Created at 02/23/2023 00:49
#806d95 HEX Color Ornate information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#806d95 | RGB(128, 109, 149) |
RGB values are RGB(128, 109, 149)
#806d95 color contain Red 50.2%, Green 42.75% and Blue 58.43%.
Color Names of #806d95 HEX code
Ornate Color
Alternative colors of Ornate #806d95
Opposite Color for Ornate is #83966e
#806d95 Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #806d95 Ornate
hsl(268, 16%, 51%)
hsla(268, 16%, 51%, 1)
RGB(128, 109, 149)
RGBA(128, 109, 149, 1)
Palettes for #806d95 color Ornate:
Below examples of color palettes for #806d95 HEX color
darkest color is #0d0b0f from shades and lightest color is #f2f0f4 from tints
Shades palette of #806d95:
Tints palette of #806d95:
Complementary palette of #806d95:
Triadic palette of #806d95:
Square palette of #806d95:
Analogous palette of #806d95:
Split-Complementary palette of #806d95:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #806d95:
Color Ornate #806d95 used in palettes (50)
Kid Icarus, Ornate, Grey Dolphin, Maybeck Muslin palette Kelp Forest, Ocean Storm, Ornate palette Orangina, Zhohltyi Yellow, Ornate, Marine palette Green Cyan, Ornate, Rose Laffy Taffy, Vampirella, Wells Grey, Vintage Mauve, Sky of Ocean, Silver Spoon, Soft Muslin palette Ornate, Delicate Turquoise, Fresh Day palette Goku Orange, Cold Light of Day, Ornate, Seance, Dark Olive, Total Eclipse, Wax Flower, Pink Elephants palette Hunt Club Brown, Meadowbrook, Azure, Ornate, Sunset Horizon, Modish Moss, Pattens Blue, Skullfire palette Ornate Stock Horse, Cider Mill, Ornate, Evening Pink palette Dinosaur Bone, Buffalo Soldier, Ornate, Pageantry Purple, Ultra Pink, Raspberry Wine, Wood Charcoal, Sweet Spiceberry, Solid Empir On the Avenue, Parachute, Ornate, Deep Forestial Escapade, Plantain Green, Mulberry Purple, Sekkasshoku Brown, Dogwood Bloom, Salt Red Earth, Sulphur, Shrimp Cocktail, Decoration Blue, Ornate, Chocolate Brown, Foghorn, Olive Sand, Hidden Hills, Light Budgie Blu Flame Scarlet, Rusted Nail, Ornate, Nasake, Precious Emerald, Moon Jellyfish, Beachcombing, Damson Plum, Sumptuous Peach palette Classic Gold, Lucky Penny, Chartreuse Shot, Willow Grove, Future Hair, Vivid Cerulean, Ornate, Trapper Green, Space Black, Looking Palette Royal Red Flush, Saladin, Ornate, Bath Green, Tropical Cascade, Cress Vinaigrette, Lemon Ice Yellow, Milk Quartz, Cry Baby Blue pa Clay Bath, Slate, Blue Sapphire, Classic Blue, Ornate, Decorative Iris, Earth Red, Nato Blue, Sodalite Blue, Jungle Cover, Minimal Tangled Twine, Farmhouse Red, Honey Grove, London Road, Ornate, Still Fuchsia, Wine Tasting, Lily Green palette Chinese Red, Cocoa Powder, Sconce Gold, Escapade Gold, Wreath, Illuminati Green, Bachelor Button, Ornate, Red Violet, Patio Green, Vinho do Porto, Red Rampage, Smoke Bush Rose, Sweet Sparrow, Basketball, Crystal Green, Wedgewood, Ornate, Corundum Blue, Seeress, Queen Palm, Nugget, Red Dit, Ornate, Caramel Milk, Subtle Suede, Leek, Lavender Dream, Jade Spell palette Outdoorsy, Clove Dye, Pickle Juice, Blue Ribbon, Ornate, Ruby Grey, Triple Berry, Jazzy, Cos, Organic