Created at 07/29/2023 14:20
The palette consists of Dark, Light colors. Accent colors Teal #008080 and Yriel Yellow #ffdb58. Palette has Cool, Warm, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette LRT_ChatGPT has combination of 20 codes colors:
HEX: #002b45, RGB: (0, 43, 69); HEX: #8c7965, RGB: (140, 121, 101); HEX: #4d4e53, RGB: (77, 78, 83)
HEX: #4f7cac, RGB: (79, 124, 172); HEX: #d0c1a0, RGB: (208, 193, 160); HEX: #708090, RGB: (112, 128, 144)
HEX: #6b8e23, RGB: (107, 142, 35); HEX: #d3d3d3, RGB: (211, 211, 211); HEX: #4682b4, RGB: (70, 130, 180)
HEX: #9370db, RGB: (147, 112, 219); HEX: #a93226, RGB: (169, 50, 38); HEX: #008080, RGB: (0, 128, 128)
HEX: #ffdb58, RGB: (255, 219, 88); HEX: #c48189, RGB: (196, 129, 137); HEX: #806517, RGB: (128, 101, 23)
HEX: #006400, RGB: (0, 100, 0); HEX: #ff6f61, RGB: (255, 111, 97); HEX: #e6e6fa, RGB: (230, 230, 250)
HEX: #f08080, RGB: (240, 128, 128); HEX: #654432, RGB: (101, 68, 50)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of midnightblue, Tint of Grey, Tint of dimgrey, Tint of steelblue, Shade of tan, slategrey, olivedrab, lightgrey, steelblue, mediumpurple, Shade of firebrick, Teal, Shade of gold, Tint of rosybrown, Tint of Olive, darkgreen, Tint of salmon, lavender, lightcoral, Tint of saddlebrown
Color scheme was created by Kelli Myers
Colors codes in palette
LRT_ChatGPT color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#002b45 | RGB(0, 43, 69) | — | — | |
#8c7965 | RGB(140, 121, 101) | — | — | |
#4d4e53 | RGB(77, 78, 83) | — | — | |
#4f7cac | RGB(79, 124, 172) | — | — | |
#d0c1a0 | RGB(208, 193, 160) | — | — | |
#708090 | RGB(112, 128, 144) | — | Chain Gang Grey | |
#6b8e23 | RGB(107, 142, 35) | — | Scallion | |
#d3d3d3 | RGB(211, 211, 211) | — | Pinball | |
#4682b4 | RGB(70, 130, 180) | — | Steel Blue | |
#9370db | RGB(147, 112, 219) | — | Matt Purple | |
#a93226 | RGB(169, 50, 38) | — | — | |
#008080 | RGB(0, 128, 128) | — | Teal | |
#ffdb58 | RGB(255, 219, 88) | — | Yriel Yellow | |
#c48189 | RGB(196, 129, 137) | — | — | |
#806517 | RGB(128, 101, 23) | — | — | |
#006400 | RGB(0, 100, 0) | — | Cucumber | |
#ff6f61 | RGB(255, 111, 97) | — | Living Coral | |
#e6e6fa | RGB(230, 230, 250) | — | Cyber Lavender | |
#f08080 | RGB(240, 128, 128) | — | Meat | |
#654432 | RGB(101, 68, 50) | — | — |
Color Palette Contrast
97 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#002b45 | #4d4e53 | 1.76 |
#002b45 | #006400 | 1.97 |
#002b45 | #654432 | 1.69 |
#8c7965 | #4d4e53 | 1.99 |
#8c7965 | #4f7cac | 1.04 |
#8c7965 | #708090 | 1.02 |