Creado en 02/17/2023 23:08
#771111 HEX Color Blood Pact información
Color | HEX | RGB |
#771111 | RGB(119, 17, 17) |
RGB los valores son RGB(119, 17, 17)
#771111 el color contiene Rojo 46.67%, Verde 6.67% y Azul 6.67%.
Nombres de color de #771111 HEX código
Blood Pact Color
colores alternativos de Blood Pact #771111
Color opuesto para Blood Pact – #117878
#771111 Conversión de color
Información de códigos y valores sobre el decimal de color HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #771111 Blood Pact
hsl(0, 75%, 27%)
hsla(0, 75%, 27%, 1)
RGB(119, 17, 17)
RGBA(119, 17, 17, 1)
Paletas para el color #771111 Blood Pact:
A continuación ejemplos de paletas de colores para #771111 color HEX
el color más oscuro es #0c0202 de los tonos y el color más claro es #f1e7e7 de los tintes
Paleta de sombras de #771111:
Paleta de tintes de #771111:
Paleta complementaria de #771111:
Paleta triádica de #771111:
Paleta cuadrada de #771111:
Paleta análoga de #771111:
Paleta dividida-complementaria de #771111:
Paleta rectangular (tetrádica) de #771111:
Paletas de colores sugeridas para #771111 HEX:
Paleta de colores con color #771111 #1:
Paleta de colores con color #771111 #2:
Paleta de colores con color #771111 #3:
Paleta de colores con color #771111 #4:
Paleta de colores con color #771111 #5:
Color Blood Pact #771111 usado en paletas (50)
Halloween Tuscan Mosaic, Hyacinth Mauve, Octagon Ocean, Blood Pact, Wild Mustang palette Spill the Beans, Woodchuck, Messenger Bag, Cocoa Milk, Muntok White Pepper, Sugar Coated Almond, Golden Chalice, Gilded, Douglas F Krasnyi Red, Archivist, Burled Redwood, Bright Delight, Sorbet Yellow, Mesmerize, Fiesta Pink, Exotic Liras, Dark Void, Ghostlands Lemon, Green Cyan, Liquid Blue, Prince, Blood Pact, Lemon Pepper, Old Yellow Bricks palette Copper Trail, Melbourne Cup, Watermelon Pink, Blood Pact, Iron Head, Spring Lobster Brown, Concrete Landscape, Quicksand, Shattell Ribbon Red, Cedar Grove, Coral Commander, Dayflower Blue, Blood Pact, Blue Glint, Delicate Turquoise palette Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, Chunky Bee, Noble Black, Blood Pact, Blue Rhapsody, Deep Space Rodeo, Druid Green, Beach Umbrella, Phot Heavy Skintone, Pond Green, Cheddar Cheese, Salmon Buff, Naples Yellow, Mt. Rushmore, Blue Sari, Megaman Helmet, Raspberry Pudding Connected Grey, Nut Cracker, Jeans Indigo, Directoire Blue, Mulberry Bush, Blood Pact, Chocolate Coco, Regent St Blue palette Giant's Club, Canyon Clay, Astro Zinger, French Marron, Brussels Sprout Green, Blood Pact, Asphalt Grey, Garden Plum, Grey Violet, Xanthe Yellow, Watermelon Pink, Rose Chintz, Berry Blue Green, Blood Pact, Salt Blue, California Coral, Candy Floss, Serene Breeze Butternut Pizazz, Phenomenon, Device Green, Blood Pact, Lavender Veil palette Casandora Yellow, Blood Pact, Imperial Purple, Cooled Blue, Cuppa Coffee palette Metroid Red, Ginger Rose, Boring Green, Silk Khimar, Chill of Teamwork, Mazzy Star, Government Green, Blood Pact, Buster, Cress Vi Timeless Copper, Bracken, Blood Pact, Hesperide Apple Gold, Limited Lime, Eaglet Beige palette Communist, Dry Sage, Cargo, Molasses Cookie, Ginger Ale, Upstream Salmon, Bolt from the Blue, Iris Orchid, Sanguinary, Blood Pact, Aurora Red, Cobblestone Path, Burlwood, Copper Harbor, Oxley, Blue Zephyr, Iridescent Purple, Classic Berry, Blood Pact, Blackwood Fire Hydrant, Ashen Brown, Deep Blue Sea, Whale's