Creado en 02/21/2023 09:49

#9cb0b3 HEX Color Aqua-Sphere información

#9cb0b3 RGB(156, 176, 179)

RGB los valores son RGB(156, 176, 179)
#9cb0b3 el color contiene Rojo 61.18%, Verde 69.02% y Azul 70.2%.

Nombres de color de #9cb0b3 HEX código

Aqua-Sphere Color

Clasificación de colores #9cb0b3

#9cb0b3 es Luz y Frío Color
Sombra de darkgrey
Color opuesto para Aqua-Sphere – #b4a09d

#9cb0b3 Conversión de color

Información de códigos y valores sobre el decimal de color HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #9cb0b3 Aqua-Sphere

hsl(188, 13%, 66%)
hsla(188, 13%, 66%, 1)
RGB(156, 176, 179)
RGBA(156, 176, 179, 1)

Paletas para el color #9cb0b3 Aqua-Sphere:

A continuación ejemplos de paletas de colores para #9cb0b3 color HEX

el color más oscuro es #101212 de los tonos y el color más claro es #f5f7f7 de los tintes

Paleta de sombras de #9cb0b3:
Paleta de tintes de #9cb0b3:
Paleta complementaria de #9cb0b3:
Paleta triádica de #9cb0b3:
Paleta cuadrada de #9cb0b3:
Paleta análoga de #9cb0b3:
Paleta dividida-complementaria de #9cb0b3:
Paleta rectangular (tetrádica) de #9cb0b3:

Color Aqua-Sphere #9cb0b3 usado en paletas (50)

