfside, Dairy Cream, Seedless Grape palette King Triton, Faded Red, Lobby Lilac, Japanese Horseradish palette Hitching Post, Scotch Bonnet, Purple Tone Ink, Faded Red, Khaki Shell, Feather Stone palette Brazen Orange, Faded Red, Night Tide palette Woodgrain, Pumpkin Orange, April Green, Exodus Fruit, Faded Red, Nato Blue, Pink Abalone palette Lost Canyon, Kingpin Gold, Casandora Yellow, Mosstone, Garden Fountain, Faded Red, Dark Mahogany, Carambar, Her Highness, Kernel, Gordal Olive, Mission Control, Quiet Shade, Purple Pristine, Faded Red, Rose Brown palette Toasted Nutmeg, Sabiasagi Blue, Amazing Smoke, Sea Fantasy, Faded Red, Impetuous palette Straw, Wild Caribbean Green, Faded Red palette Monza, Tangle, Ellis Mist, Mulled Grape, Renaissance Rose, Faded Red, Crowberry, Teal Dark Blue, Forest Moss, Golden Hop, Thresher Bento Box, Northern Barrens Dust, Artificial Turf, Purple Orchid, Faded Red, Old Copper palette Cute Pixie, Raw Umber, Candy Green, Starship Trooper, Fresh Turquoise, Blue Bobbin, Faded Red, Humble Hippo, Lavender Lustre, Nile Cherry, Carrot Curl, Faded Red, Woodland Sage palette Charcoal Light, Toucan, Irradiated Green, Christina Brown, Steel Pink, Faded Red, Antarctic Blue, Blue Hyacinth, Silver Leaf, Amou

Color Contrast

Color pairings #d3494e with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio

Contrast Ratio
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Small text:
Contrast Ratio
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Small text:

Image Faded Red #d3494e color png

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