Creado en 03/05/2023 18:33
#a0beda HEX Color Ice Cave información
Color | HEX | RGB |
#a0beda | RGB(160, 190, 218) |
RGB los valores son RGB(160, 190, 218)
#a0beda el color contiene Rojo 62.75%, Verde 74.51% y Azul 85.49%.
Nombres de color de #a0beda HEX código
Ice Cave Color
colores alternativos de Ice Cave #a0beda
Color opuesto para Ice Cave – #dabca0
#a0beda Conversión de color
Información de códigos y valores sobre el decimal de color HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #a0beda Ice Cave
hsl(209, 44%, 74%)
hsla(209, 44%, 74%, 1)
RGB(160, 190, 218)
RGBA(160, 190, 218, 1)
Paletas para el color #a0beda Ice Cave:
A continuación ejemplos de paletas de colores para #a0beda color HEX
el color más oscuro es #101316 de los tonos y el color más claro es #f6f9fb de los tintes
Paleta de sombras de #a0beda:
Paleta de tintes de #a0beda:
Paleta complementaria de #a0beda:
Paleta triádica de #a0beda:
Paleta cuadrada de #a0beda:
Paleta análoga de #a0beda:
Paleta dividida-complementaria de #a0beda:
Paleta rectangular (tetrádica) de #a0beda:
Paletas de colores sugeridas para #a0beda HEX:
Paleta de colores con color #a0beda #1:
Paleta de colores con color #a0beda #2:
Paleta de colores con color #a0beda #3:
Paleta de colores con color #a0beda #4:
Paleta de colores con color #a0beda #5:
Color Ice Cave #a0beda usado en paletas (44)
Red Blooded, Citrus Delight, Duke Blue, Graphic Grape, Dahlia Mauve, Open Seas, Tyrant Skull, Ice Cave palette Very Coffee, Blarney Stone, Oak Creek, Ice Cave, Fond Memory, Tuscan palette Super Rose Red, Geranium Red, Clinker Red, Ice Cave, Flax Beige, Airy Green, Smoked Oyster, Dissolved Denim palette Dazzling Red, Moss Stone, Maui Mai Tai, Dune King, Sunny Morning, Chlorophyll Green, Glitterati, Binrouji Black, Wineberry, Gully Brown Labrador, Obscure Ochre, Exploding Star, Bosco Blue, Bonanza, Mauve Muslin, Brandy, Light Glaze, Brother Blue palette Revere Greige, Warpstone Glow, Smock Blue, Ice Cave palette Bluetiful, Tezcatlipōca Blue, Adana Kebabı, Poker Green, Green McQuarrie, Amfissa Olive, Green Snow, Family Tree, Nile River, Ice Thick Red, Encarnado, Kincha Brown, Antique Moss, Cricket Green, Daemonette Hide, Beryl Black Green, Quail, Rich Taupe, Shanghai P Chernobog, Lucky Penny, Teri-Gaki Persimmon, Sunflower Valley, Batman, Major Blue, Venus Slipper Orchid, Cowhide, Striking Red, Te Heirloom Tomato, Tea Bag, Fleshtone Shade Wash, Sharp Lime, Pumpkin Toast, Olive Drab, Aquamentus Green, Nervous Neon Pink, Device Opulent Orange, Plum Jam, Cyber Grape, Muted Pink palette Putty, Honey Ginger, Mesozoic Green, Pickle, Hobgoblin, Dark Lilac, Bōtan, Garden Gazebo, Ice Cave, Shy Candela, Early Sunset pale Crack Willow, Hazel, My Pink, Meringue Tips palette Ferntastic, Herbivore, Indigo Mouse, Ambitious Rose, Philippine Bronze, Mountain Trail, Prophetic Purple, Bouquet, Lilac Blue, Ice Cornell Red, Spanish Gold, Ancient Copper, Glazed Persimmon, Golden Glam, Super Leaf Brown, Money, Kendal Green, Calypso Blue, Cap Incubation Red, Olive Shadow, Ripe Green, Ceramic Blue Turquoise, Dresden Blue, Ce Soir, Prussian, Flannel Grey, Ice Cave, Whirlpo Monterey Brown, Not Yet Caramel, Qahvei