Creado en 02/18/2023 20:02

#a18b5d HEX Color Shank información

#a18b5d RGB(161, 139, 93)

RGB los valores son RGB(161, 139, 93)
#a18b5d el color contiene Rojo 63.14%, Verde 54.51% y Azul 36.47%.

Nombres de color de #a18b5d HEX código

Shank, Tan Color

Clasificación de colores #a18b5d

#a18b5d es Luz y Cálido Color
Sombra de darkgoldenrod
Color opuesto para Shank – #5d73a2

#a18b5d Conversión de color

Información de códigos y valores sobre el decimal de color HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #a18b5d Shank

hsl(41, 27%, 50%)
hsla(41, 27%, 50%, 1)
RGB(161, 139, 93)
RGBA(161, 139, 93, 1)

Paletas para el color #a18b5d Shank:

A continuación ejemplos de paletas de colores para #a18b5d color HEX

el color más oscuro es #100e09 de los tonos y el color más claro es #f6f3ef de los tintes

Paleta de sombras de #a18b5d:
Paleta de tintes de #a18b5d:
Paleta complementaria de #a18b5d:
Paleta triádica de #a18b5d:
Paleta cuadrada de #a18b5d:
Paleta análoga de #a18b5d:
Paleta dividida-complementaria de #a18b5d:
Paleta rectangular (tetrádica) de #a18b5d:

Paletas de colores sugeridas para #a18b5d HEX:

Paleta de colores con color #a18b5d #1:
Paleta de colores con color #a18b5d #2:
Paleta de colores con color #a18b5d #3:
Paleta de colores con color #a18b5d #4:
Paleta de colores con color #a18b5d #5:

Color Shank #a18b5d usado en paletas (50)

