Created at 11/24/2024 08:02
Peat Swamp Forest, Jarrah, Antique Rose, Sirocco, Sea Pea, Blue Dove, Borage Blue, Altdorf Guard Blue, Space Explorer, System Shoc
Peat Swamp Forest
Antique Rose
Sea Pea
Blue Dove
Borage Blue
Altdorf Guard Blue
Space Explorer
System Shock Blue
Vintage Violet
Honey Bunny
Lavender Frost
Blustery Wind
Banded Tulip
Washing Powder Soft Blue
Praise the Sun
The palette consists of Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors System Shock Blue #3a2efe and Honey Bunny #dbb881. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Peat Swamp Forest, Jarrah, Antique Rose, Sirocco, Sea Pea, Blue Dove, Borage Blue, Altdorf Guard Blue, Space Explorer, System Shoc has combination of 17 codes colors:
HEX: #988c75, RGB: (152, 140, 117); HEX: #827058, RGB: (130, 112, 88); HEX: #997165, RGB: (153, 113, 101)
HEX: #68766e, RGB: (104, 118, 110); HEX: #457973, RGB: (69, 121, 115); HEX: #76799e, RGB: (118, 121, 158)
HEX: #5566cc, RGB: (85, 102, 204); HEX: #1f56a7, RGB: (31, 86, 167); HEX: #114499, RGB: (17, 68, 153)
HEX: #3a2efe, RGB: (58, 46, 254); HEX: #634f62, RGB: (99, 79, 98); HEX: #dbb881, RGB: (219, 184, 129)
HEX: #bdabbe, RGB: (189, 171, 190); HEX: #b6c5c1, RGB: (182, 197, 193); HEX: #e0d3bd, RGB: (224, 211, 189)
HEX: #c3d8e4, RGB: (195, 216, 228); HEX: #f3f4d9, RGB: (243, 244, 217)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of Grey, Shade of dimgrey, Tint of rosybrown, Shade of dimgrey, Shade of Teal, Tint of slategrey, Shade of royalblue, Tint of royalblue, Tint of darkslateblue, Shade of Blue, Tint of dimgrey, Tint of burlywood, Tint of thistle, Shade of Silver, Tint of antiquewhite, Shade of lightblue, Tint of beige
Color scheme was created by colorday
Colors codes in palette
Peat Swamp Forest, Jarrah, Antique Rose, Sirocco, Sea Pea, Blue Dove, Borage Blue, Altdorf Guard Blue, Space Explorer, System Shoc color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#988c75 | RGB(152, 140, 117) | Peat Swamp Forest | — | |
#827058 | RGB(130, 112, 88) | Jarrah | — | |
#997165 | RGB(153, 113, 101) | Antique Rose | — | |
#68766e | RGB(104, 118, 110) | Sirocco | — | |
#457973 | RGB(69, 121, 115) | Sea Pea | — | |
#76799e | RGB(118, 121, 158) | Blue Dove | — | |
#5566cc | RGB(85, 102, 204) | Borage Blue | — | |
#1f56a7 | RGB(31, 86, 167) | Altdorf Guard Blue | — | |
#114499 | RGB(17, 68, 153) | Space Explorer | — | |
#3a2efe | RGB(58, 46, 254) | System Shock Blue | Light royal blue | |
#634f62 | RGB(99, 79, 98) | Vintage Violet | — | |
#dbb881 | RGB(219, 184, 129) | Honey Bunny | — | |
#bdabbe | RGB(189, 171, 190) | Lavender Frost | — | |
#b6c5c1 | RGB(182, 197, 193) | Blustery Wind | — | |
#e0d3bd | RGB(224, 211, 189) | Banded Tulip | — | |
#c3d8e4 | RGB(195, 216, 228) | Washing Powder Soft Blue | — | |
#f3f4d9 | RGB(243, 244, 217) | Praise the Sun | — |
Color Palette Contrast
69 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#988c75 | #827058 | 1.43 |
#988c75 | #997165 | 1.29 |
#988c75 | #68766e | 1.43 |
#988c75 | #457973 | 1.49 |
#988c75 | #76799e | 1.26 |
#988c75 | #5566cc | 1.52 |