Creado en 02/22/2023 03:54
#8d7470 HEX Color Bitter Briar información
Color | HEX | RGB |
#8d7470 | RGB(141, 116, 112) |
RGB los valores son RGB(141, 116, 112)
#8d7470 el color contiene Rojo 55.29%, Verde 45.49% y Azul 43.92%.
Nombres de color de #8d7470 HEX código
Bitter Briar Color
colores alternativos de Bitter Briar #8d7470
Color opuesto para Bitter Briar – #718a8e
#8d7470 Conversión de color
Información de códigos y valores sobre el decimal de color HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #8d7470 Bitter Briar
hsl(8, 11%, 50%)
hsla(8, 11%, 50%, 1)
RGB(141, 116, 112)
RGBA(141, 116, 112, 1)
Paletas para el color #8d7470 Bitter Briar:
A continuación ejemplos de paletas de colores para #8d7470 color HEX
el color más oscuro es #0e0c0b de los tonos y el color más claro es #f4f1f1 de los tintes
Paleta de sombras de #8d7470:
Paleta de tintes de #8d7470:
Paleta complementaria de #8d7470:
Paleta triádica de #8d7470:
Paleta cuadrada de #8d7470:
Paleta análoga de #8d7470:
Paleta dividida-complementaria de #8d7470:
Paleta rectangular (tetrádica) de #8d7470:
Paletas de colores sugeridas para #8d7470 HEX:
Paleta de colores con color #8d7470 #1:
Paleta de colores con color #8d7470 #2:
Paleta de colores con color #8d7470 #3:
Paleta de colores con color #8d7470 #4:
Paleta de colores con color #8d7470 #5:
Color Bitter Briar #8d7470 usado en paletas (49)
Bitter Briar, Rich Gardenia, Battle Harbor, Techno Taupe, Cupcake Rose palette Bitter Briar, Baguette, Pinkish Brown, Trinidad, Accent Orange, Post Boy, Vermilion Green, Deep Forest, Desert Echo, Balmy, Twinkl Bitter Briar, Indolence, Stucco White palette Bitter Briar, Tropical Rain palette Bitter Briar, Decreasing Brown palette Bitter Briar, Light Martian Moon palette Bitter Briar, Pickled Lemon, Victoria, Lacrosse, Broomstick palette Bitter Briar, Aged Beech, Onsen, Hampton Surf, Tory Blue, Busty Blue, Nelson's Milk Snake, Gulf Blue, Old Copper, Kaffir Lime, Fig Bitter Briar, Indian Pale Ale, Academy Purple, Allegory, Bath Salt Green, Ebb, Primrose White palette Redbox, Bitter Briar, Nut Cracker, Hello Fall, Blue Aura, Pelagic, Cioccolato, Jewel Cave, Piney Wood, Sisal, Roadrunner palette Bitter Briar, Yellow Metal, Stadium Grass, Noble Blue, Piquant Pink, Deserted Path, Chamomile Tea, Rhodes, Pink Pandora, Joyous pa Bitter Briar, Thyme Green, Purple Heart, Tulipan Violet, Velvet, Brandy Brown, Hydrangea, Palmetto Bluff, Mr Frosty, Strawberry Dr Bitter Briar, Citra, After Dark, Slick Blue, Watercress Pesto, Platonic Blue palette Vulcan Mud, Vetiver, Bitter Briar, Yanagicha, Sweet Maple, Pot Black, Sequoia Redwood, Purple Essence, Land of Trees, Pale Sienna Bitter Briar, Rusty Coin, Vivid Tangerine, Golden Sand, Rockman Blue, Emotive Ring, Cool Black, Florida's Alligator, Horses Neck, Bitter Briar, Pineapple Sage, Ship's Officer, Mood Indigo, Grey Wool, Serious Grey palette Flint, Bitter Briar, Frontier Shingle, Rural Eyes, Smudged Lips, Gale of the Wind, Tol Barad Grey, Sky Eyes, Clumsy Caramel, Bomba Bitter Briar, Marble Garden, Tidal, Thulite Rose, Marvelous Magic palette Bitter Briar, Red Wire, Cheddar Cheese, Vineyard Green, Muted Green, Vegetarian, Winter Shadow, Cranberry Pie, Leamington Spa pale Bitter Briar, Tan 