Creado en 02/22/2023 21:03

#f2cc64 HEX Color Bee Hall información

#f2cc64 RGB(242, 204, 100)

RGB los valores son RGB(242, 204, 100)
#f2cc64 el color contiene Rojo 94.9%, Verde 80% y Azul 39.22%.

Nombres de color de #f2cc64 HEX código

Bee Hall, Gold Color

Clasificación de colores #f2cc64

#f2cc64 es Luz y Cálido Color
Sombra de gold

colores alternativos de Bee Hall #f2cc64

Color opuesto para Bee Hall – #6389f2

#f2cc64 Conversión de color

Información de códigos y valores sobre el decimal de color HEX, HEX. Valores HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #f2cc64 Bee Hall

hsl(44, 85%, 67%)
hsla(44, 85%, 67%, 1)
RGB(242, 204, 100)
RGBA(242, 204, 100, 1)

Paletas para el color #f2cc64 Bee Hall:

A continuación ejemplos de paletas de colores para #f2cc64 color HEX

el color más oscuro es #18140a de los tonos y el color más claro es #fefaf0 de los tintes

Paleta de sombras de #f2cc64:
Paleta de tintes de #f2cc64:
Paleta complementaria de #f2cc64:
Paleta triádica de #f2cc64:
Paleta cuadrada de #f2cc64:
Paleta análoga de #f2cc64:
Paleta dividida-complementaria de #f2cc64:
Paleta rectangular (tetrádica) de #f2cc64:

Paletas de colores sugeridas para #f2cc64 HEX:

Paleta de colores con color #f2cc64 #1:
Paleta de colores con color #f2cc64 #2:
Paleta de colores con color #f2cc64 #3:
Paleta de colores con color #f2cc64 #4:
Paleta de colores con color #f2cc64 #5:

Color Bee Hall #f2cc64 usado en paletas (50)

