Created at 02/22/2023 20:01
#314459 HEX Color Pickled Bluewood information
Color | HEX | RGB |
#314459 | RGB(49, 68, 89) |
RGB values are RGB(49, 68, 89)
#314459 color contain Red 19.22%, Green 26.67% and Blue 34.9%.
Color Names of #314459 HEX code
Pickled Bluewood Color
Alternative colors of Pickled Bluewood #314459
Opposite Color for Pickled Bluewood is #594631
#314459 Color Conversion
Codes and values information about the HEX color decimal, HEX. HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA values #314459 Pickled Bluewood
hsl(212, 29%, 27%)
hsla(212, 29%, 27%, 1)
RGB(49, 68, 89)
RGBA(49, 68, 89, 1)
Palettes for #314459 color Pickled Bluewood:
Below examples of color palettes for #314459 HEX color
darkest color is #050709 from shades and lightest color is #eaecee from tints
Shades palette of #314459:
Tints palette of #314459:
Complementary palette of #314459:
Triadic palette of #314459:
Square palette of #314459:
Analogous palette of #314459:
Split-Complementary palette of #314459:
Rectangle (tetradic) palette of #314459:
Color Pickled Bluewood #314459 used in palettes (39)
Web ui hex colors Pickled Bluewood Don't Be Shy, Mustard Magic, Desert Spice, Thicket, Purslane, Lime Green, Rookwood Blue Green, Pauley, Flickr Blue, Grapes of Ital Steeple Grey, Melted Chocolate, Wobbegong Brown, Cape Jasmine, Campanula Purple, Functional Blue, Blue Beret, Baroque Red, Feveris Flame Red, Gates of Gold, Xanadu, Berlin Blue, Ruri Blue, Blue Ribbon, Strong Blue, Arabian Silk, Champion, Everglade, Baker's Cho Pickled Bluewood, Lit'L Buoy Blew palette Gibraltar Grey, Cantankerous Coyote, Burnt Almond, Gladiola, Dioptase Green, Antique Grey, Vivid Cerise, Pinkinity, Pickled Bluewo Covered Wagon, Bubonic Brown, Pickled Bluewood, Dakota Wheat, Aebleskiver, Distilled Venom palette Pickled Bluewood, Greene & Greene, Calm Day, Sea Dew, Wisp of Mauve palette Ghost Ship, Pale Green, Fist of the North Star, Loulou's Purple, Flamingo Dream, Pickled Bluewood, Chocolate Hazelnut, Christmas O Blazing Yellow, Space Invader, Linoleum Blue, Pickled Bluewood, Winter Park, Yoghurt Brûlée, Blanca Peak palette Camel Fur, Onsen, Pickled Bluewood, Dusky Alpine Blue, Spotted Dove, Neutral Peach palette Fuel Town, Carambar, Mine Shaft, Boatswain, Holly Leaf, Pickled Bluewood, Chianti, Kokiake Brown palette Violet Majesty, Eine kleine Nachtmusik, Pickled Bluewood, Catwalk, Mount Hyjal, Oitake Green, Blackwater Park, Rigby Ridge, Edamam Congo Capture, Obscure Ochre, Orange Peel, Highlight Gold, Rambling Green, Slate Green, Bayside, Vital Green, Lavender Violet, Pel Red Blooded, Amarantha Red, Tegreen, Kimberlite, Milky Aquamarine, Altdorf Sky Blue, Blue Party Parrot, Pickled Bluewood, Rhubarb, Tangled Twine, Fuchsite Green, Llilacquered, Pickled Bluewood, Hatoba Pigeon palette Cheek Red, Acid Sleazebag, Deep Sea Dream, Pickled Bluewood, Tribeca, Stark White palette Chicken Comb, Day Glow Orange, Butter Yellow, Shire Green, Blue Ribbon Beauty, Never Forget, Dad's Coupe, Pickled Bluewood, Zombie Sequoia Dusk, Golden Lime, Maximum Green Yellow, Deep Fried Sun Rays, Think Leaf, Soulful Blue, Waiouru, Pickled Bluewood, Logan, Scarlet Tanager, Armored Steel, English Red, Pickled Bluewood, Silent Film, Silver Springs, Steam Bath, Forgotten Sunset, Pacific Mango Loco, Kelp'thar Forest Blue, Pink Bite, Pickled Bluewood, Inner Cervela, Summertime palette Wildness Mint, Sēn Lín Lǜ Forest, Ancient Ice, Wall Street, Regal Destiny, Pickled Bluewood palette Ash Gold, Acorn Nut, Alexandrite Green, Aquadulce, Future Hair, Grape Haze, Jacuzzi, Garnet Rose, Sunburnt Cyclops, Pickled Bluewo Golden Glove, Fireglow, Lush Hosta, Greeny Glaze, Pickled Bluewood, Trance, Beyond the Clouds, Frosty Day palette Glacial Green, Walled Garden, Rennie's Rose, Pickled Bluewood, Baby Vegetable, Muscovite, Yellow Blitz palette Stormy Ridge, So Merlot, Crazy Ex, Pickled Bluewood, Wine Stain, Charismatic palette Caramel Sauce, Black Hole, Firmament Blue, Pickled Bluewood, Gorthor Brown, Grass Sands palette Sensual Fumes, New Wave Pink, Patch of Land, Pickled Bluewood, Tuffet, Floss palette Soft Fern, Pickled Bluewood, Pink Linen palette Summer Fig, Warm Balaclavas Are Forever, Victoria Green, Pickled Bluewood, Steel Grey, Magnet, Tiāntāi Mountain Green palette Ocean Liner, Cadet Blue, Flashy Sapphire, Reign Over Me, Old Pink, Pickled Bluewood, Celluloid, Sage Splendor palette Flint, Pickled Avocado, Lupine Blue, Turquesa, Fitness Blue, Pickled Bluewood, Green Leaf, Dull Apricot palette Padua, Liberty, Deadly Depths, Pickled Bluewood, Mustang, Stone's Throw palette Volcanic Rock, Honey Maple, Majolica Earthenware, Sour Apple Rings, Moray Eel, Pickled Bluewood palette Vinho do Porto, Sociable, Yellow Brown, Army Canvas, Aqueous, Holly Berry, Pickled Bluewood, Rain Storm palette Ferris Wheel, Trading Post, Yriel Yellow, Iwai Brown, Pickled Bluewood, Ember Red palette Desert Shadows, Farmhouse Ochre, Peapod, Dark Purple Grey, Dark Danger, Sambuca, Pickled Bluewood, Burnt Russet palette Golden Egg, Radiation Carrot, Jamaican Dream, Romantic Moment, Pheromone Purple, Pickled Bluewood, Black Boudoir palette
Color Contrast
Color pairings #314459 with black and white with small text, large text and graphics based on WCAG on a accessibility contrast ratio
#314459 Contrast Ratio
Size | AA-level | AAA-level |
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Small text: |
#314459 Contrast Ratio
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