Created at 12/28/2023 07:05

Pleasant Pomegranate, Shortgrass Prairie, Kokoda, Tufted Leather, Connect Red, Cookie Dough, Medusa Green, Daffodil, Dill Powder,

Pleasant Pomegranate
Shortgrass Prairie
Tufted Leather
Connect Red
Cookie Dough
Medusa Green
Dill Powder
Blue Beauty
Nervous Neon Pink
Flickr Pink
Shani Purple
Cadmium Green
Crushed Violets
Intense Purple
Moonlight Melody
Rooftop Garden
Back to Nature
Windsor Greige
Biloba Flower
Colonial Revival Tan
Lime Lightning
Lion Cub
Egg Wash
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The palette consists of Light, Dark, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Cadmium Green #006b3c and Seashell #fff5ee. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Pleasant Pomegranate, Shortgrass Prairie, Kokoda, Tufted Leather, Connect Red, Cookie Dough, Medusa Green, Daffodil, Dill Powder, has combination of 30 codes colors:
HEX: #cc3300, RGB: (204, 51, 0); HEX: #9e957c, RGB: (158, 149, 124); HEX: #7b785a, RGB: (123, 120, 90)
HEX: #b96c46, RGB: (185, 108, 70); HEX: #eb6651, RGB: (235, 102, 81); HEX: #ab7100, RGB: (171, 113, 0)
HEX: #998800, RGB: (153, 136, 0); HEX: #ffff31, RGB: (255, 255, 49); HEX: #9da073, RGB: (157, 160, 115)
HEX: #7498bf, RGB: (116, 152, 191); HEX: #837f92, RGB: (131, 127, 146); HEX: #ff6ec7, RGB: (255, 110, 199)
HEX: #fb0081, RGB: (251, 0, 129); HEX: #4c1050, RGB: (76, 16, 80); HEX: #006b3c, RGB: (0, 107, 60)
HEX: #544f3a, RGB: (84, 79, 58); HEX: #643a4c, RGB: (100, 58, 76); HEX: #4d4a6f, RGB: (77, 74, 111)
HEX: #af73b0, RGB: (175, 115, 176); HEX: #9ead92, RGB: (158, 173, 146); HEX: #bdb98f, RGB: (189, 185, 143)
HEX: #c4b49c, RGB: (196, 180, 156); HEX: #ae99d2, RGB: (174, 153, 210); HEX: #d3b699, RGB: (211, 182, 153)
HEX: #befd73, RGB: (190, 253, 115); HEX: #ff88bb, RGB: (255, 136, 187); HEX: #f1d9a5, RGB: (241, 217, 165)
HEX: #f9cda4, RGB: (249, 205, 164); HEX: #e2e1c8, RGB: (226, 225, 200); HEX: #fff5ee, RGB: (255, 245, 238)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of Red, Tint of darkgrey, Shade of darkolivegreen, Tint of chocolate, Tint of tomato, Tint of darkgoldenrod, Shade of Olive, Shade of Yellow, Tint of darkkhaki, Shade of cornflowerblue, Shade of slategrey, Shade of hotpink, Tint of deeppink, Shade of indigo, Shade of darkgreen, Tint of dimgrey, Shade of Purple, Shade of darkslateblue, Tint of orchid, Tint of darkseagreen, Shade of darkkhaki, Tint of tan, Tint of plum, Shade of tan, Shade of greenyellow, Shade of hotpink, Tint of wheat, Tint of peachpuff, Tint of beige, Shade of linen
Color scheme was created by colorstudio

Colors codes in palette

Pleasant Pomegranate, Shortgrass Prairie, Kokoda, Tufted Leather, Connect Red, Cookie Dough, Medusa Green, Daffodil, Dill Powder, color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#cc3300 RGB(204, 51, 0)Pleasant Pomegranate
#9e957c RGB(158, 149, 124)Shortgrass Prairie
#7b785a RGB(123, 120, 90)Kokoda
#b96c46 RGB(185, 108, 70)Tufted Leather
#eb6651 RGB(235, 102, 81)Connect Red
#ab7100 RGB(171, 113, 0)Cookie Dough
#998800 RGB(153, 136, 0)Medusa Green
#ffff31 RGB(255, 255, 49)Daffodil
#9da073 RGB(157, 160, 115)Dill Powder
#7498bf RGB(116, 152, 191)Blue Beauty
#837f92 RGB(131, 127, 146)Purpletone
#ff6ec7 RGB(255, 110, 199)Nervous Neon Pink
#fb0081 RGB(251, 0, 129)Flickr Pink
#4c1050 RGB(76, 16, 80)Shani Purple
#006b3c RGB(0, 107, 60)Cadmium Green
#544f3a RGB(84, 79, 58)Panda
#643a4c RGB(100, 58, 76)Crushed Violets
#4d4a6f RGB(77, 74, 111)Intense Purple
#af73b0 RGB(175, 115, 176)Moonlight Melody
#9ead92 RGB(158, 173, 146)Rooftop Garden
#bdb98f RGB(189, 185, 143)Back to Nature
#c4b49c RGB(196, 180, 156)Windsor Greige
#ae99d2 RGB(174, 153, 210)Biloba Flower
#d3b699 RGB(211, 182, 153)Colonial Revival Tan
#befd73 RGB(190, 253, 115)Lime LightningPale lime
#ff88bb RGB(255, 136, 187)Cochonnet
#f1d9a5 RGB(241, 217, 165)Upbeat
#f9cda4 RGB(249, 205, 164)Lion Cub
#e2e1c8 RGB(226, 225, 200)Egg Wash
#fff5ee RGB(255, 245, 238)SeashellSeashell1

Color Palette Contrast

226 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Pleasant Pomegranate, Shortgrass Prairie, Kokoda, Tufted Leather, Connect Red, Cookie Dough, Medusa Green, Daffodil, Dill Powder, png

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