Shades XKCD Color sandstone #c9ae74 hex Celticart sword knot viking palette Mudstone, Shank, Rich Oak, Vin Cuit, Wild Poppy, Nuclear Fallout, Aloe Thorn, Luscious Lime, Blue Boater, Blue Cruise, Purple Empe Matte Brown, Shank, Pharaoh's Seas, Sapphire Splendour, Coral Dune palette Shank, Spiced Cider, Brasso, Fall Gold, Abundance, Nebula, Peach Fuzz palette Red Obsession, Shank, Whitetail palette Shank Ground Pepper, Shank, Gold Ransom, Tassel, Acacia Green, Mint Mousse, Ivory Stone, Warm Sun palette Shank, Welcome Home, Vegan Mastermind, Aztec Turquoise, Special Grey, Groovy, Black Evergreen, Second Nature, Strawberry Soap, Ric Shank, Snobby Shore, Nuthatch Back, Delusional Dragonfly, Green Tone Ink, Eyre, Grape Ivy, Lilac Sachet, Chino’s, Vanity Pink pale Night Tan, Shank, Breeze of Chilli, Aqua Cyan, Irresistible, Midnight Sun, Foaming Surf, Biscuit Dough, Potentially Purple palette Shank, Agressive Aqua, Winter Palace, Advertising Blue, Pacific Spirit, Mocha Glow, Morning Green, Rustic Rose, Bread 'n Butter pa Manchester Nights, Aztec Temple, Shank, Redrock Canyon, Heart Gold, Feather Star, Zircon Blue, Crab Nebula, Arizona Stone, Shower Jarrah, Shank, German Mustard, Bat-Signal, Walled Garden, Stratford Blue, Magic Metal, Auburn, Raindance, Paris, Bored Accent Gree Knot, Shank, Electric Lime, Global Green, Spartan Blue, Summer Sea, Pink Orchid, Chive Bloom, Tony Taupe, Kobi, Ground Ginger, Cas Olive Haze, Shank, Rust Orange, Midnight, Brown 383, Aloe Leaf, Harbourmaster, Stretch of Water, Melon Sorbet, Etherium Blue, Butt Shank, Heat of Summer, Sunflower Mango, Willowleaf, Deepest Water, Kobicha, Green Room, Lotus Leaf, Golden Lake, Artisan Tea, Sies Shank, Arabian Red, Ginger Whisper, Chamois Yellow, Fire Dragon Bright, Talipot Palm, Poisonous Pesticide, Soulful Music, Knight's Rio Red, Soft Fur, Shank, Sea Nettle, Surf Rider, Dull Purple, Smoked Oak Brown, Typhus Corrosion, Bordeaux, Maidenhair Fern, Cool Shank, Sun Dried, Boreal, Official Violet palette Red Carpet, Pelati, Shank, Hong Kong Skyline, Big Daddy Blue, Distance, Erebus Blue, Pharmacy Green, Tamahagane, Nectar of the God Rusty Heart, Shank, Cheerful Tangerine, Malarca, Pixie Powder, Silly Puddy palette Shank, Apricot Sorbet, Heating Lamp, Salsa Habanero, Sphagnales Moss, Medium Sea Green, Grapevine, Grandis, French Creme, Misty Mi Shank, Chinese Bellflower, Dull Violet, Juice Violet, Casual Grey, Green Spring, Tame Thyme palette Pink Moroccan, Shank, Middle Ditch, Sunny Disposition, Fine Wine, Plum Highness, Chocolate Cupcake, Pirat's Wine, Linseed, Baba Ga Eagle's Meadow, Shank, Green Goth Eyeshadow, Pan Purple, Cerise Red, Terrestrial, Lead Ore, Always Blue palette Shank, Sunglo, Powder Room, Crowberry, Ushabti Bone, Brampton Grey, Sediment, Copenhagen, Watermill Wood, Baked Brie palette Shank, Cardboard, Outdoor Oasis, Wing Commander, Avocado Stone palette Mother Lode, Shank, Hot Chilli, Tenné, Aqua Forest, Sussie, Liberalist, Cab Sav, Full City Roast, Beetroot palette Shank, Sugar Glazed Cashew, Orange Tiger, Turkish Blue, Purple Pleasures, Dark Red Brown, Izmir Purple, Lazy Grey, Three Ring Circ Cedar Plank, Tea Bag, Shank, French Beige, Ginger Scent, Chilean Fire, Ogre Odor, Lime Tree, Radler, Deep Denim, Vermont Slate, Gn Zandri Dust, Shank, Falafel, Sun Crete, Robin's Egg, Prairie Denim, German Liquorice, Japanese Violet, Emily Ann Tan, Menoth White Shank, Tropical Light, Skinny Jeans, Young Redwood, Old Heart, Vulcanized, Concealment, Dark as Night, Forrester, Buffalo Dance, R Shank, Citronette, Eye Grey, Blue Ballad, Tlāloc Blue, Coastal Surf, Port Au Prince, Whispering Willow, Dustblu, Bog, Nomadic Trav Chocolate Pudding, Shank, River Road, Mission Tile, Mineral Yellow, Yellow Sumac, Zephyr Green, Dusky Cyclamen, Willow Wood, Eastl Shank, Hello Summer, Cherry Velvet, Kettle Black, Rooted, By The Sea, Goose Wing Grey, Back to Nature, Blooming Perfect palette Shank, Brass Buttons, Funk, Big Fish, Organic Field, Witty Green, Scroll palette Shank, Sedona at Sunset, Blues, Advertising Blue, People's Choice palette Shank, Panda Black, Bridgewood, Naturalist Grey, Beeswax, Salmon Tint, Be Mine, Frosted Juniper palette Ribbon Red, Shank, Cyanara, Enchanting Sky, Shaku-Do Copper, Cherrywood palette Shank, Illuminating palette Shank, Fresh Cantaloupe, Militant Vegan, Aldabra, Appalachian Trail, Nevada Sand palette Shank, Orange Squash, Zambia, Space Grey, Anthracite Grey, Waterway palette Allura Red, Shank, Antilles Garden, Coffee Beans, Tin Soldier, Peach's Daydream palette Shank, Base Sand, Summer Weasel, Autumn Sunset, Treasure Map Waters, Honed Steel, Amber Dawn, Bridal Rose palette Shank, Silicate Green palette Shank, Peach Macaron palette Shank, Privilege Green, Blue Ashes, Surgical Green, Blue Bikini, Cashmere Blue, Lemon Whip palette Shank, Appalachian Forest, Leafy Canopy palette Red Candle, Rustic Hacienda, Enchanted Wood, Shank, Night Owl, Flesh Fly, Egyptian Violet palette

Contraste de color

Combinaciones de colores #a18b5d con negro y blanco para texto pequeño, texto grande y gráficos según la proporción de contraste de accesibilidad de WCAG.

Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
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Texto pequeño:
Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
Texto grande:
Texto pequeño:

Imagen Shank #a18b5d color png

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