Created at 02/22/2023 19:16
#354655 HEX Color Aristocratic Blue information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#354655 | RGB(53, 70, 85) |
RGB values are RGB(53, 70, 85)
#354655 color contain Red 20.78%, Green 27.45% and Blue 33.33%.
Color Names of #354655 HEX code
Aristocratic Blue Color
Alternative colors of Aristocratic Blue #354655
Opposite Color for Aristocratic Blue is #554435
#354655 Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #354655 Aristocratic Blue
hsl(208, 23%, 27%)
hsla(208, 23%, 27%, 1)
RGB(53, 70, 85)
RGBA(53, 70, 85, 1)
Palettes for #354655 color Aristocratic Blue:
Below examples of color palettes for #354655 HEX color
darkest color is #050708 from shades and lightest color is #ebedee from tints
Shades palette of #354655:
Tints palette of #354655:
Complementary palette of #354655:
Triadic palette of #354655:
Square palette of #354655:
Analogous palette of #354655:
Split-Complementary palette of #354655:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #354655:
Suggested colors palettes for #354655 HEX:
Colors palette with color #354655 #1:
Colors palette with color #354655 #2:
Colors palette with color #354655 #3:
Colors palette with color #354655 #4:
Colors palette with color #354655 #5:
Color Aristocratic Blue #354655 used in palettes (48)
website colors palette Fossil, Chasm Green, Aristocratic Blue, Champagne Cocktail palette Stilted Stalks, Foxy, Ambit, Blue Odyssey, Aleutian Isle, Benitoite, Aristocratic Blue, Mountain Stream, Artifact, Remembrance, Su Dusky Yellow, Porpoise Place, Aristocratic Blue palette Dull, Wolf Pack, Golden Harmony, Indian Princess, Pīlā Yellow, Ultra Green, Festive Fennec, Coalmine, Crowberry Blue, Waaagh! Fles Heartthrob, Garret Brown, Peat Swamp Forest, Silk Road, Elf Slippers, Zunda Green, Delphinium Blue, Celadon Blue, Aristocratic Blu Hibiscus, Aristocratic Blue, Wild Primrose palette Painted Sea, Gnarls Green, Aristocratic Blue, Dustblu, White Ultramarine palette Warlock Red, Heart Gold, NYPD, Aristocratic Blue, Windsurf, Sprinkled With Pink, Pristine Petal palette Autumn Landscape, Aristocratic Blue palette Witch Wood, Magenta Pink, Aristocratic Blue palette Brandy Punch, Troll Slayer Orange, Aristocratic Blue, Cinnabark palette Galactic Highway, Tetrarose, Aristocratic Blue, Antique Green, Informative Pink, Flaxen Fair, Limitless palette Grouchy Badger, Honey Garlic Beef, Quinoline Yellow, Poplar Forest, Purple Velvet, Aristocratic Blue, Partridge Grey, Steel Toe pa Grapefruit Yellow, Holy Crow, Schiava Blue, Aristocratic Blue, Mild Menthol, Morality palette Landjäger, Grasshopper Wing, Rawhide, Glazed Pot, Tan, Amour, Battleship Green, Apple Day, Leafy Seadragon, Ravenclaw, Turtle, Ari Rogan Josh, Leisure Green, Violent Violet, Swamp Mosquito, Aristocratic Blue, Black Magic, Thistle Down, Cabbage Rose, Pavilion Be Rhind Papyrus, Honey Mustard, Spring Roll, Ouni Red, Egyptian Nile, Rackley, Matriarch, Jewel, Aristocratic Blue, Chocolate Escape Laurel Oak, Tan-Gent, Field Poppy, Muddy Green, Matt Green, Bumangués Blue, Super Black, Cocoa Brown, Aristocratic Blue, Basalt Bl Warm Hearth, Lime Fizz, Green of Bhabua, Florence, Young Leaf, Baja Blue, Santorini, High Profile, Embarrassed, Aristocratic Blue, Roanoke Taupe, Chipolata, Chai Tea, Dill Powder, Green Cacophony, Carambar, Aristocratic Blue, Moorland, Tempered Grey, Harbour Gr Upsed Tomato, Road Less-Travelled, Clovedust, Lantana, Aare River Brienz, Vintage Grape, Mardi Gras, Night Blue, Aristocratic Blue Antiquarian Gold, Golden Boy, Aristocratic Blue, Creek Bend, Power Grey palette Naga Morich, Bridle Leather, Hippie Trail, Aristocratic Blue, Barnwood Grey palette Caramelize, Glass Sea, Aristocratic Blue, Purple Bloom, Mulberry Mauve Black, Accessible Beige, Mesquite Powder, Viking Diva palet Burgundy, Laura Potato, Pale Pear, Atlantic Shoreline, Architecture Blue, Fly by Night, Charade, Aristocratic Blue, Plum, Oh Pista Dorset Naga, Candy Apple Red, Syndicate Camouflage, Seabrook, Lake Red, Red Onion, Aristocratic Blue, Attorney, Chicago, Cloudless Nut Brown, Fire Chalk, Hot Brown, Soft Fern, Bristol Blue, Broadleaf Forest, Aristocratic Blue, Loggia, Bursting Lemon, Chromis Da Indian Brass, Volcanic Blast, Green Blue Slate, Imperial Blue, Marine, Mallard, Deep Space, Aristocratic Blue, Crushed Violets, Se Steamed Salmon, Tomato Concassé, Grotesque Green, Agressive Aqua, King Triton, Purple Climax, Anarchist, Aristocratic Blue palette Primrose Path, Fiesta Blue, Cherry Brandy, Aristocratic Blue, Hip Hop, Cockleshell, Toadstool Dot palette Youthful Coral, Julep, Aristocratic Blue, Canal Blue, Rose Melody, Satin Cream White palette Crash Dummy, Democrat, Aristocratic Blue, Heather Red Grey, Non Skid Grey palette Stroopwafel, Casablanca, Acid Drop, Aristocratic Blue, Lettuce Alone palette Olivia, Lochinvar, Raspberry Crush, Aristocratic Blue, Travertine Path, Amazing Grey, Alexandrian Sky palette Ticino Blue, Regal Blue, Aristocratic Blue, Foothill Drive palette Pink Horror, Aristocratic Blue, Shower palette Butter Caramel, EGA Green, Nightly Woods, Aristocratic Blue, Lake Placid palette Red Pigment, Quiche Lorraine, Aristocratic Blue, Summer Green, Viking Diva palette Shady Oak, Outrigger, Mother Lode, Paris Daisy, Potato Chip, Sunny Festival, Gunsmoke, Green Glimmer, Confederate, Cabaret Charm, Peppergrass, Rutherford, Emerald Succulent, Ruby Lips, Aristocratic Blue, Earth Warming palette Trinidad Moruga Scorpion, Sea Fantasy, Aristocratic Blue, Garden Swing, Wagon Wheel palette Orangeville, Daffodil, Bird Of Paradise, Aristocratic Blue, Brown Velvet, Gobelin Mauve, Whirlpool Green, Mint Hint palette Summer's End, Not Yo Cheese, Aristocratic Blue, Passion Razz, Finn, Raw Amethyst, Brood, Rose Brown palette Antique Bear, Military Green, Wine Not, Underworld, Aristocratic Blue, Peppermint Bar, Stanford Stone palette Salted Pretzel, Sagebrush Green, Water Raceway, Ibiza Blue, Aristocratic Blue, Cape Storm palette Aristocratic Blue, Huntington Woods, Mountain Green, Pitter Patter palette RedЯum, Russet Orange palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #354655 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#354655 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |
#354655 Contrast Ratio
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