Field, Bauhaus Tan, Flamingo Dill Green, New Green, Golden Hour, Stinging Wasabi, Bimini Blue, Ornate, Shocking Pink, 20000 Leagues Under the Sea, Warm Air of Lava Lamp, Brick Orange, Pale Marigold, Boulder, Ornate, Purple Hedonist, Navy, Deep Depths, Black Walnut, Pale Poppy, Linen Cloth Chorizo, Elephant, Sweet Sparrow, Copper River, Turquoise Panic, Ornate, Victoria, Meteorite Black Blue, Library Leather, Desert S Karakurenai Red, Revere Greige, Wood Stain Brown, Copper Brown, Flaming Cauldron, Perennial Garden, Loch Ness, Amethyst Gem, Ornat Warm Cognac, Deep Lavender, Ornate, Infrared Flush, Machine Gun Metal, Natural Steel, Decorum, Celadon palette Hibiscus Red, Maine-Anjou Cattle, Grapefruit Yellow, Ballyhoo, Greenish Teal, Cyan Cornflower Blue, Ornate, Phlox Flower Violet, B Charred Clay, Sereni Teal, Rushing Stream, Ornate, Middle Red Purple, Chocolate Kiss, Kōrainando Green, Chocolate Coco palette Cocoa Whip, Armagnac, Magical Malachite, Libra Blue Morpho, Ornate, Desert Shadow palette Ornate, Royal Robe, Approaching Dusk, Milky Green, Albescent White palette Castaway, Ornate, Melanzane, Easter Egg palette Gypsy Canvas, Blue Metal, Ornate, Blue Magenta palette Dusty Path, Aspen Hush, Ice Climber, Ornate, Astronaut palette Mecha Grey, Ornate, Lake Retba Pink, Willowherb, Lepidolite Purple palette Golden Gate Bridge, Near Moon, Ornate, Magenta Elephant, Monarch Velvet palette Upsdell Red, Hipsterfication, Enchanting Ginger, Astorath Red, Golden Lock, Ornate palette Squirrel, Tempo Teal, Ornate, Woodsmoke, Mole, Chimney, Prosciutto, Young Apricot palette Gallery Red, Jaffa Orange palette Cǎo Lǜ Grass, Ornate, Heavy Grey, Pink Potion, Moth Pink palette Gold Drop, Biopunk, Ornate, Fine Burgundy, Red Licorice, Meški Black, Indian Ocean, Missouri Mud palette Gypsy Dancer, Autumn Glaze, Sun Dance, Ornate, Krameria, Sunshine, Whomp Grey, Orchid Hush palette Cabana Blue, Winter Palace, Ornate, Hadopelagic Water, Santana Soul, Irish Clover palette Amber Gold, Raichu Orange, Vintage Vibe, Green Dynasty, Cobalt Stone, Ornate palette Dragon Ball, Bosphorus, Forever Denim, Ornate, Purple Yearning, Deep into the Wood, Raspberry Lemonade, Spring Burst palette Smokey Claret, Green Lentils, Worsted Tan, Butternut Squash, Paradise Bird, Dirty Yellow, Swamp Shrub, Cigar Smoke, Capri, Chesty Ribbon Red, Remington Rust, Irish Hedge, Dusky Grape, Ornate, Swiss Plum, Horsetail, Marrakesh Red, Grapeade, Pink Sand, Runefang Osso Bucco, Sassy Green, Madagascar, Fuzzy Duckling, Young Leaf, Field Green, Beaming Blue, Slumber, Ornate, Knight Elf, Dark Cher Mimolette Orange, Pumpkin Hue, Blackfire Earth, Ornate, Audrey's Blush, Rhapsody, Coquina Shell, Guava Jelly, Sandy Day palette Ketchup, Hedgehog Cactus Yellow Green, Pumpkin Soup, Key Lime Pie, Horizon Blue, Ornate, Hēi Sè Black, Mystical Shadow, Obsidian,
Color Contrast
Color pairings #806d95 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#806d95 Contrast Ratio
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Small text: |
#806d95 Contrast Ratio
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