Created at 01/15/2025 14:54

Nut Brown, Fire Chalk, Hot Brown, Soft Fern, Bristol Blue, Broadleaf Forest, Aristocratic Blue, Loggia, Bursting Lemon, Chromis Da

Nut Brown
Fire Chalk
Hot Brown
Soft Fern
Bristol Blue
Broadleaf Forest
Aristocratic Blue
Bursting Lemon
Chromis Damsel Blue
Pale Wisteria
Castle in the Sky
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The palette consists of Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Hot Brown #984218 and Broadleaf Forest #014421. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Nut Brown, Fire Chalk, Hot Brown, Soft Fern, Bristol Blue, Broadleaf Forest, Aristocratic Blue, Loggia, Bursting Lemon, Chromis Da has combination of 12 codes colors:
HEX: #86695e, RGB: (134, 105, 94); HEX: #d2806c, RGB: (210, 128, 108); HEX: #984218, RGB: (152, 66, 24)
HEX: #c7d368, RGB: (199, 211, 104); HEX: #558f91, RGB: (85, 143, 145); HEX: #014421, RGB: (1, 68, 33)
HEX: #354655, RGB: (53, 70, 85); HEX: #c4b7a5, RGB: (196, 183, 165); HEX: #fce282, RGB: (252, 226, 130)
HEX: #82cafc, RGB: (130, 202, 252); HEX: #bbc8e6, RGB: (187, 200, 230); HEX: #d1eaed, RGB: (209, 234, 237)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of dimgrey, Tint of salmon, Shade of saddlebrown, Tint of Khaki, Tint of cadetblue, Tint of darkgreen, Tint of darkslateblue, Shade of tan, Shade of Khaki, Tint of lightskyblue, Shade of lightsteelblue, Tint of lightcyan
Color scheme was created by colorslib

Colors codes in palette

Nut Brown, Fire Chalk, Hot Brown, Soft Fern, Bristol Blue, Broadleaf Forest, Aristocratic Blue, Loggia, Bursting Lemon, Chromis Da color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#86695e RGB(134, 105, 94)Nut Brown
#d2806c RGB(210, 128, 108)Fire Chalk
#984218 RGB(152, 66, 24)Hot Brown
#c7d368 RGB(199, 211, 104)Soft Fern
#558f91 RGB(85, 143, 145)Bristol Blue
#014421 RGB(1, 68, 33)Broadleaf Forest
#354655 RGB(53, 70, 85)Aristocratic Blue
#c4b7a5 RGB(196, 183, 165)Loggia
#fce282 RGB(252, 226, 130)Bursting Lemon
#82cafc RGB(130, 202, 252)Chromis Damsel BlueSky
#bbc8e6 RGB(187, 200, 230)Pale Wisteria
#d1eaed RGB(209, 234, 237)Castle in the Sky

Color Palette Contrast

29 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Nut Brown, Fire Chalk, Hot Brown, Soft Fern, Bristol Blue, Broadleaf Forest, Aristocratic Blue, Loggia, Bursting Lemon, Chromis Da png

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