Created at 04/02/2023 11:45
#e9d2af HEX Color The Golden State information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#e9d2af | RGB(233, 210, 175) |
RGB values are RGB(233, 210, 175)
#e9d2af color contain Red 91.37%, Green 82.35% and Blue 68.63%.
Color Names of #e9d2af HEX code
The Golden State Color
Alternative colors of The Golden State #e9d2af
Opposite Color for The Golden State is #afc6e9
#e9d2af Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #e9d2af The Golden State
hsl(36, 57%, 80%)
hsla(36, 57%, 80%, 1)
RGB(233, 210, 175)
RGBA(233, 210, 175, 1)
Palettes for #e9d2af color The Golden State:
Below examples of color palettes for #e9d2af HEX color
darkest color is #171511 from shades and lightest color is #fdfbf7 from tints
Shades palette of #e9d2af:
Tints palette of #e9d2af:
Complementary palette of #e9d2af:
Triadic palette of #e9d2af:
Square palette of #e9d2af:
Analogous palette of #e9d2af:
Split-Complementary palette of #e9d2af:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #e9d2af:
Color The Golden State #e9d2af used in palettes (41)
B'dazzled Blue, The Golden State palette Chinese Lantern, Crunchy Carrot, Blue Ice, Clean Slate, King Neptune, Astrolabe Reef, Yíng Guāng Sè Pink, What We Do in the Shadow Art and Craft, Cute Pixie, Kanzō Orange, Green Dynasty, Trellis Vine, Frozen Lake, Sky of Magritte, Leviathan Purple, Pansy Petal, Lemongrass, Carlisle, Aunt Violet, Subterranean River, Spreadsheet Green, Brown Bear, Heavy Black Green, Hairy Heath, Breakaway Bl Medium Brown, Colorado Bronze, Lizard Breath, CGA Blue, Blue Sage, Camelot, Dignity Blue, Miranda's Spike, Sea Hazel, Purple Ameth Wasabi Nuts, Honey Bunny, Coral Dust, The Golden State, Dr. White palette Netherworld, Surprise Amber, Popular Beige, The Golden State palette Moonshade, Naval Night, Makara, Litmus, Silver Tipped Sage, The Golden State, Light Vision palette Redrock Canyon, Disappearing Purple, Rhine Castle, Potting Moss, Muslin palette River Rocks, Agave Frond, Coalmine, Tǔ Hēi Black, Grey Marble, Rusty Sand, Jasper Cane, The Golden State, Crescent Cream, Rosewate Nuthatch, Stone Bridge, Surgeon Green, Sea Wonder, Rabbit Paws, Sunburnt Cyclops palette Bretzel Brown, Peony Pink, Dusk Orange, Agressive Aqua, Celestial, Violet Majesty, Ruby Dust, Hanada Blue, Goody Gumdrop, The Gold Dusty Path, Force of Nature, Vivid Imagination, Office Neon Light, Odyssey Grey, Pomtini, Violet Bouquet, The Golden State palette Quiver Tan, Kaffee, Raspberry Truffle, Astorath Red, Blue Mirage, Icelandic Water, Orb of Discord, Cabbage Pont, Lavender Elan, Pe Syrup, Surprise, Butterscotch Bliss, Palace Arms, Stonebriar, Tamago Egg palette Dirty Yellow, Copen Blue, Dark Catacombs, Polished Leather, Shaded Fuchsia, Egyptian Violet, Sonora Hills, Ballet Rose, The Golden Plum Haze, Seabuckthorn Yellow Brown, Sunblast Yellow, Sea Cave, Cal Poly Pomona Green, Blue Heeler, Spearmint Frosting, Prestige, Eastlake Lavender, Chanterelle Sauce, Wood Thrush, Kingpin Gold, Quinoline Yellow, Cinnamon Satin, Konkikyō Blue, Deep Night, Gree Chimera Brown, Golden Cream, Horizon, Weldon Blue, Fandango Pink, Moon Shadow, Silken Gold, Canyon Trail, The Golden State, Sea Fo Spicy Mustard, Mustard Crusted Salmon, Scorpy Green, Shipmate, Bell Heather, Kabocha Green, Tabriz Teal, Purple Blanket, Night Rom Raiden's Fury, Love Goddess, Rattlesnake, Greedy Gold, Stamp Pad Green, Blue Gourami, Megaman Helmet, Rose Garland, Rubiate, Smoki Camo Beige, Gale Force, Pink Nectar, Organic Bamboo, Wisp, The Golden State, Maple Beige palette Squirrel, Succulent Leaves, Homeworld, Fujinezumi, Mauve Jazz, Mineral Red, Boatswain, Blue Sou'wester, Metropolis Mood, Sandrock, Positive Red, Tan Your Hide, Innisfree Garden, Outer Space, Larimar Green, Bubble Gum, Amelia, The Golden State palette Fungi, Bittersweet, Magic Mountain, Haunted Hills, Black Rock, Celtic, Treasure Seeker, Wallflower palette Wine Barrel, Kindleflame, Sugar Grape, Sheer Green, The Golden State palette Soft Boiled, Middle Green Yellow, Pink Insanity, Floriography, Wonder Wine, Creamy Mushroom palette The Golden State, Mystic Fog palette Elephant, Cinnamon Diamonds, Pompeii Ash, Black Howl, Permanent Green, The Golden State palette Vintage Vibe, Antique Bronze, Mocha Tan, Chestnut Butter palette Brigadier Blue, Saber Tooth, Moonshine, Mauve Finery, The Golden State, Cherry Chip palette Presley Purple, River Styx, Smoking Night Blue, Timber Town, Blue Glow, The Golden State palette Lost River, The Golden State, Sweet Apricot palette Pale Ale, Blue Streak, Jellybean Pink, New Brick Red, Crown Jewel, Mintos palette Golden Spice, Cyanara, Dried Flower Purple, Neutral Green, Smoky White, Bright Clove, Basic Coral, The Golden State palette Brake Light Trails, Sour Candy, Bottled Sea, French Roast, Moonlight Yellow, Mångata, The Golden State palette Later Gator, Night Brown Black, Bambino palette Terra Cotta Clay, Blaze, Dancing Jewel, Later Gator, The Golden State palette Mesa, Bay Site, Pitch Black, Girl Power, The Golden State, Athens Grey palette Dodge Pole, Mule Fawn, Lime Twist, Capri Breeze, Rand Moon, Lady Flower palette Wheatberry, Cool Touch, Serpentine Shadow, Moonquake, Terra Sol, The Golden State palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #e9d2af with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#e9d2af Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |
#e9d2af Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |