Created at 02/21/2023 13:04
#fdc1c5 HEX Color Delhi Dance Pink information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#fdc1c5 | RGB(253, 193, 197) |
RGB values are RGB(253, 193, 197)
#fdc1c5 color contain Red 99.22%, Green 75.69% and Blue 77.25%.
Color Names of #fdc1c5 HEX code
Delhi Dance Pink, pale rose Color
Alternative colors of Delhi Dance Pink #fdc1c5
Opposite Color for Delhi Dance Pink is #bffdf9
#fdc1c5 Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #fdc1c5 Delhi Dance Pink
hsl(356, 94%, 87%)
hsla(356, 94%, 87%, 1)
RGB(253, 193, 197)
RGBA(253, 193, 197, 1)
Palettes for #fdc1c5 color Delhi Dance Pink:
Below examples of color palettes for #fdc1c5 HEX color
darkest color is #191314 from shades and lightest color is #fff9f9 from tints
Shades palette of #fdc1c5:
Tints palette of #fdc1c5:
Complementary palette of #fdc1c5:
Triadic palette of #fdc1c5:
Square palette of #fdc1c5:
Analogous palette of #fdc1c5:
Split-Complementary palette of #fdc1c5:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #fdc1c5:
Color Delhi Dance Pink #fdc1c5 used in palettes (50)
Red Ink, Northampton Trees, Lattice Green, Green Wrasse, Space Convoy, Heliotrope Magenta, Basil Green, Oak Plank, Chronicle, Red Unmatched Beauty, Fresh Cut, Tangara, Cinnamon Brown, Burdock, Mary's Garden, Fiji Green, Boreal, Fake Jade, Boathouse, Granada Sk Delhi Dance Pink, Perky Tint palette Fuchsia Berries, Jade Tinge, Wishing Well, Interdimensional Portal, Delhi Dance Pink palette Portico, Delhi Dance Pink palette Metal Deluxe, Harmonious Rose, Vandermint, Delhi Dance Pink, Satin Cream White, Bone Dust palette Longlure Frogfish, Blue Marguerite, Sonoran Sands, Delhi Dance Pink palette Foggy Sunrise, Steamy Spring, Delhi Dance Pink, Bucatini Noodle palette Opium, Mountain Elk, Green Lacewing, Bermuda Grey, Suez Canal, Delhi Dance Pink palette Danger, Dusted Olive, Wheatberry, Milky Blue, Hinterlands Green, Dusky Violet, Serendipity, Delhi Dance Pink palette Purple Wineberry, Montezuma Hills, Fresh Pink Lemonade, Winter Haze, Sentimental Lady, Delhi Dance Pink palette Pepper Spice, Coriander Powder, Isolation, Periwinkle Blue, Handmade Linen, Ice Bomb, Delhi Dance Pink, Mauve Wisp palette Tawny Amber, Ginger Flower, Speaking of the Devil, Sizzling Red, Major Tom palette Breath of Fire, Wilderness, Water Persimmon, Ryza Dust, Mantis, Periscope, Ibis Rose, First Star palette Bloodthirsty, Apple Brown Betty, Amber Romance, Download Progress, Malachite, Purple Peril, I Love You Pink, Spiced Hot Chocolate, Azuki Bean, Chilled Chilly, Basket of Gold, Submarine Base, Baja Blue, Refined Green, Bering Sea, Moenkopi Soil, Assateague Sand, Madrileño Maroon, Gypsy Canvas, The Fifth Sun, Salamander, Rich Texture, Throat, Red Berry, Warm Waterlogged Lab Coat, Twilight Bl Rusty Coin, Sarah's Garden, Wild Manzanita, Whale Watching, Right as Rain, Polar Soft Blue palette Emergency, Love for All, Silver Filigree, Celestial Blue, Kara Cha Brown, Wineberry, Evening Cityscape, Blue Anthracite, Pachyderm Watermelon Punch, Deep Indigo, Strawberry Rhubarb, Catawba, Turtle Trail, Sacred Blue, Gentlemann's Business Pants, Sunbleached, J Movie Star, Thai Hot, Ceramic Pot, Palm Frond, Flame Pea, Amethyst Purple, Fuchsia Blue, Orestes, Shallow Water Ground, Seaborn, T