Aqua-Sphere 1A Mexican Red, Petal Purple, Colombo Red Mauve, Aqua-Sphere, Honeydew Sand, Silk Sails, Morning Light Wave, New Youth palette Rè Dài Chéng Orange, Green Weed, Rainy Mood, Crystal Lake, Aqua-Sphere, Persian Pink palette Lizard Belly, Gluon Grey, River Pebble, Aqua-Sphere, Yucatan White Habanero palette Flame Yellow, Blue Iris, Northgate Green, Aqua-Sphere, Ineffable Magenta, Herb Robert, Villa White palette Tansy Green, Aqua-Sphere, Shetland Lace, Amazon Mist palette Burnished Caramel, Aqua-Sphere, Reed Yellow, Duck Egg Cream, Cotton White palette Schnipo, Aqua-Sphere palette Old Four Leaf Clover, Brown Bramble, Aqua-Sphere, Tailor's Buff, Soft Cashmere, Green Iced Tea, A La Mode palette Holbein Blue Grey, Aqua-Sphere, Rosa Vieja palette Sneaky Devil, Nasturtium Leaf, Twilight Purple, Burnt Bamboo, Forest Fruit Red, Treemoss, Rabbit, Aqua-Sphere, Fuchsia Blush palet Gory Movie, Backcountry, Pannikin, Aqua-Sphere, Casual Day, Pistachio Mousse, Glass Tile palette Shaded Fern, Toki Brown, Frozen Tomato, Caramelized Orange, Blue Gem, Yíng Guāng Sè Purple, Manor House, Concrete Jungle, Stuffed Macabre, Pimento, Purple Daze, Cornflower, Yankees Blue, Casa Verde, Petrified Purple, Aqua-Sphere, Proper Grey, Coastal Foam pale Minestrone, Dusty Path, Mint Cold Green, Nail Polish Pink, Standby Led, Olive Branch, Raw Cinnabar, Natural Spring, Aqua-Sphere, C Pinard Yellow, Spring Vegetables, Canadian Tuxedo, Washed Black, Evergreen, Black Smoke, Jitterbug, Aqua-Sphere, Tiffany Blue, Cle Scab Red, Camo Beige, Light Mahogany, Osage Orange, Epicurean Orange, Mock Orange, Dull Teal, Moonshadow, Black Wash, Cinnabar, Aq Barbarossa, Soft Cheddar, Spectacular Saffron, Endless, Teal Waters, Brilliant Blue palette Red Cent, Kindleflame, Dry Clay, Fine Pine, Genestealer Purple, Count's Wardrobe, Swamp of Sorrows, Beryl Black Green, Dovetail, A Archaeological Site, Cress Green, Lucky, Brick Orange, Crown Jewels, Radiant Orchid, Brown Fox, Aqua-Sphere, Āsmānī Sky, Foresight La Terra, Angry Flamingo, Fir, Blueberry Dream, Ocean Ridge, Brandywine Raspberry, Zinfandel, Wet Suit, Fresh Herbs, Heavy Rain pa Lava, Candy Apple Red, On the Avenue, Desert Sage, Bouncy Ball Green, American Anthem, Underground Civilization, Forest Ridge, Shi November, Sencha Brown, Rainbow Trout, Eucalyptus Wreath, AuroMetalSaurus, Dusty Red, Pauper, Coffee Shop, Flint Grey, Aqua-Sphere Chalet, Aqua-Sphere, Creamy Peach, Vapor Blue palette Tan-Gent, Sacred Sapling, Lime Lizard, Sēn Lín Lǜ Forest, Stamp Pad Green, Ontario Violet, Saving Light, Brunswick Green, Beggar, Karak Stone, Gyoza Dumpling, Grapes of Italy, Reddy Brown, Chaotic Red, Aubergine Grey, Pacific Bluffs, Mild Evergreen, Aqua-Spher Slippery Shale, Majolica Earthenware, Mandalay Road, Verdant Fields, Shamrock, Blowout, Sonic Blue, Worcestershire Sauce, Bastion Tan Your Hide, Conceptual, Deep Peacock Blue, Corfu Waters, Antarctic Circle, Kemp Kelly, Nurgling Green, Aqua-Sphere, Yān Hūi Smo Newsprint, Pottery Urn, Brandy Rose, Merin's Fire, Light Olive, Benevolence, Amphibian, Keepsake Rose, Aqua-Sphere, Studio Beige, Texas Heatwave, Cat Person, King Neptune, Bio Blue, Chinese Blue, Krishna Blue, Supernatural, Lich Grey, Aqua-Sphere, Mohair Mauve Sauvignon Blanc, Fantan, Mack Creek, Caribbean Sea, Charred Chocolate, Brisket, Middlestone, Aqua-Sphere, June palette Hula Girl, Wine Cork, Stormy Passion, Golden Lion Tamarin, Grapefruit Pulp, Tijolo, Larch Bolete, Alexandrite, Grey Matter, Red Sa Techno Green, Golden Blood, Hornblende Green, Wooed palette Crocodile Eye, Tropical Funk, Office Blue Green, Aqua-Sphere, Glass Tile, Little Lamb, Blank Canvas palette Clay Ground, Rat Brown, Luscious Lavender, Wild Blue Yonder, Abyssal Waters, Frosted Cocoa, Aqua-Sphere palette Sneaky Devil, Digital Violets, Wet Concrete, Hereford Bull, Aqua-Sphere, Scroll, Hawkes Blue palette Battleship Grey, Kemp Kelly, Aqua-Sphere, Gypsum Rose, Tiffany Light palette Fluorescent Lime, Blue Blood, Tetrarose, Evergreens, Ashen Plum, Aqua-Sphere, Alpine Haze, Twilight Twist palette Taisha Red, Vizcaya, Dusky Rose, Weathered Brown, Aniseed Leaf Green, Aqua-Sphere, Just Blush palette Georgia Clay, Adventure palette Tarpon Green, Lively Lime, Blade Green, Rainier Blue, Aqua-Sphere, Frozen Tundra, Casino Lights, Wishy-Washy Red palette Cyan Cornflower Blue, Deep Greige, Royalty Loyalty, Seaweed Wrap, Aqua-Sphere, Rest Assured, Pink Clay Pot, Eternal Winter palette Artesian Well, Strong Iris, Aqua-Sphere, Spray of Mint palette Vivid Crimson, Caramelize, Icterine, Greenish Cyan, Midsummer Nights, Raspberry Pink, Celtic Clover, Aqua-Sphere, Dry Catmint, Sky Bushland Grey, Hammered Silver, Beaumont Brown, Limonite, Fluorescent Orange, Greek Sea, Woodsmoke, Ingénue Blue, Aqua-Sphere, Mil Mojave Gold, Tibetan Orange, Earth Yellow, Mesa Red, Space Grey, Network Grey, Aqua-Sphere palette Cork Brown, Vermilion Bird, Eyeshadow Turquoise, Viola, KSU Purple, Pink Jazz, Deep Pacific, Aqua-Sphere, Bona Fide Beige, Objecti Boy Red, Carmel Mission, Deathclaw Brown, Totally Toffee, Straken Green, Fluorescent Green, Stony Field, Aqua-Sphere, Yolande, Shu Kentucky Mist

Contraste de color

Combinaciones de colores #9cb0b3 con negro y blanco para texto pequeño, texto grande y gráficos según la proporción de contraste de accesibilidad de WCAG.

Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
Texto grande:
Texto pequeño:
Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
Texto grande:
Texto pequeño:

Imagen Aqua-Sphere #9cb0b3 color png