Created at 01/13/2025 08:57
Granite, Sierra, Carona, Luck of the Irish, Grassy Green, Flying Fish Blue, Star Platinum Purple, Gulf Winds, Hopeful Blue, Mint F
Luck of the Irish
Grassy Green
Flying Fish Blue
Star Platinum Purple
Gulf Winds
Hopeful Blue
Mint Frappe
Tricot Lilac White
Southern Beauty
Palish Peach
The palette consists of Light colors. Accent colors Grassy Green #419c03 and Star Platinum Purple #9500ff. Palette has Neutral, Warm, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Granite, Sierra, Carona, Luck of the Irish, Grassy Green, Flying Fish Blue, Star Platinum Purple, Gulf Winds, Hopeful Blue, Mint F has combination of 13 codes colors:
HEX: #746a5e, RGB: (116, 106, 94); HEX: #985c41, RGB: (152, 92, 65); HEX: #fba52e, RGB: (251, 165, 46)
HEX: #547839, RGB: (84, 120, 57); HEX: #419c03, RGB: (65, 156, 3); HEX: #024aca, RGB: (2, 74, 202)
HEX: #9500ff, RGB: (149, 0, 255); HEX: #93b2b2, RGB: (147, 178, 178); HEX: #a2b9bf, RGB: (162, 185, 191)
HEX: #d0ebc8, RGB: (208, 235, 200); HEX: #dcd3e3, RGB: (220, 211, 227); HEX: #f7dddb, RGB: (247, 221, 219)
HEX: #f7ece1, RGB: (247, 236, 225)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of dimgrey, Shade of sienna, Shade of Orange, Shade of darkolivegreen, Shade of forestgreen, Tint of slateblue, Tint of blueviolet, Shade of cadetblue, Tint of lightblue, Tint of honeydew, Tint of lavender, Tint of mistyrose, Tint of linen
Color scheme was created by colourlock
Colors codes in palette
Granite, Sierra, Carona, Luck of the Irish, Grassy Green, Flying Fish Blue, Star Platinum Purple, Gulf Winds, Hopeful Blue, Mint F color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#746a5e | RGB(116, 106, 94) | Granite | — | |
#985c41 | RGB(152, 92, 65) | Sierra | — | |
#fba52e | RGB(251, 165, 46) | Carona | — | |
#547839 | RGB(84, 120, 57) | Luck of the Irish | — | |
#419c03 | RGB(65, 156, 3) | Grassy Green | Grassy green | |
#024aca | RGB(2, 74, 202) | Flying Fish Blue | — | |
#9500ff | RGB(149, 0, 255) | Star Platinum Purple | — | |
#93b2b2 | RGB(147, 178, 178) | Gulf Winds | — | |
#a2b9bf | RGB(162, 185, 191) | Hopeful Blue | — | |
#d0ebc8 | RGB(208, 235, 200) | Mint Frappe | — | |
#dcd3e3 | RGB(220, 211, 227) | Tricot Lilac White | — | |
#f7dddb | RGB(247, 221, 219) | Southern Beauty | — | |
#f7ece1 | RGB(247, 236, 225) | Palish Peach | — |
Color Palette Contrast
38 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#746a5e | #985c41 | 1 |
#746a5e | #547839 | 1.03 |
#746a5e | #419c03 | 1.5 |
#746a5e | #024aca | 1.39 |
#746a5e | #9500ff | 1.06 |
#985c41 | #547839 | 1.04 |