686A, Brihaspati Orange, Spearmint, Bijou Blue, January Blue, Parkview, Resounding Rose, Cabo palette Bitter Briar, Apeland, Electric Glow, Blue Dacnis, Lightsaber Blue, Hornblende, Noble Knight, Ocean Bubble, Island Paradise, Frenc No More Drama, Smoky Trout, Zinc Luster, Bitter Briar, Velvety Chestnut, Clay Pot, Citrus Blast, Crushed Pineapple, Hyacinth Mauve Bitter Briar, Summer Blue, Atlantic Depths, Restoration, Dun Morogh Blue, Blue Grouse palette Chanticleer, Bitter Briar, Spanish Viridian, Rich Pewter, Phthalo Blue, Storm Front, Byzantine, Bottom of my Heart, Eleanor Ann, V Kobe, Bitter Briar, Meadow Trail, Topaz, Orangeade, Bergamot Orange, Green Sheen, Jungle Green, Christmas Brown, Plum Juice palett Bitter Briar, Amber Autumn, Italian Clay, Temple of Orange, Sirocco, Kendal Green, Award Blue, Tutti Frutti, Toasted Truffle, Bons Great Frontier, Bitter Briar, Green Savage, Sizzling Sunrise, Romantic Isle, Lamiaceae, Vampire Fangs, Desire, Lost in the Woods, Bitter Briar, California, Retro Lime, Incremental Blue, Shady Character, Quixotic Plum, Banksia, Lemonade, Midday Sun, Favourite L Bitter Briar, Tannin, Crack Willow, Golden Apricot, Coral Pink, Pinkish Orange, Country Lake, Beryl Black Green, Silver Snippet, M Bitter Briar, Axinite, Old Gungeon Red, Special Grey, Dancing Crocodiles, Purplish Brown palette Bitter Briar, Loden Blanket, Iced Tea, Wilted Brown, Verve Violet, The Fang, Silver Storm, Underwater Flare, Slight Mushroom, Chan Pedestrian Red, Bitter Briar, Mulberry Mix, Recollection Blue, Vespa Yellow, Sand Grain palette Bitter Briar, Fresh Apple, Broccoli Paradise, North Sea, Red Light Neon, Aster Flower Blue, Sand Fossil palette Bitter Briar, Sylvaneth Bark, Sconce, Clear Turquoise, Bossa Nova Blue, Lighter Purple, Cedar Green, Whale Watching palette Bitter Briar, Gargantua, Jazzberry Jam, Pastel Magenta, Magnolia Blossom palette Bitter Briar, Chocolate Chip palette Bitter Briar, Quiet Bay, Weaver's Spool, Melmac Silver palette Bitter Briar, Ranger Green, Melon Seed palette Bitter Briar Bitter Briar, By Gum, Bloodletter, Pearly Purple, Kali Blue, Antique Coin, Little Pond palette Bitter Briar, Paradise City, Sparkling Emerald, Hospital Green palette Bitter Briar, New Wave Pink palette Mossy Bank, Bitter Briar, North Wind, 1989 Miami Hotline, Raspberry Yogurt palette Akabeni, Bitter Briar palette Bitter Briar, Cadmium Orange, Zheleznogorsk Yellow, Chlorosis, Club Moss, Glacial Green, Rouge Red palette Bitter Briar, Blue Ballad, Warm Waters palette Bitter Briar, Sylvaneth Bark, Mexican Chocolate palette Bitter Briar, Rivergrass, Delaunay Green, Trendy Pink, Jedi Night, Marzipan Pink, Light Lunette, Secret Crush palette Red City of Morocco, Bitter Briar, Au Chico, Armageddon Dunes, Pizza Pie, Terra Brun, Sunrise palette
Contraste de color
Combinaciones de colores #8d7470 con negro y blanco para texto pequeño, texto grande y gráficos según la proporción de contraste de accesibilidad de WCAG.
#8d7470 Relación de contraste
Tamaño | nivel AA | nivel AAA |
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Texto pequeño: |
#8d7470 Relación de contraste
Tamaño | nivel AA | nivel AAA |
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Texto pequeño: |