Creado en 02/21/2023 14:44
#6a0002 HEX Color Arcavia Red información
Color | HEX | RGB |
#6a0002 | RGB(106, 0, 2) |
RGB los valores son RGB(106, 0, 2)
#6a0002 el color contiene Rojo 41.57%, Verde 0% y Azul 0.78%.
Nombres de color de #6a0002 HEX código
Arcavia Red Color
colores alternativos de Arcavia Red #6a0002
Color opuesto para Arcavia Red – #006b69
#6a0002 Conversión de color
Información de códigos y valores sobre el decimal de color HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #6a0002 Arcavia Red
hsl(359, 100%, 21%)
hsla(359, 100%, 21%, 1)
RGB(106, 0, 2)
RGBA(106, 0, 2, 1)
Paletas para el color #6a0002 Arcavia Red:
A continuación ejemplos de paletas de colores para #6a0002 color HEX
el color más oscuro es #0b0000 de los tonos y el color más claro es #f0e6e6 de los tintes
Paleta de sombras de #6a0002:
Paleta de tintes de #6a0002:
Paleta complementaria de #6a0002:
Paleta triádica de #6a0002:
Paleta cuadrada de #6a0002:
Paleta análoga de #6a0002:
Paleta dividida-complementaria de #6a0002:
Paleta rectangular (tetrádica) de #6a0002:
Paletas de colores sugeridas para #6a0002 HEX:
Paleta de colores con color #6a0002 #1:
Paleta de colores con color #6a0002 #2:
Paleta de colores con color #6a0002 #3:
Paleta de colores con color #6a0002 #4:
Paleta de colores con color #6a0002 #5:
Color Arcavia Red #6a0002 usado en paletas (50)
Opium, Base Sand, Pinata, Lemon Glacier, Holbein Blue Grey, Never Forget, Exuberant Pink, Rural Red, Black Htun, Arcavia Red, Pico Kilauea Lava, Rickrack, Keystone, Soft Leather, Basketball, Sebright Chicken, Classic Avocado, Fading Night, Bonbon Red, True Love Positively Palm, Corkboard, Banh Bot Loc Dumpling, Reddish Orange, Sunflower Yellow, Privet Hedge, Modest Mauve, Pacifica, Arcavia Subway, Pre-Raphaelite, Tree Hugger, Roman Brick, Chutney, Go Go Lime, Grapefruit, Hedge Green, Beech Fern, Paradise City, Too Dar Arcavia Red, Pout palette Salted Capers, Extreme Yellow, Arcavia Red, Tamboon, Silver Lake palette Peanut Butter, Langoustine, Frost Blue, Acapulco Cliffs, Disembark, Egyptian Teal, Lapis Blue, Indian Pink, Arcavia Red, Dark Oliv Hair Brown, Meadowbrook, Arcavia Red, Pine Haven, Veiled Violet, Germania, Glimmer palette Niblet Green, Carbide, Grim Reaper, Arcavia Red, Woodburn, Aqua Spring palette Sehnsucht Red, Tarnished Silver, Santorini, Rocket Metallic, Arcavia Red, Matt Sage palette Horn of Plenty, Ratskin Flesh, Queen Valley, Usuao Blue, Skylla, Island Lush, Arcavia Red, Buccaneer palette Sweet Brown, Colusa Wetlands, Pink Damask, Chocolate Pancakes, Forsythia, Fern, Leaf, Grey Blue, Arcavia Red, Bonne Nuit, Gallery Splinter, California Girl, Kanzō Orange, Flaming Hot Flamingoes, Arcavia Red, Classic Olive, Morning's Egg, Cocoa Froth, Songbird, Piercing Red, Standby Led, Arcavia Red, Fireworks, Lorian, Greyish Pink, Ducal Pink, Apricot Spring, Simple Pink palette Thick Red, Sweet Florence, Mediterranean, Nirvana Jewel, Bank Vault, Sophisticated Lilac, Ultra Red, Arcavia Red, Heavenly Garden, Smouldering Red, Crushed Raspberry, Arcavia Red, Unplugged, Shopping Bag, Wood's Creek, City Bench, Blooming Lilac, Canewood, Citr Ratskin Flesh, Bridgewater, Arcavia Red, Nature's Strength, Hydrology, Holiday Turquoise, Firm Pink, Firefly Glow palette Glowing Meteor, Primrose Path, Yellow Rose, Pesto Genovese, Sparkling Green, Exquisite Emerald, Jelly Bean, Blue Regatta, Heart's Bateau Brown, Sun Dance, Peppy Peacock, Speedwell, Storm Blue, Holiday Blue, Nero, Dark Imperial Blue, Arcavia Red, Brown Bear, Da Bee Hall, Norwegian Blue, Tahitian Tide, Metal Construction Green, Arcavia Red, Lily of the Nile, Beach Lilac, Kiwi Ice Cream Gree Wisteria