Created at 10/10/2024 21:35
Spalding Grey, Otter Tail, Double Latte, Sepia Skin, Pastel Green, Skavenblight Dinge, Purple Plumeria, Volcanic Island, Duchess L
Spalding Grey
Otter Tail
Double Latte
Sepia Skin
Pastel Green
Skavenblight Dinge
Purple Plumeria
Volcanic Island
Duchess Lilac
Egyptian Sand
Zenith Heights
Best in Show
Intergalactic Blue
Lavendar Wisp
Antique Lace
The palette consists of Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Intergalactic Blue #afe0ef and Antique Lace #fdf2db. Palette has Neutral, Warm, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Spalding Grey, Otter Tail, Double Latte, Sepia Skin, Pastel Green, Skavenblight Dinge, Purple Plumeria, Volcanic Island, Duchess L has combination of 17 codes colors:
HEX: #8d7f75, RGB: (141, 127, 117); HEX: #938577, RGB: (147, 133, 119); HEX: #a78c71, RGB: (167, 140, 113)
HEX: #9f5c42, RGB: (159, 92, 66); HEX: #77dd77, RGB: (119, 221, 119); HEX: #47413b, RGB: (71, 65, 59)
HEX: #473854, RGB: (71, 56, 84); HEX: #605244, RGB: (96, 82, 68); HEX: #9b909d, RGB: (155, 144, 157)
HEX: #beac90, RGB: (190, 172, 144); HEX: #bb9e9b, RGB: (187, 158, 155); HEX: #a6c8c7, RGB: (166, 200, 199)
HEX: #b9b7bd, RGB: (185, 183, 189); HEX: #afe0ef, RGB: (175, 224, 239); HEX: #f5e6c4, RGB: (245, 230, 196)
HEX: #e9ebee, RGB: (233, 235, 238); HEX: #fdf2db, RGB: (253, 242, 219)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of Grey, Shade of Grey, Tint of tan, Shade of sienna, Tint of lightgreen, Tint of dimgrey, Tint of darkslateblue, Tint of dimgrey, Shade of Grey, Tint of tan, Shade of rosybrown, Tint of powderblue, Tint of Silver, Shade of lightblue, Tint of blanchedalmond, Tint of whitesmoke, Shade of papayawhip
Color scheme was created by colourlock
Colors codes in palette
Spalding Grey, Otter Tail, Double Latte, Sepia Skin, Pastel Green, Skavenblight Dinge, Purple Plumeria, Volcanic Island, Duchess L color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#8d7f75 | RGB(141, 127, 117) | Spalding Grey | — | |
#938577 | RGB(147, 133, 119) | Otter Tail | — | |
#a78c71 | RGB(167, 140, 113) | Double Latte | — | |
#9f5c42 | RGB(159, 92, 66) | Sepia Skin | — | |
#77dd77 | RGB(119, 221, 119) | Pastel Green | — | |
#47413b | RGB(71, 65, 59) | Skavenblight Dinge | — | |
#473854 | RGB(71, 56, 84) | Purple Plumeria | — | |
#605244 | RGB(96, 82, 68) | Volcanic Island | — | |
#9b909d | RGB(155, 144, 157) | Duchess Lilac | — | |
#beac90 | RGB(190, 172, 144) | Egyptian Sand | — | |
#bb9e9b | RGB(187, 158, 155) | Awakening | — | |
#a6c8c7 | RGB(166, 200, 199) | Zenith Heights | — | |
#b9b7bd | RGB(185, 183, 189) | Best in Show | — | |
#afe0ef | RGB(175, 224, 239) | Intergalactic Blue | — | |
#f5e6c4 | RGB(245, 230, 196) | Pipitschah | — | |
#e9ebee | RGB(233, 235, 238) | Lavendar Wisp | — | |
#fdf2db | RGB(253, 242, 219) | Antique Lace | — |
Color Palette Contrast
66 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#8d7f75 | #938577 | 1.08 |
#8d7f75 | #a78c71 | 1.22 |
#8d7f75 | #9f5c42 | 1.32 |
#8d7f75 | #605244 | 1.94 |
#8d7f75 | #9b909d | 1.26 |
#8d7f75 | #beac90 | 1.74 |