Brown, Country Lake, Black Beauty, Suitable Brown, Sombre Grey, Nouveau-Riche, Ice Cave pa Bourbon, Physalis, Hot Orange, Wheel of Dharma, Verditer Blue, Lapis Lazuli, Iris Petal, Green Kelp palette River of Gold, Gamboge Yellow, Game Over, Studio Blue Green, Ice Cave, Summer's Heat, Spring Shower palette Ultramarine Shadow, Pine Needle, Corsair, Machine Gun Metal, Warm Waterlogged Lab Coat, Greenish Beige, Ballroom Blue, Ice Cave, B Fingerpaint, Olive Niçoise, Yellow Lupine, Worn Olive, Bright Orange, Golden Sprinkles, Luxurious Lime, Rose Garland, Ice Cave pal Lonely Road, Rodeo Red, Tennis Court, Silent Sage, Rhubarb Smoothie, Stiletto, Property, Woodland Moss, Plumberry, Colonial Reviva Limbert Leather, Swagger, Forget-Me-Not Blue, Cinnapink, Mountain Forest, Root Beer, Amethyst Haze palette Curaçao Blue, Redstone, Blue Dianne, Old Doeskin palette Hammock, Midnight Mosaic, Oakwood, Ice Cave, On the Rocks palette Autumn Grey, Afternoon Sky, Ice Cave palette Woodcraft, Slick Mud, Money Tree, Laurel Garland, Sleet palette Riverside Blue, City Sunrise, Ice Cave, Prudence palette Citrus Lime, Beets, Red Herring, Ashberry, Photon Barrier, Grey Rose palette Carmen Miranda, Flush Mahogany, Kincha Brown, Mykonos Blue, Raiden Blue, Cocoa Bean, She Loves Pink palette Farrago, Raspberry Mousse palette Life Is Good, Giants Orange, Stratos, Urbane Bronze, Attica, Spring Leaves, Ice Cave, Eternal Elegance palette Alpine, Amethyst Grey, Creeping Bellflower, Delltone palette International Klein Blue, Asurmen Blue Wash, Purple Shade, Gulābī Pink, Ice Cave palette Velvet Cake, Negishi Green, Magic Lamp, Shishito Pepper Green, Bilbao, Exquisite Turquoise, Steel, Vintage, Concord Jam, Lamp Post Eagle's Meadow, Thy Flesh Consumed, Sunglo, Sunray, Bright Bubble, Jade Stone Green, Abyss, Ice Cave palette Carafe, Chathams Blue, Serbian Green, Tom Thumb, Greige, Ice Cave palette Exuberant Orange, Groovy Lemon Pie, Habanero Gold, Emerald Starling, Daniel Boone, Cinnamon Frost, Ice Cave, Veiled Treasure palet Red Pentacle, Retro Vibe, Mykonos, Blue Kelp, Viola Black, Vixen, Finnegan, Open Seas, Safflowerish Sky, Ice Cave, Light Rattan, C Pecan, Lemon Lime Mojito, Sultry Sea, Black Locust, Aegean Splendor, Soft Amber, Ice Cave, Atmospheric Soft Blue, Horned Lizard pa Wildness Mint, Spanish Carmine, Hóng Zōng Brown, Young Colt, Duct Tape Grey, Ice Cave, Apricot Iced Tea, Warm Bread palette Black Htun, Queen Anne Lilac, Ice Cave, Calamansi palette Philippine Gold, Indian Saffron, Skyan, Taiwan Blue Magpie, Violet Orchid, Aswad Black, Ficus Elastica, Mineral Green, Wetland Sto Vulcan Mud, Wild Honey, Crisp Lettuce, Picnic Day Sky, Smoky Azurite, Red Pink, Tetsu Green, Blue Bell, Minimalist, Ice Cave, Gold
Contraste de color
Combinaciones de colores #a0beda con negro y blanco para texto pequeño, texto grande y gráficos según la proporción de contraste de accesibilidad de WCAG.
#a0beda Relación de contraste
Tamaño | nivel AA | nivel AAA |
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Texto pequeño: |
#a0beda Relación de contraste
Tamaño | nivel AA | nivel AAA |
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Texto pequeño: |