Created at 01/25/2025 00:07
Brownish, Sunset, Glitzy Gold, Durian Yellow, Orange Spice, Alexandria, Space Station, Faded Denim, Mirabella, Faded Red, Warm Sto
Glitzy Gold
Durian Yellow
Orange Spice
Space Station
Faded Denim
Faded Red
Warm Stone
Deep South
Gold Buff
LA Vibes
Sparkling River
The palette consists of Light colors. Accent colors Alexandria #ff8f73 and Sparkling River #d6edf1. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Brownish, Sunset, Glitzy Gold, Durian Yellow, Orange Spice, Alexandria, Space Station, Faded Denim, Mirabella, Faded Red, Warm Sto has combination of 16 codes colors:
HEX: #9c6d57, RGB: (156, 109, 87); HEX: #c0514a, RGB: (192, 81, 74); HEX: #d6a02b, RGB: (214, 160, 43)
HEX: #e1bd27, RGB: (225, 189, 39); HEX: #fea060, RGB: (254, 160, 96); HEX: #ff8f73, RGB: (255, 143, 115)
HEX: #6c6d7a, RGB: (108, 109, 122); HEX: #798ea4, RGB: (121, 142, 164); HEX: #886793, RGB: (136, 103, 147)
HEX: #d3494e, RGB: (211, 73, 78); HEX: #a79a8a, RGB: (167, 154, 138); HEX: #b4989f, RGB: (180, 152, 159)
HEX: #ecc481, RGB: (236, 196, 129); HEX: #eeccdd, RGB: (238, 204, 221); HEX: #d6edf1, RGB: (214, 237, 241)
HEX: #f3f3e6, RGB: (243, 243, 230)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of sienna, Tint of indianred, Tint of goldenrod, Tint of gold, Shade of sandybrown, Shade of salmon, Shade of dimgrey, Shade of lightslategrey, Tint of mediumpurple, Tint of indianred, Tint of darkgrey, Shade of rosybrown, Shade of burlywood, Shade of thistle, Tint of lightcyan, Tint of ivory
Color scheme was created by coolor
Colors codes in palette
Brownish, Sunset, Glitzy Gold, Durian Yellow, Orange Spice, Alexandria, Space Station, Faded Denim, Mirabella, Faded Red, Warm Sto color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#9c6d57 | RGB(156, 109, 87) | Brownish | — | |
#c0514a | RGB(192, 81, 74) | Sunset | — | |
#d6a02b | RGB(214, 160, 43) | Glitzy Gold | — | |
#e1bd27 | RGB(225, 189, 39) | Durian Yellow | — | |
#fea060 | RGB(254, 160, 96) | Orange Spice | — | |
#ff8f73 | RGB(255, 143, 115) | Alexandria | — | |
#6c6d7a | RGB(108, 109, 122) | Space Station | — | |
#798ea4 | RGB(121, 142, 164) | Faded Denim | — | |
#886793 | RGB(136, 103, 147) | Mirabella | — | |
#d3494e | RGB(211, 73, 78) | Faded Red | Faded red | |
#a79a8a | RGB(167, 154, 138) | Warm Stone | — | |
#b4989f | RGB(180, 152, 159) | Deep South | — | |
#ecc481 | RGB(236, 196, 129) | Gold Buff | — | |
#eeccdd | RGB(238, 204, 221) | LA Vibes | — | |
#d6edf1 | RGB(214, 237, 241) | Sparkling River | — | |
#f3f3e6 | RGB(243, 243, 230) | Cumulus | — |
Color Palette Contrast
76 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#9c6d57 | #c0514a | 1.04 |
#9c6d57 | #d6a02b | 1.88 |
#9c6d57 | #ff8f73 | 1.98 |
#9c6d57 | #6c6d7a | 1.15 |
#9c6d57 | #798ea4 | 1.31 |
#9c6d57 | #886793 | 1.07 |