Graphic design vector branding hex colors Tuskgor Fur, Bee Hall, Gun Powder, Blue Smoke, Laundry White palette Bee Hall, Xanadu, Jacqueline, Chain Reaction, Tender Waves palette Chasm, Orpiment Orange, Bee Hall, Barely Rose palette Bee Hall, Gooseberry Fool, First Timer Green, Tawny Daylily palette Picador, Bee Hall, Hawaiian Breeze, Dusty Trail, Jonquil palette Sandrift, Antique Copper, Gold Leaf, Bee Hall, Lavender Blue Shadow, Strawberry Frosting, Pine Grove, Night Brown, Earthy Khaki Gr Bicyclette, Vermillion, Mukluks, Wet Pottery Clay, Shell Pink, Bee Hall, Snot Green, Ink Blue, Glacier Pearl, Edwardian Lace palet Sonora Shade, Bee Hall, Carlisle, Summer Sea, Astral, Pisces Vivid Amethyst, Sky Captain, Eiffel Tower palette Clay Bath, Bee Hall, Macragge Blue, Indulgent Mocha, Pumpkin Mousse, Venetian Pearl, Whispering Peach palette Bee Hall, Heavy Metal Armor, Lacy Mist, Light Glaze, Flemish Blue, Pale Turquoise palette Faded Khaki, Bee Hall, Sepia Black, Wood Acres, Quail, Greylac, Steel Toe, Tranquil Taupe, Future Vision, Wood Pigeon palette Lemon Ginger, Bee Hall, Pure Mauve, Boltgun Metal, One Year of Rain, Finn palette Kosher Khaki, Cornstalk, Castellina, Consumed by Fire, Bee Hall, Athena Blue, Violet Magican, Baroque Rose, Shuriken, Night Romanc Sehnsucht Red, Tango Red, Cathedral Stone, Bee Hall, Greenland, Clean Slate, Male Betta, Cod Grey, Dallas, French Mauve, Pinch Me, Imagine, Honeysuckle Blast, Bee Hall, Yule Tree, Canyon Blue, Midnight Mosaic, San Carlos Plaza palette Crete, Chilli Cashew, Pastel Red, Bee Hall, Ripe Mango, Blackberry Leaf Green, Deep Aubergine, Pencil Point, Cloak Grey, Key Largo Bee Hall, Norwegian Blue, Tahitian Tide, Metal Construction Green, Arcavia Red, Lily of the Nile, Beach Lilac, Kiwi Ice Cream Gree Knot, Sunflower Valley, Bee Hall, Tuscan Herbs, Pink Poppy, Carley's Rose, Mazarine Blue, Heavy Khaki, Less Traveled, Oat Straw pa Positively Palm, Bee Hall, Castaway Cove, Lagoon, Pike Lake, Andiron, Hidden Sea Glass, Sand Trap, Solid Pink palette Bee Hall, Grass, Yíng Guāng Sè Pink, Parisian Night, Alpha Male, Flight Time, Light French Taupe palette Langoustino, Breeze of Chilli, Cheese Puff, Bee Hall, Talipot Palm, Clover, Oil, Even Growth palette True Walnut, Antiquarian Brown, Camel Toe, Plague Brown, Bee Hall, Plum Shade, Ultraviolet Nusp, Wailing Woods, Wine Gummy Red, Br Junkrat, Goulash, Theatre Gold, Mad For Mango, Bee Hall, Traffic Light Green, Basilica Blue, Voltage, Bear Rug, Fennelly, Anakiwa, Hair Brown, Stiletto Love, Bee Hall, Lost Golfer, Lake Baikal, Jordan Jazz, Arsenic, Anode, Colonial Aqua palette Cafe Ole, Bee Hall, Nasake, Luscious, Dark Ebony, Black Powder, Nine Iron, Afternoon, Sanctuary, Comfort Grey, Peach Brick palette Motif, Glazed Ginger, Bee Hall, Vegan Mastermind, Caveman palette Bee Hall, Asparagus, Catfish, Marker Blue, Sugar Grape, Wisteria, Harvest Brown, Chrysoprase palette Bee Hall, Emerald Lake, Majolica Blue, Sporting Green, Thunder Grey, Paddy, Fresh Lemonade, Mint Ice Cream, Orchid Fragrance, Miss Cedar Staff, Golden Bell, Herald's Trumpet, Bee Hall, Solarized, Environmental Green, Fudge, Hiroshima Aquamarine, Kinder, Chenill Even Evan, Vin Cuit, Carnival, Bee Hall, Pac-Man, Marina, Green Vogue, Dark Dreams, Cabin Fever, Caput Mortuum Grey Red, Sunset in Sparkling Red, Sea Pink, Bee Hall, Sunbound, Cucuzza Verde, Greenalicious, Blue Mana, Sea Sight, Sarah's Garden, Ocean Boat Blue, Chicken Comb, Palm Frond, Yellow Acorn, Boho Copper, Bee Hall, Gibraltar, Banished Brown, Desert Echo, Litmus, Wheat Bread, Horizo Bloodthirsty Vampire, Tree Swing, Succulent Lime, Bee Hall, Bracken Green, Majestic Mountain, Adrift, Purple Gumdrop, Yippie Yello Treasure Chamber, Toki Brown, Camouflage Olive, Ryza Dust, Mango Margarita, Bee Hall, Hive, Bonsai Trunk, Blue Green Scene, Univer Cypress Green, Bee Hall, Clear Blue palette Windows #42 Medium Wood, Bee Hall, Solid Empire, Toque White palette Bee Hall, Piano Brown, Blush Sand, Particle Cannon palette Bee Hall, Soft Red, Green Gate, Sandy Hair, Arctic Rose palette Spice Market, Bee Hall, Dead Sea Mud, Ultramint, Dewmist Delight, Pink Frosting palette Dandelion Wish, Bee Hall, Yellow Jacket, Graphite, Forbidden Forest, Monterey Chestnut, Lagoon Blue, Instigate palette Tamed Beast, River Mud, Bee Hall, Typhus Corrosion, Sceptre Blue, Mineral Beige, Krypton, Sand Motif palette Mecha Grey, Bee Hall, Comfrey, Noble Purple palette Bee Hall Bee Hall, Maize, Pickled Pineapple, Hilo Bay, Teal Blue, Abyssal, Amethyst Paint, Hyacinth Ice palette Noble Cause, Bee Hall, Guinean Green palette Samba, Ablaze, Greenfinch, Mustard On Toast, Bee Hall, Titanium Yellow, Soft Impact, Joie De Vivre palette Soft Bronze, Bee Hall, Medium Sea Green, Acapulco Cliffs, Raspberry Pudding, Clinker, Hexed Lichen, Railroad Ties, Olive Branch, B Dark Blond, Candyman, Bee Hall, Wood Acres, Bidwell Blue, Green Dragon Spring palette

Contraste de color

Combinaciones de colores #f2cc64 con negro y blanco para texto pequeño, texto grande y gráficos según la proporción de contraste de accesibilidad de WCAG.

Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
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Texto pequeño:
Relación de contraste
Tamañonivel AAnivel AAA
Texto grande:
Texto pequeño:

Imagen Bee Hall #f2cc64 color png

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