Tale, Strawberry Mix, Kirchner Green, Blood Pact, Pickled Capers, Elemental, Wat Roti, Xanthous, Portuguese Green, Plutonium, Denim Blue, Scaly Green, Emperor Jewel, Lingonberry Punch, Lindworm Green, Grim Reape Red Stop, Roasted Coconut, Base Sand, Barcelona Orange, Super Saiyan, Becquerel, Lagoon Rock, Bonanza palette Contessa, Aerospace Orange, Express Blue, Water Raceway, Exclusive Plum, Evergreen, Blood Pact, Icicle Mint, Wishy-Washy Mint, Hom Chicken Comb, Junkrat, Cranberry Red, Coral Garden, Fireplace Glow, Prairie Sun, Sunset Papaya, Fierce Mantis, Blood Pact, Volcani Wild Mushroom, Blue Zephyr, Celestial Indigo, Blood Pact, Meadow, Pale Tendril, Diaphanous, Fluid Blue, Petal Bloom palette Salt Island Green, Husk, Blood Pact, O'Neal Green, Shiny Kettle, Rest Assured palette Burnished Brandy, Prehnite Yellow, Luscious Lime, Gameboy Screen, Wintertime Mauve, Festive Fennec, Night Red, Blood Pact, Grey Su Xmas Candy, Caramelo Dulce, Usugaki Persimmon, Global Green, Rosemary Green, Obscure Orchid, Marine Blue, Blood Pact, Sparrow Grey Polished Bronze, Grassy Meadow, Paradiso, Purple Punch, Blood Pact, Victorian Violet, Wild Nude, Water Wonder, Green Apple Martini Swamp Green, Eight Ball, Firmament Blue, Mushiao Green, Blood Pact, Rainy Afternoon, Austere Grey palette Debrito, Oceanic Motion, Bistre, Creole palette Neutral Valley, Watercress, Concord Grape, Blood Pact palette Linoleum Green, Abaddon Black, Blood Pact palette Link's Awakening, Quinacridone Magenta, Blood Pact palette Brownish, Deep Orange, Shuriken, Blood Pact palette Bright Forest, Mossy Woods palette Cowboy, Blood Pact, Malt Shake, Light Lilac palette Terra Cotta Urn, Blood Pact palette Blue Monday, Migol Blue, Je T’aime, Blood Pact, Spring Onion, Arizona, Dune palette Number #672 Terracotta Red Brown, Mexican Pink, Blood Pact, Pine Forest palette Ginger Crunch, Conceptual, Dark Elf, Blood Pact, Pale Iris, Camel Hide, Deco-Rate, Spruce Stone palette Blood Pact, Honeydew Peel palette Copper Penny, Rubber, Muskelmannbraun, Whiskey Sour, Imperial Yellow, Fish Finger, Sky Dive, Lucid Blue, Highlighter Red, Blood Pa Farm Straw, Burst of Gold, Nacho Cheese, Silver Maple Green, Global Green, Pea Case, Weird Green, Blues, Purple Plum, Screen Gem, Hot Spice, Hickory Nut, Treacle, Blue Winged Teal, Beach Blue, Blue Vacation, Scaly Green, Bleeding Heart, Amaranth, Roof Tile Gre Common Chestnut, Porcelain Rose, Retreat, Emerald, Semi-Precious, Bahaman Bliss, Nero's Green, Metro, Reservoir, Red Beech, Blood Pure Red, Electric Brown, Goldsmith, La Pineta, Kimono, Nostalgia Rose, Rhine River Rose, Blood Pact, White Spruce palette Wine, Secret Passageway, Sociable, Ginger Dough, Lily Pond Blue, Strawberry Frosting, Bloody Periphylla, Blood Pact, Gun Powder, M Jabłoński Brown, Cheek Red, Brown Sand, Lawn Green, Blue Fin, Midnight Pines, Midnight Blue, Blood Pact, Whale Grey, Cucumber Crus Landmark, Cathay Spice, Green Sulphur, Forest Fern, Deep Indigo, Blood Pact, Seneca Rock, Smell of Garlic, Peppermint Frosting pal
Contraste de color
Combinaciones de colores #771111 con negro y blanco para texto pequeño, texto grande y gráficos según la proporción de contraste de accesibilidad de WCAG.
#771111 Relación de contraste
Tamaño | nivel AA | nivel AAA |
Texto grande: | ||
Texto pequeño: |
#771111 Relación de contraste
Tamaño | nivel AA | nivel AAA |
Texto grande: | ||
Texto pequeño: |