Yellow, Submarine Base, Dusty Rose, Arcavia Red, Dancing Dogs, Carriage, Casting Shadow, Early June, Light Soft Celadon p Bear Hug, Mulberry Silk, Milvus Milvus Orange, Creole Sauce, Turtle Moss, Soulstone Blue, Arcavia Red, Accessible Beige, Carameliz Artisan Tan, Nectarina, Golden Orange, Gangsters Gold, Shiner, Violet Vixen, Arcavia Red, Cypress, Imperial Palm, Chamois Tan, Pea Dorn Yellow, Antilles Blue, Galaxy Blue, Magentle, Arcavia Red, Machinery, Rose Potpourri, Baize Green, Playful Purple, Humid Cave Silver Mink, Conte Crayon, Gorse Yellow Orange, Quinoline Yellow, Ancient Maze, Provence Violet, Arcavia Red, Norfolk Green, Cape Xiān Hóng Red, Wooden Cabin, Cardueline Finch, Harvest Pumpkin, Jambalaya, Castelvetrano Olive, Turquoise Topaz, Marrs Green, Fenc Thunder Mountain Longhorn Pepper, Domain, Crack Willow, Harā Green, Young Bamboo, Cendre Blue, Red Leather, Red Wrath, Arcavia Red Gold Estate, Mindaro, Arcavia Red, Trekking Blue, Paving Stone, Peach Buff palette Licorice Stick, Jasper, Mermaid Song, Intrigue Red, Arcavia Red, Underground Stream, Catnip, Lavender Aura, Trusty Tan, Rosy Highl Chocolate Heart, Bonnie's Bench, Rapeseed, Ahaetulla Prasina, Skyan, Grand Bleu, Blue Flame, Piney Lake, Arcavia Red, Phantom Hue Carnage Red, Safflower Kite, Brasso, Chestnut Gold, Cure All, Arcavia Red, Cold Waterlogged Lab Coat, Goat, Aurora Pink, Cerulean Indian Maize, Spring Frost, Direct Green, Arcavia Red, Blue Rhapsody, Overgrown Trees, Crocker Grove, Cape Cod Blue, Coastal Fring Nippon, Autumn Ashes, Bridle Leather, Rucksack Tan, Yellowl, Shandy, Healing Plant, Blue With A Hint Of Purple, Dark Fern, Arcavia Carriage Stone, Tribal Pottery, Arcavia Red, Silver Screen, Surfside, Liliac, Perspective, Paris Blue palette Rose de Mai, Apple Crisp, Bronzed Flesh, Polished Gold, Gǎn Lǎn Huáng Olive, Poster Yellow, Thor's Thunder, Heirloom Hydrangea, Ar British Phone Booth, Stetson, The Legend of Green, Blue Boater, Apnea Dive, Windjammer, Trendy Pink, Rust Magenta, Arcavia Red, Ma Red-Handed, Mango Orange, Blue Slushie, Arcavia Red, Teal Dark Blue, Simmered Seaweed, Birdhouse Brown, Violeta Silvestre, Cocktai Wet Pottery Clay, Umber, Gangsters Gold, Green Kelp, Arcavia Red, Chestnut Red, Fawn palette Prince Paris, Roof Terracotta, Underbrush, Beige Red, Dull Turquoise, French Court, Flirty Rose, Notorious Neanderthal, Arcavia Re Bacchanalia Red, October Leaves, Minstrel of the Woods, Puerto Rico, Baja Blue, Arcavia Red, Wilhelminian Pink, Smoke Dragon, Dawn Well Read, Moroccan Ruby, Vivid Orange, Billowing Smoke, Hokkaido Lavender palette Cookies #9 Sangoire Red, Arcavia Red, Gobo Brown, Soufflé palette Lazy Lichen, Lime Fizz, Arcavia Red, Shadow Leaf, Casino Lights, Lady Pink palette Dry Starfish, Orange Juice, Glitter is not Gold, Bianchi Green, Dark Sakura, Pucker Up, Arcavia Red, Largest Black Slug palette Artful Red, Prime Merchandise, Harbor Blue palette Discretion, Arable Brown, Porch Song, Arcavia Red, Majestic Magic palette Autumn Glaze, Sea Drifter, Arcavia Red, Farm Fresh palette Sedge Grasses, Yellow Green, Olive Green, Arcavia Red, Soft Amethyst, Gumdrops, Yellow Canary palette Hong Kong Taxi, Partridge, Arcavia Red, Greenbriar, Industrial Grey, Coronado Dunes palette
Contraste de color
Combinaciones de colores #6a0002 con negro y blanco para texto pequeño, texto grande y gráficos según la proporción de contraste de accesibilidad de WCAG.
#6a0002 Relación de contraste
Tamaño | nivel AA | nivel AAA |
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Texto pequeño: |
#6a0002 Relación de contraste
Tamaño | nivel AA | nivel AAA |
Texto grande: | ||
Texto pequeño: |