Creado en 02/22/2023 13:04

#a0cdd9 HEX Color Regent St Blue información

#a0cdd9 RGB(160, 205, 217)

RGB los valores son RGB(160, 205, 217)
#a0cdd9 el color contiene Rojo 62.75%, Verde 80.39% y Azul 85.1%.

Nombres de color de #a0cdd9 HEX código

Regent St Blue Color

Clasificación de colores #a0cdd9

#a0cdd9 es Luz y Frío Color
Matiz de lightblue
Color opuesto para Regent St Blue – #d9ada0

#a0cdd9 Conversión de color

Información de códigos y valores sobre el decimal de color HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #a0cdd9 Regent St Blue

hsl(193, 43%, 74%)
hsla(193, 43%, 74%, 1)
RGB(160, 205, 217)
RGBA(160, 205, 217, 1)

Paletas para el color #a0cdd9 Regent St Blue:

A continuación ejemplos de paletas de colores para #a0cdd9 color HEX

el color más oscuro es #101416 de los tonos y el color más claro es #f6fafb de los tintes

Paleta de sombras de #a0cdd9:
Paleta de tintes de #a0cdd9:
Paleta complementaria de #a0cdd9:
Paleta triádica de #a0cdd9:
Paleta cuadrada de #a0cdd9:
Paleta análoga de #a0cdd9:
Paleta dividida-complementaria de #a0cdd9:
Paleta rectangular (tetrádica) de #a0cdd9:

Color Regent St Blue #a0cdd9 usado en paletas (37)

Tints of Regent St Blue color #A0CDD9 hex Shades of Regent St Blue color #A0CDD9 hex Paris Daisy, Alfalfa Bug, Astro Purple, Wilhelminian Pink, Sundress, Fading Sunset, Regent St Blue, Tulip Soft Blue, Winter Frost, Landmark, Mulgore Mustard, Stunning Gold, Chivalrous Fox, Aged Gouda, Pieces of Eight, Slap Happy, Moss Point Green, Kelly Green, Rain Slicker, Burning Fireflies, Theatre Dress, Versailles Rose, Peach Flower, Regent St Blue, Mauvelous, Summer's Heat, White Rab Regent St Blue, Organza Green, Pale Grey Blue palette Poinciana, Hot Chilli, Mozzarella Covered Chorizo, Mexican Spirit, University of Tennessee Orange, Lime Candy Pearl, Ultra Pink, M Arcade Fire, Bath Green, Regent St Blue, Bad Moon Yellow, Sheer Lavender palette Sour Bubba, Bright Light Green, Regent St Blue palette Jackpot, Aloha, Navy Teal, Boy Blue, Regent St Blue, Light Livingstone, Oriental Blush, Poodle Pink, Berry Frost, Chickpea palette Center Stage, Wolf's Fur, Sell Out, Land Rush Bone, Regent St Blue, Burgundy Grey palette Woven Basket, Beige Intenso, Regent St Blue, Capri Water Blue, Salmon Beauty, Cheviot palette Super Rose Red, Atlantic Blue, Still Fuchsia, Tokiwa Green, Daring Indigo, Regent St Blue, Basin Blue palette Moroccan Sky, Money Banks, Bermuda, Infrared Gloze, Into the Green, Regent St Blue, Gramp's Tea Cup palette Medieval Forest, Blue Marble, Regent St Blue, Elven Flesh palette Seascape, Bay Isle Pointe, Regent St Blue palette Currywurst, Alpine Meadow, Rosemary Green, Club Mauve, Mecca Red, Purple Passion, Florence Red, Monterey Chestnut, Middle Blue Gre Vibrant Honey, Hotspot, Green People, Beanstalk, Teal Me No Lies, Top Shelf, Dazzling Blue, Honey Tea, Rustic Rose, Regent St Blue Crisis Red, Whisky, Putting Green, Frank Blue, Sassafras, Railroad Ties, Pinyon Pine, Old Tudor, Sea Hazel, Quail Ridge, Matte Gre Wild Party, Sunset, Mincemeat, Dubuffet Green, Deep Water, Tile Blue, Vibrant Vision, Regent St Blue, Micaceous Light Grey palette Prehistoric Meteor, Sandalwood Tan, Chocolate Delight, Crimson Boy, Monstera Deliciosa, Simply Green, Smokey Denim, Molten Lead, T Westchester Grey, Forest Edge, Firmament Blue, Pirate's Haven, Raffia Ribbon, Regent St Blue, Faded Pink palette Sawtooth Aak, Australium Gold, Countryside, Medium Green, Russ Grey, Pullman Green, Gorthor Brown, Sweet Tooth, Jitterbug palette Mikado Yellow, Iris Bloom, Dusky Rose, Nobility Blue, Pointed Fir, Regent St Blue palette Burning Bush, Mustard Sauce, Mown Grass, Crater Lake, Smoke Screen, Regent St Blue palette Regal Gown, Nectarous Nectarine, Japanese Wineberry, Regent St Blue palette Botanical Green, Blueberry, Pinch of Pepper, Mud Room, Fresh Sprout, Vintage Ribbon, Regent St Blue palette Number #31 Ganache, Regent St Blue palette Alpine Meadow, Mystical, Paspalum Grass, Foille, Regent St Blue, Refreshing Tea, Sand Dance, Ottoman palette Qermez Red, Palisade Orchid, Rhodes palette Beaver Pelt, Regent St Blue palette Cane Toad, Spruce Yellow, Courgette Yellow, Buzz-In, Blue Edge, Mountain Moss, Regent St Blue palette Volcano, Armadillo palette Sun-Kissed Brick, Medium Spring Green, Sparkling Blueberry Lemonade, Midnight Clover, Sunken Ship, Summer Lily, Regent St Blue pal Derby Brown, US Field Drab, Kathmandu palette Palm Springs Splash, Fuchsia Flair, Monaco Blue, Slate Wall, Mauverine, Regent St Blue palette

Contraste de color

Combinaciones de colores #a0cdd9 con negro y blanco para texto pequeño, texto grande y gráficos según la proporción de contraste de accesibilidad de WCAG.

Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
Texto grande:
Texto pequeño:
Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
Texto grande:
Texto pequeño:

Imagen Regent St Blue #a0cdd9 color png