Mì Chéng Honey, Poisonous Pesto, Sour Apple Rings, Florida Turquoise, Gogo Blue, Cannon Ball, Ebbtide, Rose Glory, Grey Pearl Sand Movie Star, Enchanted Wood, Ragin' Cajun, Chinese Dragon, Martian, Melbourne, Parisian Green, Antique Moss, Bright Navy Blue, Aged Au Chico, Alley Cat, Blue Regent, Thatch, Braided Raffia palette Leather Satchel, French Fuchsia, Beasty Brown, Light Roast, Elite Pink, Wild Clary, Bubblegum Kisses palette British Phone Booth, Honeysuckle Blast, Sumac dyed, Highlander, Elemental Green palette Untamed Red, Matador's Cape, Tahiti Gold, In the Woods, Salty Thyme, Lime Candy Pearl, Later Gator, Deep Mulberry, Middle-Earth, S Hong Kong Taxi, Whole Nine Yards, Aleutian Isle, Bay Isle Pointe, Film Noir, Moor Pond Green, Elegant Navy, Savoy House, Kitchen B Cozumel, Wink, Orbital, Covent Garden, Purple Kush, Robotic Gods, Cold Winter's Morn, Serious Grey, Petal Plush palette Electric Energy, Petrol Green, Identity, Sea of Galilee, Mata Hari, Desire Pink palette Baneblade Brown, Red Maple Leaf, Green Tea Candy, Lifeless Green, Crushed Grape, Dark Olive Green, Catskill Brown, Turkish Turquoi Willow Tree, Red Cent, Spruce Yellow, Real Turquoise, Battery Charged Blue, Raspberry Patch, Ice Cold Green, Electric Lavender pal Green Flash, Smokey Denim, Concord Grape, Zǐ Sè Purple, French Oak, Harbour Sky palette Antler, Bold Brick, Bluebrite, Pacific Blue, Hawaiian Raspberry, Wild Boar, Majolica Blue, Endless Sea, Kabul, Oslo Grey, Wild Cla Beaver, Romaine Green, Amok, Green Gone Wild, Pencil Lead, Afloat, Underwater Moonlight, Beautiful Blue, Slice of Heaven, Fuchsia Permanent Geranium Lake, Chocolate Explosion, Densetsu Green, Platinum Grey, Amore, Army Green, Bock, Shaker Grey, Pretty Lady, Ma Electric Orange, Plastic Lime, Bilberry, Cornflower Blue, Mountain Range Blue, Rich Red, Tropical Fog, Bright Sage, Yippie Ya Yell Tilla Kari Mosque, Sea Ridge, Plum Swirl, Heather Violet, Shattell, Green Herb palette Naples Yellow, Cherries Jubilee, Butter, En Plein Air, Delhi Dance Pink palette Obscure Ochre, Bristle Grass, Pink Parade, Soft Summer Rain, Delhi Dance Pink, Dolomite Crystal palette Crusade King, Gentian Flower, Linden Green, Silver Chalice, Bella Mia, Delhi Dance Pink palette Clown Green, Olive Leaf Tea, Lush Mauve, Delhi Dance Pink, Paper Lamb palette Sea Foam, Studio Mauve, Delhi Dance Pink, No Need to Blush palette Baguette, Cress Green, Farmer's Market, Ultramarine Highlight, Venetian Nights palette 1975 Earth Red, After the Rain, Delhi Dance Pink palette Flame Stitch, Parma Mauve, Ceylanite, Moire Satin, Delhi Dance Pink, Nǎi Yóu Sè Cream, Italian Lace, Light Lost Lace palette Squirrel, Frontier Brown, Tsarina, Freezy Wind palette Alarm, Banana Propaganda, Lexaloffle Green, Aqua Forest, Blue Magenta Violet, Signal Pink palette Lunar Base, Tropical Cyclone, Icy Morn, Moonraker palette Delft Blue, Patio Green, Gorthor Brown, Soft Celadon, Pale Violet, Floral Note, Antique Pearl, Delhi Dance Pink palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #fdc1c5 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#fdc1c5 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |
#fdc1c5 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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