Top 50 colors of 2022 year

Most popular colors on the Web of 2022 year. Top 50 HEX color codes used in palettes
Web Colors rating based on colors used times in palette
Also, visit the page Colors Wall to get more information about colors

5 most popular colors are #ffffff; #444444; #bcbcbc; #7c7c7c; #3c3c3c

# Color HEX Used Times
1 #ffffff 11115
2 #444444 1237
3 #bcbcbc 655
4 #7c7c7c 627
5 #3c3c3c 607
6 #7f7f7f 450
7 #424242 444
8 #0c0c14 409
9 #000000 371
10 #848484 325
11 #0c0c04 318
12 #0c0c0c 311
13 #2c2c2c 288
14 #140c0c 265
15 #ff0000 234
16 #673ab7 211
17 #3c3c44 186
18 #44444c 179
19 #b4b4b4 156
20 #34343c 151
21 #8c8c8c 129
22 #443c44 128
23 #ffff00 128
24 #0000ff 128
25 #00ffff 128
26 #4402cf 124
27 #343434 120
28 #44443c 119
29 #747474 112
30 #bfbf3f 107
31 #7c7c84 104
32 #0c040c 103
33 #3c3c34 99
34 #444c4c 98
35 #fbfb04 93
36 #008000 91
37 #4c342c 89
38 #3c3434 88
39 #3c444c 87
40 #0c0404 80
41 #84848c 77
42 #3f3fbf 75
43 #029602 73
44 #444c44 72
45 #0026ff 71
46 #00ff00 70
47 #4c3c34 70
48 #343c3c 68
49 #4c3424 67
50 #fb6404 67