Created at 10/11/2024 09:13

Ribbon Red, Remington Rust, Irish Hedge, Dusky Grape, Ornate, Swiss Plum, Horsetail, Marrakesh Red, Grapeade, Pink Sand, Runefang

Ribbon Red
Remington Rust
Irish Hedge
Dusky Grape
Swiss Plum
Marrakesh Red
Pink Sand
Runefang Steel
Nature Trail
Yell Yellow
Apple Flower
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The palette consists of Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Swiss Plum #5946b2 and Yell Yellow #ffffbf. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Ribbon Red, Remington Rust, Irish Hedge, Dusky Grape, Ornate, Swiss Plum, Horsetail, Marrakesh Red, Grapeade, Pink Sand, Runefang has combination of 14 codes colors:
HEX: #b92636, RGB: (185, 38, 54); HEX: #a25d4c, RGB: (162, 93, 76); HEX: #7cb386, RGB: (124, 179, 134)
HEX: #877f95, RGB: (135, 127, 149); HEX: #806d95, RGB: (128, 109, 149); HEX: #5946b2, RGB: (89, 70, 178)
HEX: #3d5d42, RGB: (61, 93, 66); HEX: #783b3c, RGB: (120, 59, 60); HEX: #aa9fb2, RGB: (170, 159, 178)
HEX: #dfb19b, RGB: (223, 177, 155); HEX: #c4c4c7, RGB: (196, 196, 199); HEX: #e6d7bb, RGB: (230, 215, 187)
HEX: #ffffbf, RGB: (255, 255, 191); HEX: #edf4eb, RGB: (237, 244, 235)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of brown, Shade of sienna, Tint of darkseagreen, Shade of Grey, Tint of mediumpurple, Shade of darkslateblue, Tint of darkolivegreen, Tint of brown, Tint of thistle, Shade of darksalmon, Shade of Silver, Tint of wheat, Shade of lemonchiffon, Tint of mintcream
Color scheme was created by colourlock

Colors codes in palette

Ribbon Red, Remington Rust, Irish Hedge, Dusky Grape, Ornate, Swiss Plum, Horsetail, Marrakesh Red, Grapeade, Pink Sand, Runefang color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#b92636 RGB(185, 38, 54)Ribbon Red
#a25d4c RGB(162, 93, 76)Remington Rust
#7cb386 RGB(124, 179, 134)Irish Hedge
#877f95 RGB(135, 127, 149)Dusky Grape
#806d95 RGB(128, 109, 149)Ornate
#5946b2 RGB(89, 70, 178)Swiss Plum
#3d5d42 RGB(61, 93, 66)Horsetail
#783b3c RGB(120, 59, 60)Marrakesh Red
#aa9fb2 RGB(170, 159, 178)Grapeade
#dfb19b RGB(223, 177, 155)Pink Sand
#c4c4c7 RGB(196, 196, 199)Runefang Steel
#e6d7bb RGB(230, 215, 187)Nature Trail
#ffffbf RGB(255, 255, 191)Yell Yellow
#edf4eb RGB(237, 244, 235)Apple Flower

Color Palette Contrast

43 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Ribbon Red, Remington Rust, Irish Hedge, Dusky Grape, Ornate, Swiss Plum, Horsetail, Marrakesh Red, Grapeade, Pink Sand, Runefang png

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