Created at 12/29/2023 16:44

Lemongrass, Carlisle, Aunt Violet, Subterranean River, Spreadsheet Green, Brown Bear, Heavy Black Green, Hairy Heath, Breakaway Bl

Aunt Violet
Subterranean River
Spreadsheet Green
Brown Bear
Heavy Black Green
Hairy Heath
Breakaway Blue
Mud Room
Jasper Park
Grizzle Grey
Russian Blue
Brunnera Blue
Teatime Mauve
Eldar Flesh
Roycroft Mist Grey
French Silk
Lusty Salmon
The Golden State
Delicate Bloom
Beau Blue
Amarillo Yellow
Matterhorn Snow
Sea Salt Sherbet
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The palette consists of Light, Dark, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Spreadsheet Green #007711 and Sea Salt Sherbet #fff5f7. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Lemongrass, Carlisle, Aunt Violet, Subterranean River, Spreadsheet Green, Brown Bear, Heavy Black Green, Hairy Heath, Breakaway Bl has combination of 26 codes colors:
HEX: #c5a658, RGB: (197, 166, 88); HEX: #45867c, RGB: (69, 134, 124); HEX: #7c0087, RGB: (124, 0, 135)
HEX: #1f3b4d, RGB: (31, 59, 77); HEX: #007711, RGB: (0, 119, 17); HEX: #4a3f37, RGB: (74, 63, 55)
HEX: #3a514d, RGB: (58, 81, 77); HEX: #633528, RGB: (99, 53, 40); HEX: #424d60, RGB: (66, 77, 96)
HEX: #60584b, RGB: (96, 88, 75); HEX: #4a6558, RGB: (74, 101, 88); HEX: #636562, RGB: (99, 101, 98)
HEX: #9aaebb, RGB: (154, 174, 187); HEX: #9ba9ca, RGB: (155, 169, 202); HEX: #c8a89e, RGB: (200, 168, 158)
HEX: #ecc083, RGB: (236, 192, 131); HEX: #c2bdb1, RGB: (194, 189, 177); HEX: #bdbfc8, RGB: (189, 191, 200)
HEX: #c0c6d2, RGB: (192, 198, 210); HEX: #efafa7, RGB: (239, 175, 167); HEX: #e9d2af, RGB: (233, 210, 175)
HEX: #dbbfce, RGB: (219, 191, 206); HEX: #bcd4e6, RGB: (188, 212, 230); HEX: #fbf1c3, RGB: (251, 241, 195)
HEX: #e0fefe, RGB: (224, 254, 254); HEX: #fff5f7, RGB: (255, 245, 247)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of goldenrod, Shade of darkcyan, Tint of Purple, Tint of darkslategrey, Tint of Green, Tint of dimgrey, Shade of darkslategrey, Shade of Maroon, Shade of darkslateblue, Tint of dimgrey, Shade of darkslategrey, Tint of dimgrey, Tint of lightsteelblue, Tint of lightsteelblue, Shade of rosybrown, Shade of burlywood, Tint of Silver, Tint of Silver, Shade of lightsteelblue, Tint of lightpink, Tint of wheat, Tint of thistle, Shade of lightsteelblue, Tint of lemonchiffon, Tint of lightcyan, Shade of lavenderblush
Color scheme was created by raccoon

Colors codes in palette

Lemongrass, Carlisle, Aunt Violet, Subterranean River, Spreadsheet Green, Brown Bear, Heavy Black Green, Hairy Heath, Breakaway Bl color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#c5a658 RGB(197, 166, 88)Lemongrass
#45867c RGB(69, 134, 124)Carlisle
#7c0087 RGB(124, 0, 135)Aunt Violet
#1f3b4d RGB(31, 59, 77)Subterranean RiverDark blue grey
#007711 RGB(0, 119, 17)Spreadsheet Green
#4a3f37 RGB(74, 63, 55)Brown Bear
#3a514d RGB(58, 81, 77)Heavy Black Green
#633528 RGB(99, 53, 40)Hairy Heath
#424d60 RGB(66, 77, 96)Breakaway Blue
#60584b RGB(96, 88, 75)Mud Room
#4a6558 RGB(74, 101, 88)Jasper Park
#636562 RGB(99, 101, 98)Grizzle Grey
#9aaebb RGB(154, 174, 187)Russian Blue
#9ba9ca RGB(155, 169, 202)Brunnera Blue
#c8a89e RGB(200, 168, 158)Teatime Mauve
#ecc083 RGB(236, 192, 131)Eldar Flesh
#c2bdb1 RGB(194, 189, 177)Roycroft Mist Grey
#bdbfc8 RGB(189, 191, 200)Anon
#c0c6d2 RGB(192, 198, 210)French Silk
#efafa7 RGB(239, 175, 167)Lusty Salmon
#e9d2af RGB(233, 210, 175)The Golden State
#dbbfce RGB(219, 191, 206)Delicate Bloom
#bcd4e6 RGB(188, 212, 230)Beau Blue
#fbf1c3 RGB(251, 241, 195)Amarillo Yellow
#e0fefe RGB(224, 254, 254)Matterhorn Snow
#fff5f7 RGB(255, 245, 247)Sea Salt Sherbet

Color Palette Contrast

146 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Lemongrass, Carlisle, Aunt Violet, Subterranean River, Spreadsheet Green, Brown Bear, Heavy Black Green, Hairy Heath, Breakaway Bl png

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