Created at 02/23/2023 08:28
#faf7e2 HEX Color Diamond information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#faf7e2 | RGB(250, 247, 226) |
RGB values are RGB(250, 247, 226)
#faf7e2 color contain Red 98.04%, Green 96.86% and Blue 88.63%.
Color Names of #faf7e2 HEX code
Diamond Color
Alternative colors of Diamond #faf7e2
Coconut Pulp
Candlelight Ivory
Alhambra Cream
off white
Abaidh White
A La Mode
very light pink
Opposite Color for Diamond is #e0e3fa
#faf7e2 Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #faf7e2 Diamond
hsl(53, 71%, 93%)
hsla(53, 71%, 93%, 1)
RGB(250, 247, 226)
RGBA(250, 247, 226, 1)
Palettes for #faf7e2 color Diamond:
Below examples of color palettes for #faf7e2 HEX color
darkest color is #191917 from shades and lightest color is #fffefc from tints
Shades palette of #faf7e2:
Tints palette of #faf7e2:
Complementary palette of #faf7e2:
Triadic palette of #faf7e2:
Square palette of #faf7e2:
Analogous palette of #faf7e2:
Split-Complementary palette of #faf7e2:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #faf7e2:
Color Diamond #faf7e2 used in palettes (50)
100heads ink art sketch character colors Aerostatics colors palette Straw Meadow Violet, Sunburnt Cyclops, Crow Black, Downpour, Diamond palette King Ghidorah, Bristle Grass, Goldenrod Field, Honey Crusted Chicken, Manitou Blue, Wailing Woods, Spinel Violet, Glossy Olive, Bl Amazon Stone, Camouflage Olive, Sattle, Pico Sun, Dinosaur, Moping Green, Spring Garden, Mysterious Night, Teal Blue, Mauve Jazz, Young Mahogany, Graphite Grey Green, Lively Lime, Tau Light Ochre, Blue Collar Man, Scuba Blue, Crantini, Dynamo, Coming up Roses, Ginger Dy, Renga Brick, Optimist Gold, Connect Red, Autumn Leaf Orange, Field Green, Hisui Kingfisher, Marrs Green, Forget-Me-Not Dutch Orange, Green Sky, Polar Ice, Shimmering Pool, Table Linen, Timeless Day, White Jasmine, Diamond palette Soft Charcoal, Royal Fuchsia, Finn, Etude Lilac, Diamond palette Zesty Sheffield, Arterial Blood Red, Plum Island, Mount Hyjal, Herbal Wash, Spatial White, Diamond palette Innisfree Garden, Perky, Robo Master, Coliseum Marble, Diamond palette Warm Apricot, Diamond palette Diamond Love Goddess, Beat Around the Bush, Light Oak Brown, Heavy Ochre, Empower, Pitmaston Pear Yellow, Full Yellow, Shylock, Candy Grap Orangish Red, Downing Earth, Decisive Yellow, Tambo Tank, Broccoli Paradise, Green Fluorite, Dark Iris, Bluebrite, Vivid Orchid, C Titanium Yellow, Viridis, Marine Tinge, Iris Petal, Grapes of Italy, Choral Singer, Hawaiian Raspberry, Standish Blue, Laylock, Po Heat Wave, Tangerine Yellow, Brusque Pink, Chinese Black, Kirchner Green, Black Lacquer, Ripasso, Jackal, Cress Vinaigrette, Cocoa Moray, Always Green Grass, Magical Malachite, Star City, Captive, Delicioso, Americano, Gully Green, Sage Violet, Salmon Smoke, Wa Secret Passageway, Copper Pipe, Black of Night, Moosewood, Bali Hai, Deep Aquamarine, Wintermint, Renoir Bisque, Elf Skintone, Lat Borderline, Orange Rust, Harbor Blue, Fresh Neon Pink, Twilight Mauve palette Luau Green, Apple Jack, Japanese Fern, Pool Blue, Spartacus, Indiviolet Sunset, The End, Sandhill Crane, New Hunter, Petal Plush, Hat Box Brown, Mustard Gold, Hedgehog Cactus Yellow Green, Garlic Butter, Crystal Green, Jazzercise, Sophisticated Lilac, Threshol Scarlet Tanager, Akakō Red, Peapod Green, Selenium, Plunge Pool, Sardinia Beaches, Nimbus Blue, Renaissance Rose, Glam, Chaos Blac Downy Feather, Hidden Tribe, Mouse Tail, Janitor, Strawberry Surprise, Apple-A-Day, Maroon Light, Tiramisu, Corydalis Blue, Hanove Cave Painting, Poncho, Banana Boat, Golden Marguerite, Elysian Green, Vibrant Blue, Berry Chocolate, Verde Garrafa, Daniel Boone, Endless, Thamar Black, Paradise Green, Royal Silver palette Midnight Violet, Aegean Sea, Liquorice, Autumn Malt, Pale Light Green, Dusty Lilac palette Sumac dyed, Zephyr Green, Acid Pops, Ebizome Purple, Stormy Weather, Deco palette Antilles Garden, Pepper Jelly, Dark & Stormy, Soaring Eagle, Wind Weaver palette Bay Leaf, Cinnamon Stone, Green Cast, Scorpy Green, Made of Steel, Coastal Calm, Palatinate Blue, Clairvoyant, Island Oasis, Pacif Captain Nemo, Outback Brown, Highland, Young Bamboo, Jazz Blue, Black Pearl, Tyrian Purple, Italian Plum, Police Blue, Orestes, Pi Bazaar, Gristmill, Cigarette Glow, Dill Powder, Bungee Cord, Greek Lavender, Pink Granite, Crowned One, Violet Ice palette Rosetta, J's Big Heart, Garden Grove, Forever Denim, Crystal Teal, Waterworld, Chaotic Roses, Natural Pumice, Mayfly, Wild Thing, Covered Wagon, Spiced Rum, Indocile Tiger, Rubber Ducky, Hole In One, Rosily, Love Potion palette Construction Zone, Green Peridot, Ethereal Blue, Wine Grape, Midsummer Night, Old Copper, Ancient Pewter, Machinery, Soft Tone, Be Chlorite, Babiana, Tower Grey, Chilly Blue, Awakening, Lavender Cloud, Meander Blue, Manhattan Mist palette Yarrow Perfume Pale Blackish Purple, Malibu Beige, Sugar Shack, Sand Island palette Red Clover, Mulberry Thorn, Privet Hedge, Astral Aura, Merlot Fields, Natural Bark, Alsot Olive, Delicate Blue palette Rodham, Ultra Red, Night Green, Pony Tail, Blue Flax palette Chokecherry, Sativa, UP Forest Green, Colonnade Grey, Blushing Bud palette Benthic Black, Mix Or Match, Fuzzy Navel palette Dark Lemonade Annatto, Fleshtone Shade Wash, Chasm Green, Sea Note, Stone Grey, Flaxen palette Ffiery Topaz, Jericho Jade, Romantic Isle, Neptune Blue, Dark Souls, Harbour Sky, Twinkle Toes palette Veiled Chameleon, Blue Moon, Red Salsa, Satin Soil, Cryptic Light, Reindeer Moss, Ash Tree Bark, Stardust Ballroom palette Jube Green, Becker Blue, Little Mermaid, Obscure Ogre palette Barn Door, Aragon Green, Soulstone Blue, Grapefruit Juice, Red Mahogany, Su-Nezumi Grey, Bachelor Blue, Rincon Cove, Hay, Flower G
Color Contrast
Color pairings #faf7e2 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#faf7e2 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |
#faf7e2 Contrast Ratio
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